01-24-2009, 07:57 AM,
Technical Sergeant

Posts: 100
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RE: What SB do you want to see?
Atle Wrote:What I would really like to see, are SB games covering different battles/campaigns of WW1. A title for Somme, another for Verdun, then again one for Ypres, etc...
Just my 2 cents, but I actually think that stronger titles (like a full WW1 title are potentially more interesting than taking the PzC route of having one battle per title.
01-24-2009, 08:05 AM,
Alpha Zwo
Lieutenant Colonel

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RE: What SB do you want to see?
I have all SqB games except SCW and I like them one and all. So far my absolute favourite is ES but I also like the Long War mod very much and hopefully many more scenarios will be available sooner or later - though I would prefer sooner.
I am looking forward to the release date of the Arab-Israeli Wars mod. Be sure this will make another great SqB game!!!
A WW1 or another post WW2 title would be great too. Quick battles where the players can buy and place their units would be another great feature - but I fear this is wishful thinking.
01-24-2009, 08:10 AM,

Posts: 20
Joined: Feb 2003
RE: What SB do you want to see?
jmlima Wrote:Atle Wrote:What I would really like to see, are SB games covering different battles/campaigns of WW1. A title for Somme, another for Verdun, then again one for Ypres, etc...
Just my 2 cents, but I actually think that stronger titles (like a full WW1 title are potentially more interesting than taking the PzC route of having one battle per title.
Yes, maybe that would be "too much" for the casual gamer  Maybe a Western Front game, an Eastern Front game, etc, would be more sensible to make, from an economic viewpoint.... :) Either way, I would buy 'em all....
01-24-2009, 08:23 PM,

Posts: 21
Joined: Dec 2007
RE: What SB do you want to see?
 TheBigRedOne Wrote:I agree, I've really enjoyed the last three titles, being slightly less well-known conficts. It's like learning more about military history while getting a chance to re-live some of the battles. I haven't had the chance to delve much into the SCW, but hope to in the future.
Is this the site you're looking for?
That's it...Thanks, just glad to know I wasn't just dreaming it.
I would like to see WW1 versions of the PzC series too, even Company level instead of Battlion which would be better for East Africa, Gallipoli & Mesopotamia fronts etc
The SB series would be great to cover some of the larger to smaller actions of of the above really well, (apart from the Western and Eastern Front.)
But I wouldn't be happy with just 2 titles that wouldn't be enough..:soap:
01-26-2009, 11:06 PM,
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2009, 08:31 AM by Ozgur Budak.)
Ozgur Budak
Warrant Officer

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RE: What SB do you want to see?
I investigated the possibilities of a gallipoli campaign in SB years before. Unfortunately I came to the conclusion that most of the fight in Gallipoli is not suitable for fun SB gameplay. Apart from very limited actions most of the battles were too brutal and too (spatially) narrow. I mean in the battle of Krithia allies deployed one division for a km!! (25 hexes) or in the battles for lone pine (bloody ridge) companies bayoneted each other for the possesion of a single dug out trench. Or the Anzac assault at the Nek where more than 1000 men killed just in a couple of minutes devepoled on an area size of a tennis court.
Contrary, ww1 mesopotamia/sinai is very promising, lots of varieties, trench warfare, mobile warfare, cavalry raids, huge spaces for maneuvre. Battles of Kut, Gaza, Allenby's offensives all are excellent topics for a ww1 game.
01-26-2009, 11:42 PM,
Technical Sergeant

Posts: 100
Joined: Dec 2004
RE: What SB do you want to see?
Ozgur Budak Wrote:...Contrary, ww1 mesopotamia/sinai is very promising, lots of varieties, trench warfare, mobile warfare, cavalry raids, huge spaces for maneuvre. Battles of Kut, Gaza, Allenby's offensives all are excellent topics for a ww1 game.
Same with the ones in East Africa. They should provide , at the very least, an exotic mix of forces...
03-02-2009, 06:24 AM,

Posts: 540
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: What SB do you want to see?
I've been thinking and wanted to ressurect this thread. I would love to see:
- Crete. The infantry focus, and brutal fighting in a short period would make it great for the engine. A new type of campaign would be great, like in the Close Combat series.
- Italy vs. Commonwealth in Africa, before the Germans stepped in. I've always been fascinated by this part of the war, and again the engine would be great for it.
- France 1940, for the same reasons as above.
- Market Garden, for the reasons above, although it's been done to death. You could design sme very tense scenarios for this, ie. get the bridge before the Germans blow it. A fancy campaign, with PBEM, would be amazing for this.
- Burma, although I don't know much about it.
I really enjoy playing lesser known parts of the war, and the early parts. Making do with outdated equipment is appealing to me for some reason.
I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through
Corb Lund - Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier
03-04-2009, 04:48 AM,
Retired Squad Battles Forum Moderator

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RE: What SB do you want to see?
Mad_Dog Wrote:I really enjoy playing lesser known parts of the war, and the early parts. Making do with outdated equipment is appealing to me for some reason.
I agree with this completely. I know that the recent Mods of AIW and Long War have a lot of 'toys' in them, and that it's a huge draw to a good number of folks, but I'm finding games like WW to be very much a lot of fun because you can't rely soely on firepower to get the job done. I haven't played much SCW, but I'm betting it's very much the same way.
04-12-2009, 12:23 PM,
Technical Sergeant

Posts: 120
Joined: Apr 2005
RE: What SB do you want to see?
Chechnya / Chechnya did I say Chechnya :)
04-12-2009, 12:59 PM,

Posts: 57
Joined: Jul 2008
RE: What SB do you want to see?
I'm doing Chechnya in my next mod, Paulinksi, which you may like.
TheBigRedOne Wrote:I know that the recent Mods of AIW and Long War have a lot of 'toys' in them, and that it's a huge draw to a good number of folks, but I'm finding games like WW to be very much a lot of fun because you can't rely soely on firepower to get the job done.
Describing my mods as appealing to some because they have a lot of 'toys' in them is short-sighted. They have no more 'toys' than, say, Soviet-Afghan War and it's not weapons or equipment that necessarily win a battle but how they and the troops that use them are employed. Modern warfare can be more intense than what pre-dated it and often requires a different approach as some players have recently discovered. It may not be for everyone, but there's more to successfully fighting a modern war than what weapons are at hand.