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A few "thank you's"..:)
07-29-2008, 01:20 PM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Steel God Wrote:
Kelen Wrote:Now I don't know about Gamesquad and WaW, but I don't think that here at the Blitz every single post made by a particular member is automatically deleted when they are banned. (Pleae anyone correct me if I'm wrong).

Generally speaking, no, when you are banned from the Blitz your account is still in the database so your posts still exist.

Also, and I'm not aiming at anyone, just speaking out loud...

Where ever this thread goes, I would like it to remain within the borders of the Blitz War Gaming Club. I don't want the forums here used to bash other forums in any manner. All forums are different and there's at least one out there to suit everyone's cup of tea. So banter and jaw jack all you like, but please resist the temptation to turn this thread into a discussion about how other forum's are managed.


Don't take this the wrong way but I think you personally already did that when you banned members for posts on other websites forums.

How can you ask others not to do what you yourself have done to the extreme?

Good Hunting.

07-29-2008, 01:27 PM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
PoorOldSpike Wrote:
Mad Russian Wrote:I've noticed your great sense of humility in the past myself.
I'm surprised you didn't modestly post your internet medals as you normally do...

Thanks mate, but in a sense all my tactical posts are my 'medals', I see you're still hanging onto all my old posts at the Proving Grounds, so you must think they're alright..;)
Hey if you're still designing scenarios take my advice and don't spoil them by cluttering them up with useless green and regular tanks, veterans are the only way to go to get a realistic game as I've told you before..;)
Listen to me and you'll be a contender for my next Scenario Designers Trophy..;)

I don't run The Proving Grounds or you'd find out what I think of having them there.

I design my scenarios to my specifications not yours.

Keep your trophy to give to someone who deserves it in your own humble eyes.

Good Hunting.

07-29-2008, 09:27 PM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Mad Russian Wrote:
Steel God Wrote:
Kelen Wrote:Now I don't know about Gamesquad and WaW, but I don't think that here at the Blitz every single post made by a particular member is automatically deleted when they are banned. (Pleae anyone correct me if I'm wrong).

Generally speaking, no, when you are banned from the Blitz your account is still in the database so your posts still exist.

Also, and I'm not aiming at anyone, just speaking out loud...

Where ever this thread goes, I would like it to remain within the borders of the Blitz War Gaming Club. I don't want the forums here used to bash other forums in any manner. All forums are different and there's at least one out there to suit everyone's cup of tea. So banter and jaw jack all you like, but please resist the temptation to turn this thread into a discussion about how other forum's are managed.


Don't take this the wrong way but I think you personally already did that when you banned members for posts on other websites forums.

How can you ask others not to do what you yourself have done to the extreme?

Good Hunting.



I'm not taking this the wrong way, but if I understand your logic, you are saying that because I banned players for what they did outside the Blitz I have in effect already made a statement on how other forums are run, is that correct?

You are free to interpret my actions as you will, but in fact the opposite is true. My actions in banning certain players was a result of their deeds and words as individuals and not as representatives of a web site, Club, or forum. Were I attempting to cast judgment on an organization I would, by logic, be forced to ban anyone who was a member there, which is clearly not the case.

Drop me a PM if you would like to discuss this further.

regards; Paul
07-30-2008, 07:22 AM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
PS- just to clarify something, I'm not trying to set myself up as an unbeatable superhero; the fact is on average over the past 7 years I've only won about 2 games in every 3, and the rest are a mix of draws and losses, but that's quite good enough for me because when I first began playing CM I decided I'd be happy to simply win more than I lose..:)
As billionnaire Sir Alan Sugar said regarding the business world- "Only 60% of my business ventures are successful, but that's all you need"
07-30-2008, 12:13 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-30-2008, 10:33 PM by Mad Russian.)
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Steel God Wrote:Drop me a PM if you would like to discuss this further.

regards; Paul

I'm good to go.

I went down the PM road with RD. I won't do that again.

I don't have anything to say that can't be said in public.

If you want to discuss it that's fine with me. You banned Blitz members for what they said about the Blitz and it's management, on other CM sites, but here is POS, in this very thread, bad mouthing other clubs and their management.

Tell me how that's different and we can go on.

By the very standards we used on our own members on other CM sites POS should be banned from this site for that action already.

Don't you think?

Good Hunting.

