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Reverse the patch.
07-17-2008, 01:32 AM,
RE: Reverse the patch.
Hi All,
I think it was mentioned someplace in the general discussion about middle ground for the assult. I think the old assult rules favored the attacker way too much, so maybe now they seem way out of line for the defender. Except where bugs are in play. In reality did the other side know if all the units 250 meters away were disrupt?? I'm guessing no. So why is it still persent all these years later ?? Put your mouse pointer over the units and poof more intellagence than would have been avaible in 6 mins of time. Nobody seems to care about that, is it because it makes assulting easier, I'm betting yes.
So lets find the middle ground I would like to see the big red D replaced with a question mark. Lets dial the new assult rules back some and I think that would make everybody happy. The defender gets the advantage of the attacker not knowing if his units are disrupt. And the attacker gets some of his old assults advantage back.
I think the discussion has gotten nobody noplace except for airing their grievences about the patch. We all know where we stand on it, so lets start discussing what we would do to fix or modify in the coming patch. If as a group we can come to a concenus on what we players would like to see we might be able to some of them put into the patch. Just my ideas on the subject.

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07-17-2008, 05:33 AM,
RE: Reverse the patch.
Pure crap anybody with the slightest PC savvy doesnt have to reverse anything just install 2 versions.IE 102 on drive C 103 on drive D.If you only have 1 drive just rename everything for version 103 to say Matrix103.You will have to access both from the program file menu though.This way you can play any version.Please keep in mind a lot of poeple and a lot of work by certain members etc went into this upgrage all members should be thankfull that we have poeple like these to keep this game going.I for one will:bow::bow::bow::bow: to their efforts and thanks.
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07-17-2008, 05:47 AM,
RE: Reverse the patch.
In my other post I wrote that I thought the longevity of the game was based on how it played and the fact that everyone pretty much was using the same version.

I'll stand on that.
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07-18-2008, 05:07 AM,
RE: Reverse the patch.
Nort Wrote:I already like the changes better, playing just two games right now.

The old "surround-disrupt-capture" rules caused me to lose my passion for CS. The tactics became rote. There was never any question as to the outcome. I became bored. Now, the new rules make the player really grind on some decisions. How much do I assault with? How few can I get away with and preserve APs of other units for follow up attacks? How important is it that I succeed in this assault the first time? Do I commit the whole company?

Also, the old version seemed to me to make AT guns fairly worthless. Now, I feel like I need to be more careful when I force a road or bridge, or approach a town. That is all good.

I know I can only speak for myself, but I feel like I want to start some new games, and I get excited when I see a turn in my inbox again. It has been awhile since I could say that about CS.

Good post.
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