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First impression report Attacking disrupted units
07-13-2008, 09:10 AM,
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
I'm with the Von E on this one.

On close assaults I'm playing a scenario that since the upgrade to the official 1.03 I've made about 8 or 9 assaults. On my very first assault I think a surrounded and disrupted 4 SP French infantry fended off a 5 or 6 SP German SS platoon. Since then all my other assaults have been successful to include about 4 different abandoned motorcycles which were dispatched with ease. Have not yet experience the lone leader or transport bug.

Variable visibility is an interesting concept and I have not yet played enough under the new patch to see how it effects my game play. I believe the consensus in the debate thread on this was in a future patch or upgrade let the scenario designer decide if he wants to have variable visibility in his scenario.

Artillery vs. Armor. I suspect that the effectiveness of artillery versus armor was not as strong as it should of been. Just a couple of items I've found after a quick search:

US 92nd Field Artillery Battalion (105 mm):

On the morning of 8 July, the Battalion's fire was directly responsible for breaking up a local counter-attack. It destroyed four Mark IV Tanks.

Excerpt from German tactics in the desert:

The fire of 75-mm and 105-mm guns using HE shells has not been reported to be extremely effective. Casualties caused to personnel and tanks by these weapons have been reported to be the result of a new flare--a 75-mm shell which envelopes the tank in flames regardless of what portion of the tank is hit. One whole tank regiment was reported destroyed by this type of projectile (that's a lot of tanks). Although the casualties caused from these weapons may be slight, all reports agree that they have a high nuisance value to tanks....


The importance of New Zealand artillery:

This dramatic check to the German advance was almost wholly the work of the artillery.
....the fire of all guns, and particularly those of B and C Troops 6 Field Regiment, had forced the tanks and motor transport to halt .....
.....It was afterwards thought that the troop accounted for three tanks before the column disappeared into a hollow along the undulating road.
There it was ruthlessly dealt with by E Troop firing in enfilade at very short range from the south side of the road. With one gun was Bombardier Santi,4 ‘the perfect gun layer, a natural’,5 who remained cool and in spite of the fire from the tanks soon had eight mediums and one light tank disabled or on fire.
Another gun of the troop claimed to have set one on fire and to have disabled another. Even so, the tanks still pressed forward, one getting through to within a few hundred yards of the bridge in the area of D Company 25 Battalion, where it was dealt with by B Troop of 31 Battery 7 Anti-Tank Regiment, the only New Zealand two-pounder to open fire in this action.

Try and recreate the above in Campaign Series. Artillery stopping an armored assault and only once did an AT gun get to fire in defense.


Beefing up the artillery versus armor factors by a little shouldn't hurt...
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07-14-2008, 10:34 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-14-2008, 10:34 AM by Chris Merchant.)
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
Hawk Kriegsman Wrote:Actually the assault rules aren't really new. Assaults now work the way they did back with the original EF.

Hawk, so does this mean that the 'new' assault rules (apart from the obvious non-combat bug) are now currently reflecting what Charlie Kibler and Bob MacNamara originally intended?

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07-14-2008, 10:43 AM,
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
Try tutorial 9 with the new Green Regular Veteran opponent.
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07-14-2008, 11:42 AM,
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
Huib Wrote:
keif149 Wrote:Greetings,

After reading some of the reports on assaults, both here and at Matrix, I did a very simple test in EF. Three separate areas, in clear terrain. A Russian HQ, leader, and an empty truck. All surrounded by German infantry. Both sides not disrupted. The HQ was overrun on the first attempt. The leader survived 3 successive assaults (each was a no effect or harm to the Germans) before being overrun. The empty truck survived four successive assaults!
I can only imagine what the results would have been if they were in a town or an IP.
I'm joining some of the older guys here in the displeasure of the changes. I'll keep the game, I just won't start any new battles with it, I enjoy my Talonsoft Gold editions. I hope a 1.03b would be released quickly, but until then, I'm not playing it.

The fact that the truck and leader survived is a bug obviously. Nobody could have possibly intended that. I'm sure that will be fixed asap.

Sorry Herr Huib, but it happens and it is what was intended. Just see Randy's post about bringing in a leader. Surely leaders will survive anything now.
Surely the "boys" who don't play CS on a normal basis got their wishes and ruined it for the rest of us?
Good for them, eh?

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07-14-2008, 11:59 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-14-2008, 12:00 PM by Chris Merchant.)
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
Jason posted this on the Matrix forums:

Quote:Some of the assaulting isn't functioning as intended, primarily those units with a 0 assault value are taking too much of their morale into account when being assaulted, which is a glitch.

Quote:...an attempt will be made in a future UPDATE or UPDATE PATCH that will correct the assault issue with 0 assault unit (leaders, horses, trucks, etc)

so it doesn't sound like to me it was intended.

It makes sense though, that a good leader stacked with *combat* units, would improve assault results for that side.

cheers Chris
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07-14-2008, 12:01 PM,
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
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07-14-2008, 12:11 PM,
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
Thanks to all the Old Hands who contributed to this thread; I've been playing since at least '97, myself. Reading the entries has helped me to make my decision about how I will handle this issue.

It's clear that the 1.03 update is not ready for prime-time as long as the leader/non-combat unit bug exists. I loaded 1.03 and will likely keep it on my computer, but I would like to re-load a 1.02 version if I can find the update and will be playing my scenarios on 1.02 until this bug is fixed.

I'm not a huge fan of the variable LOS either, but I'm willing to live with it. I'm hoping that Matrix will consider making this optional in any patch update.

So, anybody have the latest the lastest version of the 1.02 update on hand? If so, please email to [email protected]. Also, what is the best possible way to install two version of JTCS on the same computer?
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07-14-2008, 12:17 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-14-2008, 12:18 PM by Jason Petho.)
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
Steelrain60 Wrote:Also, what is the best possible way to install two version of JTCS on the same computer?

Install the pre-updated version:

.../Matrix Games/MCS_102/

Then create a new folder:

...Matrix Games/MCS_103/

Copy the contents from MCS_102 to MCS_103

Install the 1.02 UPDATE and the 1.02b Patch to the MCS_102 folder.

Install the 1.03 UPDATE to the MCS_103 folder.

This way they are still using the one SERIAL number and there shouldn't be any registry issues.

I have the same set up on mine, although my folders are MCS_BOX and MCS_BETA.

Jason Petho
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07-14-2008, 12:20 PM,
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
It may keep the game that sucks isolated from that game that does not suck. But, which game will be supported in the long run.

We now have to jump through hoops to have a quality game to play?

Ugh and double ugh.
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07-14-2008, 12:37 PM,
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
Chris Merchant Wrote:
Hawk Kriegsman Wrote:Actually the assault rules aren't really new. Assaults now work the way they did back with the original EF.

Hawk, so does this mean that the 'new' assault rules (apart from the obvious non-combat bug) are now currently reflecting what Charlie Kibler and Bob MacNamara originally intended?


Yes the 1.03 assault rules give me this feel as you describe!

I uncorked my EF disk loaded it and played around a bit today. It seems that the 1.03 patch has made assaults very similiar to the original design intent.

Now I will say I am (or was) a big user of disrupt / surround / capture and despite the fact that my play will have to be radically altered I am not put off by the new (old) assault rules.

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