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07-14-2008, 12:57 PM,
RE: Bannings
I am sadden by all this....again. All those members were very long time members too. I can also understand how Steel God and others may feel too, with people "talking" crap behind your back. But man this all seems pretty silly to me, banning, censership, taking offense, going to other web sites to see what people are writing, and writing crap about other sites on other web sites. Get real people, this is not real life, it is a web site for finding oppenents to play war games. But, you have to admit actions like this don't do anything to create stimulating conversation and causes everyone be very careful what they write or how they write it, even if it was in jest or a joke.

Oh well I am just tired of all this, and will try very hard to ensure all my thoughts are 100% game related.
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07-14-2008, 07:31 PM,
RE: Bannings
hedgehog(FGM) Wrote:Lads for goodness sake play the bloody game, like mtk says how the hell can people get worked up to get there selves banned....I think they should get a few more games on the go and keep them selves occupied....

cheers Ted

I should like to add that we are not thinking about the Men in charge and who have the time in running the club, which they give up to give us the enjoyment of taking part.....And so we should realize that all the effort that goes into running the club then seeing that some parties are mouthing of about the club must be a little of putting to say the least......and so to the Guys who run and look after the Blitz just keep doing what you have to do.

cheers Ted

Keep on gaming
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07-14-2008, 10:54 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-14-2008, 10:54 PM by Steel God.)
RE: Bannings
Zemke Wrote:But, you have to admit actions like this don't do anything to create stimulating conversation and causes everyone be very careful what they write or how they write it, even if it was in jest or a joke.

I agree with you Patrick. And in one sense that is a bad thing. I don't want anyone to be hesitant to post on a subject for fear of being moderated. But in another sense, it is a good thing if people hesitate and re-read what they wrote before they post to make sure it is principled and not personal. The free exchange of ideas and information without resort to rancor is my goal for the Club.

As my signature says:

Critique Principles not People. Be Discriminating, but don't Nitpick. Be Academic not Acerbic. Be Principled but not Polemical.

If we do that, I will allow any range of discussion and debate. Being human I am far from perfect, but that is the benchmark I have set and try to enforce.

And with that, I think it is time to move on. If anyone still needs to lend a voice to the issues involved here, I encourage you to email me or PM me, but I would like the community to put this behind it and move forward, for better or worse.

Good Gaming.
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07-15-2008, 02:37 AM,
RE: Bannings
"Banning" doesn't accomplish anything; it just builds thicker walls.
Actually, it seems to me, it pretty much accomplishes exactly what it was intended to do.
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07-15-2008, 02:43 AM,
RE: Bannings
if you banned them when they wrote such things here,i understand you.but they wrote it somewhere else at another board,so why you dont mind it?
that banning looks(in my oppinion)like censoreship,and you want to stop other blitzmembers from talking bad against you in the net.banning was the wrong way for this i think.....
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07-15-2008, 02:50 AM,
RE: Bannings
Marshall666 Wrote:if you banned them when they wrote such things here,i understand you.but they wrote it somewhere else at another board,so why you dont mind it?
that banning looks(in my oppinion)like censoreship,and you want to stop other blitzmembers from talking bad against you in the net.banning was the wrong way for this i think.....

Why would the owners of this club want someone as a member who does that? (And more to the poibnt why would a individual who does that want to be a member here still?
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07-15-2008, 03:02 AM,
RE: Bannings
maybe the players like the club itself,but not the leaders?!
sure there fall pretty harsh words,but i would never mind and leave them be.so with the bannings you put more gas into the fire and give them a right point.but that are only my thoughts,i dont know if its true....
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07-15-2008, 07:48 AM,
RE: Bannings
Marshall666 Wrote:maybe the players like the club itself,but not the leaders?!
sure there fall pretty harsh words,but i would never mind and leave them be.so with the bannings you put more gas into the fire and give them a right point.but that are only my thoughts,i dont know if its true....

I feel that if these guys as you suggest didn't like the leaders they should have done the right thing and left the club, and saved all this trouble....Like doing a job if you don't like what's going on you leave, not rocket science, just good old COMMON SENSE.

Happy Gaming

cheers Ted
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07-15-2008, 01:44 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-16-2008, 04:30 AM by Zemke.)
RE: Bannings
What I would have prefered happen is the individuals be called out in public here for their remarks and make them answer them here. If not in public, then at least in private, and find out why they feel they have to go about talking crap, and what their problem in life is they feel they have to resort to that kind of BS. That's the way I was raised, and if needed, a good old fashion ass wiping may be the result, but at least it was all out in the open and done with.

Don't get me wrong, I support the Blitz Staff in keeping this site up and running, and generally fostering a good enviroment. I just feel things could have been handled better. Granted I don't have all the information either....so with that said I am going back to the much more civil and polite Panzer Campaign forum and continue my operational war gaming.

Oh and I will use this well read post to "pimp" for another Panzer Campaigns game...anyone out there up for a game of Danube 85, Moscow 41, Stalingrad 42, Kharkov 42, Bulge 44 or last but not least Budapest 45.
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07-15-2008, 02:47 PM,
RE: Bannings

The Blitz is my club and community. It is a hideaway sanctuary for me and my fellow war gamers. Away from the bloody bs that surrounds us when we step outside or turn on the tube. It is a bit unreal for grown men to meet like this...but we come here from around the world...I am amazed and humbled by it all. But someone needs to be our gate keeper, enforcer of civility and ethics of behavior.

Something I've carried with me for decades:

by Robert Louis Stevenson

That Man is a Success
Who has lived well,
laughed often and loved much;
Who has gained the respect of intelligent men
and the love of children;
Who has filled his niche
and accomplished his task;
Who leaves the world better than he found it,
whether by improved poppy, a perfect poem,
or a rescued soul;
Who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty
or failed to express it.
Who looked for the best in others
and gave the best he had.

Thank you Steel god.
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