Looking for an opponent on a classical scenario..
Hi, I am new here..
To make a summary of my situation, I could say that I have a very long experience on OPART, I played many times the 17 initial scenarios of the game, a lot more then with COW, particulary war in europe ver 3 (by the way, is there a more accurate and updated version ??)
but I NEVER played by PBME with somebody..I am bored to fight with the stupid AI, and I wish to know the sensation to fight against a human intelligence..
So, I am a big NOOB for the PBME game, I wish that somebody takes a moment to explain me the stuff here and why not doing a battle test against me..
Thank you very much !
EDIT : here the list of my favorite one :
-typhon 41, south front 42, korea 50-51, barbarossa 41 (not mine! the other..)
Ahr..I know, I like the violent russian-german scenarios..