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A few "thank you's"..:)
07-28-2008, 04:22 AM,
A few "thank you's"..:)
Firstly my thanks to Steel God and Randy for offering to make me a CM Tactical Forum Moderator; I was sorely tempted, but declined their kind offer because I'm not needed as the current mods Bootie and Wigam are already doing a great job keeping it clutter-free..:)

Secondly my thanks to Gamesquad and WaW for thinking so highly of my old tactical posts that they're continuing to display them without my permission, what greater compliment can they pay me than that?..;)
(Needless to say, only Blitz is getting all my brandnew posts)

Thirdly, my thanks to the WPC boss for confirming in a recent e-mail that I was a CM Training Officer there, I only mention it to re-assure Blitz newcomers that I'm fully qualified to teach them how to play CM..:)
Quote- "You were Training Officer in the Recruitment Company of the CM-Ladder...I needed an experienced and fast player, who can show newbies how CM is played.."

Fourth, my thanks to WaW for posting this hilarious pic confirming that I'm a triple ladder leader, I'd be too modest to mention it myself but it's true, I did kick, bite, gouge and claw my way to the top of 3 CM ladders at 3 separate clubs in 600 games over a 4-year period of relentless hand-to-hand combat, a fact that will again assure Blitz newcomers of my impeccable credentials..:)
(Even Gamesquad moderator Geordie admits in a post at TPG- "As a player, POS is top-notch"..)

[Image: zos.gif]
07-28-2008, 01:42 PM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Oh, and to show there's no hard feelings, I hereby cordially challenge all Gamesquad and WaW members to enter my Green Light Tourney, meet me in the blimp hangar and show us what you got..;)

[Image: blimp.jpg]
07-28-2008, 03:32 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-28-2008, 03:43 PM by Mad Russian.)
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
PoorOldSpike Wrote:Fourth, my thanks to WaW for posting this hilarious pic confirming that I'm a triple ladder leader, I'd be too modest to mention it myself.....

I've noticed your great sense of humility in the past myself.

I'm surprised you didn't modestly post your internet medals as you normally do................

Good Hunting.

07-28-2008, 11:09 PM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
"Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." - Luke 14:11 That pretty much says it I think.
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
07-29-2008, 03:07 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Let me tell you a story mate- Some years ago I began posting CM tactical hints and advice in a forum, but kept getting kneejerk criticism from a minority of whingers, and when one of them posted saying "What right do you have to try to tell people how to play CM, who do you think you are?", I replied- "I'm the Rugged Defense CM ladder leader, who are you?" which silenced them at a stroke..
So ever since, I've occasionally had to mention my credentials to let people know that not only can I talk the talk, but I can also walk the walk, and that the newcomers who I train up can be fully assured they're in good hands..:)
"..Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds.." (Matt 5:15/16)

Personally I wish everybody would have a strip of medal ribbons and awards in their sig line just so we knew who the heck they were, something like this-

[Image: CMawds.png]
07-29-2008, 03:41 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Mad Russian Wrote:I've noticed your great sense of humility in the past myself.
I'm surprised you didn't modestly post your internet medals as you normally do...

Thanks mate, but in a sense all my tactical posts are my 'medals', I see you're still hanging onto all my old posts at the Proving Grounds, so you must think they're alright..;)
Hey if you're still designing scenarios take my advice and don't spoil them by cluttering them up with useless green and regular tanks, veterans are the only way to go to get a realistic game as I've told you before..;)
Listen to me and you'll be a contender for my next Scenario Designers Trophy..;)
07-29-2008, 03:41 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
PoorOldSpike Wrote:Secondly my thanks to Gamesquad and WaW for thinking so highly of my old tactical posts that they're continuing to display them without my permission, what greater compliment can they pay me than that?..;)
(Needless to say, only Blitz is getting all my brandnew posts)

Maybe you should read their replies on the forum again.

"22 Jul 08, 15:57
CM Moderator

Hi POS....

Good points you bring up there. All posts are made in good faith and if you want to spend the time either correcting the links, or deleting all of your posts, its your call. After all, they are your posts."

Now I don't know about Gamesquad and WaW, but I don't think that here at the Blitz every single post made by a particular member is automatically deleted when they are banned. (Pleae anyone correct me if I'm wrong).

PoorOldSpike Wrote:(Even Gamesquad moderator Geordie admits in a post at TPG- "As a player, POS is top-notch"..)

Now don't be shy POS, if you are going to quote someone in order to establish your credentials you might as well quote their entire post.

"Posted by: geordie 09/05/2007 at 09:08:02 P.S.T.
As a player POS is top notch and his file return rate is amongst the best I have encountered. He is let down by his demenour on occassion and refuses to play a scenario blind or without armour. Even then the armour has to be vet or above. He also prefers smaller scenarios and likes to replay old ones many times.

As long as you realise this he will be an opponent that wont let you down. However his style makes for a lack of longevity as an opponent."
07-29-2008, 03:51 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Kelen Wrote:[From Geordie to POS]..if you want to spend the time either correcting the links, or deleting all of your posts, its your call. After all, they are your posts."

Ah, so Geordie says I can delete all my tac posts from Gamesquad does he?..;)
Problem is, when I began deleting them I was banned and locked out of the forum so I couldn't get in again!
Furthermore, Geordie then began putting the deleted ones back up again without my permission, and admitted it in this post on July 25th- " I simply locked his [POS's] tactics threads and spent about 20 minutes restoring the links"

See folks, they can't bear to be without my stunning tac posts..:)
07-29-2008, 04:00 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-29-2008, 04:04 AM by Steel God.)
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Kelen Wrote:Now I don't know about Gamesquad and WaW, but I don't think that here at the Blitz every single post made by a particular member is automatically deleted when they are banned. (Pleae anyone correct me if I'm wrong).

Generally speaking, no, when you are banned from the Blitz your account is still in the database so your posts still exist.

Also, and I'm not aiming at anyone, just speaking out loud...

Where ever this thread goes, I would like it to remain within the borders of the Blitz War Gaming Club. I don't want the forums here used to bash other forums in any manner. All forums are different and there's at least one out there to suit everyone's cup of tea. So banter and jaw jack all you like, but please resist the temptation to turn this thread into a discussion about how other forum's are managed.

07-29-2008, 04:07 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Kelen Wrote:[Geordie about POS] -As a player POS is top notch...he will be an opponent that wont let you down...However his style makes for a lack of longevity as an opponent."

Poor Geordie, he never got over being banned for life by Blitz, I've tried to help him shake off the sulks by telling him he's welcome to enter any of my tourneys any time he likes..:)
As for "lack of longevity", I've been playing CM for 7 years and have never been short of opponents and have got 41 pbems on the go at the moment, so my CM playing career has lasted longer than WW2 itself, I don't see any "lack of longevity" there..;)

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