01-13-2009, 11:59 AM,
Pip Roberts
Master Sergeant

Posts: 178
Joined: Mar 2003
Killing IS2 and IS3 tanks
Not easy! Fortunately they have a range limit of 8 hexes so Tigers and Panthers can hit them safely from 9 hexes away.
Even so the odds of causing 1 SP loss are only about 10% lifting to about
15 % in the rare cases when you can hit them from the side.
The only other trick I can think of is to outnumber them or use a JagdTiger with a 128 mm gun.
01-13-2009, 12:01 PM,
RE: Killing IS2 and IS3 tanks
Actually their gun is not all that great, they have a high fire cost and they are slow. The Panther's superior gun and mobility can eat them up with a good degree of success.
01-13-2009, 01:45 PM,
Pip Roberts
Master Sergeant

Posts: 178
Joined: Mar 2003
RE: Killing IS2 and IS3 tanks
Thanks Hawk. My Panthers have been badly chewed up by IS tanks which is why I looked further into it all. I will try to keep out of range but don't see much else I can do apart from ambushes.
There is not much difference in their ranges as the Panthers can travel 16 hexes on roads vs the IS's 14 and they can both fire 2 shots per turn.
After firing, the Panthers have 20 points to spend on movement and the IS's have 10 so at least my Panthers have more chance to shoot and scoot.
My best chance is with the JagdTiger but I have even lost one of those !
01-13-2009, 01:55 PM,
RE: Killing IS2 and IS3 tanks
Keep the IS tanks right at 8 hexes if you can. I believe they have a firepower of 15 or 16 at 8 hexes. Most likely he will not hurt you.
Fire 2 shots and then back up. 1 or 2 spaces. If he moves forwsrd to engage he will only get 1 shot (unless on a road).
01-13-2009, 02:01 PM,
RE: Killing IS2 and IS3 tanks
Swapping blows with the biggest guns on the field might only bring a 1 to 1 kill ratio. Maybe a combined arms assault might bring you a better outcome against these beasts.
01-13-2009, 02:06 PM,
Legend in my own mind

Posts: 266
Joined: Dec 2003
RE: Killing IS2 and IS3 tanks
hawk, yes that is great advise, if those babies get shots at you from closer then 7.....OUCH!!:hissy: they will hurt you. Stay at range and try for side and rear shots when you can, of course much easier said then done.
01-14-2009, 01:29 PM,
John Given
Reluctant General

Posts: 338
Joined: Jun 2005
RE: Killing IS2 and IS3 tanks
Hey Jim, one of the best ways to knock out the heavies is to get side and rear shots, as you know. But how to do that?
1. Study the map. If your enemy is the attacker in that scenario, he will need to advance along a route - look at the map and make a decision over which route(s) this will be.
2. Using the above info, plan your ambush. Put tough units along the route, and put them in forest, preferably, or rough - any place tough for him to get to. Try to put them in the high ground as well.
3. For your units "deep" inside your lines, make your op-fire AT - medium or short, and the units at the edge of the trap set to op-fire = off. The idea is, you want him to think that your forward units are the ones op-firing. This is when you spring the trap.
4. After he's fired on your "deep in" op-firing units, THEN have your other AT units (the ones further toward his lines) fire on his sides and rear armor. Guaranteed kills in most cases.
5. Note that if he's advancing slowly and cautiously (using recon vehicles, or advancing with infantry at the front), the above plan won't work so well. What you'll need to do at this point is is pick some well-hidden spots in forest, high up if you can, turn off their op-fire, and wait for him to come to you. The idea here is to get off a parthian shot or two, and then duck out of sight.
6. Note also that the above tactics won't work if the enemy has already recon'ed (spotted) your ambush areas in question, for obvious reasons), so make certain you scout out your "ambush area" before he does.
7. If all else fails and he has numerical superiority, vastly superior equipment, and terrain on his side, then fight a delaying action with your infantry toward the enemy, and your armor only supporting. With luck, the enemy will shoot at the infantry, partially freeing up your tanks (if any) for the job of tank killing.
8. If desperate, you can try the following:
a. Put artillery-class units in bunkers and use them for "ghetto" AT units.
b. Recon like there's no tomorrow - use any infantry or combat vehicles (not trucks or unarmed halftracks) - you *must* find out what he has, and where. This will give you an idea at least, of what you're up against, and this will allow you to form a defensive (or offensive) strategy much more effectively.
c. Put disrupted and low-strength units in hidden areas and turn off op-fire. Allow them time to recover.
d. If you have engineers, try blowing bridges (if any) to keep those enemy heavies from coming at you.
e. Don't forget smoke - it halves the attack strength of units firing from it, or firing into it.
f. Is he overstacking? If so, make those hexes a priority. It's one of the best ways to lessen the defensibility of tough enemy tanks.
hope this helps!
Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy.
Sun Tzu
01-14-2009, 01:55 PM,
RE: Killing IS2 and IS3 tanks
Excellent advice, John.
Well done!
Jason Petho
01-15-2009, 05:13 AM,
Pip Roberts
Master Sergeant

Posts: 178
Joined: Mar 2003
RE: Killing IS2 and IS3 tanks
Thanks very much John for your wise and detailed advice which will sure help all who have read this post.
I have printed out all the advice and will use it carefully against the IS2's and 3's and also the KV1 and 2's.
This sure is a helluva game that can allow (and need) such realistic planning
01-15-2009, 01:23 PM,
RE: Killing IS2 and IS3 tanks
Thanks everyone for the advice and especially Joh Given. I love tactical advice threads.
"And the world did gaze, in deep amaze, at those stout-hearted men, but few,
Who bore the fight that freedom's light might shine through the foggy dew"
-Peadar Kearney, "The Foggy Dew"