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POS joins FGM
09-15-2008, 01:32 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Koen. POS never attacked you. You attacked him. Simple as.

A clarification not an attack you say... that may be but it was a clarification of your opinion nonetheless.
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09-15-2008, 01:42 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Bootie Wrote:Koen. POS never attacked you. You attacked him. Simple as.

A clarification not an attack you say... that may be but it was a clarification of your opinion nonetheless.

it was not a clarification of my opinion, it was a clarification of the 'borrowing' of his screenshots on other boards.
visit WaT HERE!!!
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09-15-2008, 02:01 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Yes ok... so in essence your saying if he posted them it is ok for the site to display them even if he asked for them to be removed.

Would it be different if he hadnt posted them there and the site still used them?
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09-15-2008, 02:11 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
when you post something on a board you go public

when you go public you show your stuff to the world, that's PUBLIC!

It will get used on boards you aren't even a member off, they will link to your stuff or copy/paste the files/pictures.
Same with scenarios, do people have to ask before they can play or comment on my scenarios?
No, I made them public.

Also keep in mind that the process I described/you deleted has happened several times before...so are all those boards/people wrong except for POS?
visit WaT HERE!!!
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09-15-2008, 02:20 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-15-2008, 02:21 AM by Bootie.)
RE: POS joins FGM
Others may have a different 'opinion' of that than you Im afraid.

Aint opinions great.

What it comes down to is I seen your opinion as an attack.

Quote:POS posted - so if you see my stuff at any other clubs, it means
they've "borrowed" it, but I'm turning a blind eye because i feel flattered they should want it so much..:)

There is no attack in those words. You went on a personal attack of POS.

BTW Im liking the OOB's over at WaT? can I 'borrow' them?
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09-15-2008, 03:44 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Bootie Wrote:Others may have a different 'opinion' of that than you Im afraid.

Aint opinions great.

What it comes down to is I seen your opinion as an attack.

Quote:POS posted - so if you see my stuff at any other clubs, it means
they've "borrowed" it, but I'm turning a blind eye because i feel flattered they should want it so much..:)

There is no attack in those words. You went on a personal attack of POS.

BTW Im liking the OOB's over at WaT? can I 'borrow' them?

100% YES.....that's sooooo logic!

Why should we not allow that but still post it online?
We don't started WaT as an egotrip or to show off!
It's there to give people a chance to post and/or find data concerning wars and tactics.

And why haven't you posted anything on FGM/Blitz on WaT?

Steve asked you several times!
Tell others what FGM & The Blitz are about!

All are invited!
visit WaT HERE!!!
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09-15-2008, 04:17 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Steve didnt ask me... Steve asked for access to the FGM as he had been pruned from the membership because he hadnt logged on in 3 months. Pruning is done every day so I manually added him to the membership again and advised him of this. He needed to post within 24 hours or he would be pruned again.

I enabled his account for 3 consecutive days and he failed to post so I took it he wasnt interested.

He just needs to ask and ensure he posts within 24 hours and he can have access. No worries there.

As an aside I fear it will go the way as Global CM went....
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09-15-2008, 04:27 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Bootie Wrote:Steve didnt ask me... Steve asked for access to the FGM as he had been pruned from the membership because he hadnt logged on in 3 months. Pruning is done every day so I manually added him to the membership again and advised him of this. He needed to post within 24 hours or he would be pruned again.

I enabled his account for 3 consecutive days and he failed to post so I took it he wasnt interested.

He just needs to ask and ensure he posts within 24 hours and he can have access. No worries there.

As an aside I fear it will go the way as Global CM went....

but you still registered....looked....but thought it would be cooler just to hope that it would be a failure....right?

therefore you're mentioning CM global!

why are you so negative minded...can't you just go in with a positive attitude?

so....here's you're invite to a board where you're already a member of....

introduce FGM and/or Blitz at WaT!
tell people what FGM and/or Blitz is all about
what you do
what your plans are

all other people are invited too!

it's not a CM board
it's not a competition of any of the clubs....FGM/WaW/Blitz/Gamesquad/BandofBrothers and many more....

it's a place where we can post and share data concerning war and tactics...OOB's....pictures...and much more...

Keep an open mind!
visit WaT HERE!!!
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09-15-2008, 05:25 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Koen Wrote:but you still registered....looked....but thought it would be cooler just to hope that it would be a failure....right?

Why would I hope it would be a failure?

I registered and looked yes... your point is?

Quote:therefore you're mentioning CM global!

Yeah that was a failure.

Quote:why are you so negative minded...can't you just go in with a positive attitude?

A positive atitude doesnt make me want to post... if I see something that interests me I will post.

Quote:So....here's you're invite to a board where you're already a member of....

Ummm Im already a member I dont require another invite... but thanks anyway.

Quote:it's a place where we can post and share data concerning war and tactics...OOB's....pictures...and much more...
Keep an open mind!

I am keeping an open mind but to be honest I seem to have a problem with it as the site crawls along at snails pace and takes ages for topics to open... I used firefox as per your suggestions and it still crawls along. Im in no doubt it will be a site I visit on occassions along with all the other ones I visit regularly.[/quote]
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09-15-2008, 05:27 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Quote:And why haven't you posted anything on FGM/Blitz on WaT?

Steve asked you several times!

I actually misread this first time around. I believed it was regarding steves wish to advertise it on the FGM.

Your right Steve did ask me to advertise the Blitz & FGM on it. As such... I may get round to it at some point.
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