07-30-2008, 12:18 PM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
PoorOldSpike Wrote:PS- just to clarify something, I'm not trying to set myself up as an unbeatable superhero; the fact is on average over the past 7 years I've only won about 2 games in every 3, and the rest are a mix of draws and losses, but that's quite good enough for me because when I first began playing CM I decided I'd be happy to simply win more than I lose..:)
As billionnaire Sir Alan Sugar said regarding the business world- "Only 60% of my business ventures are successful, but that's all you need"

PS- just to clarify something, we all see what you're trying to set yourself up as from your very first post.

Good Hunting.

07-30-2008, 01:24 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-30-2008, 03:04 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Mad Russian Wrote:we all see what you're trying to set yourself up as from your very first post.

I don't understand mate, I said I only win 2 out of every 3 games; there are plenty of guys around with a better win/loss ratio than that..:)
And if you care to glance at the Green Light thread you'll see at least half the Combat Footage screenshots i've posted show me getting hurt real bad (sniffle)
07-30-2008, 01:33 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-30-2008, 03:05 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
PS- And there's only one person on this entire planet who's guaranteed to never win the Green Light Tourney, me, because as organiser I disqualify myself from winning any of my tourneys, (sniffle again)
07-30-2008, 11:31 PM,
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Mad Russian Wrote:I'm good to go.

I went down the PM road with RD. I won't do that again.

I don't have anything to say that can't be said in public.

If you want to discuss it that's fine with me. You banned Blitz members for what they said about the Blitz and it's management, on other CM sites, but here is POS, in this very thread, bad mouthing other clubs and their management.

Tell me how that's different and we can go on.

By the very standards we used on our own members on other CM sites POS should be banned from this site for that action already.

Don't you think?

Steve, whatever your issues are/were with Randy, I am not Randy, I am me. My invitation to discuss this issue with you via PM is because I really doubt the majority of players on this forum want to discuss this topic of people being banned any further. Your post makes me believe you still have issues with it, so I offered to answer your questions privately, while saving the forum any more drama.

On the greater issue, if you go back and read the thread that announced the posting, I made it clear that they were banned for something that was quite over the top in my opinion. Not a one off slip of the tongue or a bad day. When I saw this thread mentioning other web sites I jumped right into it and stated clearly that if you want to talk about other web sites in an unfavorable manner this is not the place for it. I see that as consistent policy. It was not aimed at anyone in particular, but since I posted that advice it has been heeded by all. Were the warning ignored then the normal rules of moderation would apply, as they always have here.

Again, if you would like to discuss this further, feel free to PM or email me.
07-30-2008, 11:53 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-30-2008, 11:55 PM by Mad Russian.)
RE: A few "thank you's"..:)
Steel God Wrote:Steve, whatever your issues are/were with Randy, I am not Randy, I am me. My invitation to discuss this issue with you via PM is because I really doubt the majority of players on this forum want to discuss this topic of people being banned any further. Your post makes me believe you still have issues with it, so I offered to answer your questions privately, while saving the forum any more drama.

Whatever my issues were with Randy has nothing to do with conducting forum business in the open instead of behind closed doors. Where the contents of those discussions are then not allowed to be used in relative discussions here later.

I don't still have issues with it, unless, it's only going to be applied to a few members and not all of them.

Quote:On the greater issue, if you go back and read the thread that announced the posting, I made it clear that they were banned for something that was quite over the top in my opinion. Not a one off slip of the tongue or a bad day. When I saw this thread mentioning other web sites I jumped right into it and stated clearly that if you want to talk about other web sites in an unfavorable manner this is not the place for it. I see that as consistent policy. It was not aimed at anyone in particular, but since I posted that advice it has been heeded by all. Were the warning ignored then the normal rules of moderation would apply, as they always have here.

Again, if you would like to discuss this further, feel free to PM or email me.

You have POS telling me I should go to another CM site and do a poll to see if his posts are wanted there. That if not he will remove them from the site. He has consistently bad mouthed and threatened TPG. The only CM site in the known universe that he's never been banned from.

There isn't a whisper of reproach from you on any of things he's said, except to say to tone it down. Has that been done since your warning?

Or has the tirade continued?

My sole issue is the evenhanded level playing field for all here.

As you know I only came here when I found my scenarios were used on the site without permission. That kind of started us off on the wrong foot. I've tried to get involved in things from that point on but there were "issues" from the Blitz side of that. So I read posts and every so often make a comment.

I give my point of view.

In the past, when not dealing with you, asking questions was tantamount to declaring war on the site. I'm hoping that part has changed now that I'm discussing this with you.

IMO, PM's are just that. Private Messages. Between you and me. About all kinds of things. But not Blitz business.

Good Hunting.


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