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POS joins FGM
09-16-2008, 07:38 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-17-2008, 12:18 AM by falco.)
RE: POS joins FGM
PoorOldSpike Wrote:
Lord Bane Wrote:This has got to be the dumbest post yet. POS Joins the FGM! So what...

Work it out gentlemen; the name POS is synonomous with stunning screenshots, awesome tactical posts, superhuman wit and intellect, so I thought I'd send a ripple of excitement around the CM community by announcing to an excited world that I've joined FGM, thereby boosting membership as my army of loyal fans follow me here to swell the ranks..:)

Translated for the rest of us......"the name POS is synonomous with screenshots that are nothing special, tactical posts that most people who have played the game for more than five minutes would know anyway, and superhuman bombast, bulls**t and stoopidity. So I thought I'd send a collective yawn around the CM community by announcing to a bored gaming website that I've joined FGM, thereby vastly diminishing the membership as perhaps one or two sycophantic croonies follow me here to empty the ranks..":-( :rolleyes:

- falco.
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09-17-2008, 01:43 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-17-2008, 01:47 AM by Mad Russian.)
RE: POS joins FGM
Actually, I think POS is right. I think that Bootie is getting ready to see just how much influence POS has within the CM community. He'll be immediately able to see how many new members he has from the moment POS joins.

There are alot of demographics that can be tracked at pivotal times. This is a very pivotal time for both POS and tFGM.

Should prove insightful how many of POS's loyal followers swell the membership. I hope that Shane will share that information with the rest of us as time goes by. I'd think it would be more than the two croonies, stumbling along mumbling to themselves about the emperors new clothes, referenced by Falco.

Good Hunting.

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09-17-2008, 02:53 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
[Image: judgpos.png]

"Silence in court! Silence I say!

Usher, present POS witness testimonials and character references collected from various websites for the consideration of the court!"

Geordie-"As a player POS is top notch and his file return rate is amongst the best I have encountered.."

RocketMan- "A great guy to learn tank tactics from with unsurpassed file return times (it is like he is an AI or something with him returning files any time of the night or day).."

MrBadExample- "Excellent player, good guy and gets turns out quickly! Highly reccomended .."

Enigma- "Great tactician, superb return rate and some really wonderful comments with them too. Well worth playing! Also a great teacher in helping you improve your own gameplay and a really good playtester.."

Fredrock- "Interesting Tactician, good player, really great Banter,got to give him a try.."

British Tommy- "A very good tactical player, well worth playing against.."

Bootie- "POS is not a cheat"

Von Schwendemann- "An excellent player with an outstanding return rate. If you haven't played him you are missing out. Have fun.."

Neubaufahrzeug- "Played twice in mirror mode against POS and he is a fair, competent and fast player. CM is living with such guys - let´s go on.."

Koen- "I must admit that you're crazy and something's totally wrong with you but you're honest and straight to the point.."

Mad Russian- "To give POS his due, he does good CM support"
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09-17-2008, 03:52 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
CM support is just that. Nothing else.

The past week shows the other side of your coin as well. Minted with two very distinct and different sides to it.

Good Hunting.
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09-17-2008, 05:06 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Quote:Koen- "I must admit that you're crazy and something's totally wrong with you but you're honest and straight to the point.."

POS, as I already said a couple of days ago...I'm only human and I have the right to make mistakes...

you are indeed crazy
there is indeed something totally wrong with you

but that was said ironically but I must sadly admit that reality has shown that it's the said said truth...
it's just frustrating that most of us have tried to communicate with you in a 'normal' way over and over again but every time you seem to be on a path of destruction...

about the honest part...well....to make sure my post will not get deleted...I'll leave that up to others to judge that after what happened these last few days...

about quoting...use your own words and try to convince people that you're an adult person...we could ALL be wrong but truly...ALL of us wrong and only you are right?

visit WaT HERE!!!
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09-17-2008, 05:11 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-17-2008, 05:54 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: POS joins FGM
Mad Russian Wrote:the other side of your coin as well. Minted with two very distinct and different sides to it.

[Image: coinpos.png]
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09-17-2008, 05:21 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Koen Wrote:it's just frustrating that most of us have tried to communicate with you in a 'normal' way over and over again..

[Image: ftc.jpg]

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09-17-2008, 05:29 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
good posts POS....they say enough...words are indeed not needed
visit WaT HERE!!!
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09-17-2008, 09:16 PM,
RE: POS joins FGM
Well we all now how we feel abut each other....don't we...I feel the poor old dead horse is still be flogged in this case.

Lets move on chaps. :)
[Image: Tiger-Sig2.jpg]
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09-18-2008, 02:03 AM,
RE: POS joins FGM
I wish to announce that I have not joined any other wargaming clubs recently.
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