01-28-2009, 05:00 PM,
(This post was last modified: 01-30-2009, 06:12 PM by Zemke.)

Posts: 425
Joined: Aug 2003
Supply Sources
Is this correct? A HQ's chance of making the "In command" roll, is directly related to the global suppy setting. In other words if the global supply is set to 50%, then all HQ on that side will have a 50% chance of getting out of command, or if not directly related, them seem to be related in some manner.
What I was trying to do was set the global supply very low, because the book says the scenario will use supply sources first, but when I did all the HQs when out of command.
Could someone who knows please clarify this, thanks.
01-30-2009, 06:12 PM,

Posts: 425
Joined: Aug 2003
RE: Supply Sources
Glenn, Volcano Man, Steel God, anyone out there................
01-31-2009, 03:09 AM,
Glenn Saunders
HPS Design & Playtest Coordinator

Posts: 1,258
Joined: Feb 2006
RE: Supply Sources
Zemke Wrote:Is this correct? A HQ's chance of making the "In command" roll, is directly related to the global suppy setting. In other words if the global supply is set to 50%, then all HQ on that side will have a 50% chance of getting out of command, or if not directly related, them seem to be related in some manner.
The Doc say - as I am sure you are aware:
> At the beginning of a player’s turn, a Command Test is performed for all HQ units for that side. The Command Test begins with the highest level HQ units for that side and for that scenario. Given a Supply value in the hex the HQ unit is in of X%, the HQ will be in command if a randomly generated percentage is less than this Supply value.
The part I am focusing on is: "...a Supply value in the hex the HQ unit is in of X%" and of course the Supply value for the Hex will depend upon the Supply Rules being used.
IF VST is off, then the global value is used.
01-31-2009, 11:11 AM,
(This post was last modified: 01-31-2009, 11:15 AM by Zemke.)

Posts: 425
Joined: Aug 2003
RE: Supply Sources
I conducted an experiment, I set the NATO side at 33% global supply with an 85 rating for supply sources, and virtual supply truck on. All NATO HQs were "Out of Command". I had the WP set with a global supply setting of 100%, and 85 rating for supply sources, with virtual supply trucks on and all WP HQs were in command. The local supply values were good, anywhere from 69 to 81 fo NATO, yet all their HQs were out of supply. This should not happen according to the Doc, if I am understanding the book correctly.
What I am trying to do is have a low global supply so units cannot trace supply from the map edge, but must get it from their supply sources, but doing this causes HQs to loss C2 at seems to be the same percentage setting as the global supply setting. Am I doing something wrong, or is the book wrong, because the way I understood it, this concept of mine should have been possible.
01-31-2009, 03:14 PM,
Glenn Saunders
HPS Design & Playtest Coordinator

Posts: 1,258
Joined: Feb 2006
RE: Supply Sources
Zemke Wrote:I conducted an experiment, I set the NATO side at 33% global supply with an 85 rating for supply sources, and virtual supply truck on. All NATO HQs were "Out of Command".
I would rerun the test with 0% Global and ONE 100% Supply sources and I would put ONE and ONLY ONE Allied HQ ON one of the Supply Sources.
That is the way to be sure what you're seeing.
I could set up a test exactly as you said and figure out a couple ways to make the HQs fail the command test. This is why I rather BTL files for such questions.
...you still may be correct in your assumption - but this is how you would really test this.