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NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?
02-09-2009, 05:37 AM,
NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?
From the rules:


It is possible to put a unit with men (not vehicles or guns and not HQ units) into a Patrolling state. To do this requires the full movement allowance of the unit and the unit cannot be Broken. While Patrolling, the unit will negate the ability of any Partisan unit within Deception range of having any Deception effects.

What? I've had a unit in "T" mode drive right up on a friendly patrolling infantry unit-patrolling for numerous turns mind you-and the unit in "T" mode gets disrupted in the hex of the patrolling infantry.

Does this feature only work against partisans and not deception units? If so, why is the feature of patrolling in the NGP'85 game given there are no partisans?

Please elaborate.
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02-09-2009, 05:39 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-09-2009, 05:41 AM by JDR Dragoon.)
RE: NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?
HirooOnoda Wrote:If so, why is the feature of patrolling in the NGP'85 game given there are no partisans?

It allows the patrolling unit to "see" 2 hexes irregardless of terrain and visibility :).

And yes, it only works against Partisans (although logically it should be applicable against any units in Deception mode as well. Yet it isn´t).
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02-09-2009, 06:17 AM,
RE: NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?
HirooOnoda Wrote:Does this feature only work against partisans and not deception units? If so, why is the feature of patrolling in the NGP'85 game given there are no partisans?

All features are rolled out common to all game engines, even if it doesn't use them. I imagine the rules for naval unts can be found in Smolensk should anyone wish to populate a small lake with a battleship group.
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02-09-2009, 06:21 AM,
RE: NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?
JDR Dragoon Wrote:And yes, it only works against Partisans (although logically it should be applicable against any units in Deception mode as well. Yet it isn´t).

I think it would be harsh to have patrolling units automatically detect special forces units in deception mode. There is a difference between stopping the activities of a group of partisans, who are effecively low grade miltia, and uncovering a counter insurgency operation of the SAS.

Maybe a small percentage chance based on the quality of the deception unit.
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02-09-2009, 06:26 AM,
RE: NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?
FLG Wrote:I think it would be harsh to have patrolling units automatically detect special forces units in deception mode. There is a difference between stopping the activities of a group of partisans, who are effecively low grade miltia, and uncovering a counter insurgency operation of the SAS.

Maybe a small percentage chance based on the quality of the deception unit.

I am not suggesting automatic detection. I am suggesting automatic suppression of the Deception units disruptive effects within the radius of the patrolling unit in question. So with .pdt values for Deception range set for 4, a patrolling unit would render any unit in Travel mode within a radius of 4 hexes of the patrolling unit immune to the disruptive effects of an enemy unit in Deception mode and within range (3xDeception Range)
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02-09-2009, 06:34 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-09-2009, 06:52 AM by Kuriltai.)
RE: NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?
Quote:And yes, it only works against Partisans (although logically it should be applicable against any units in Deception mode as well. Yet it isn´t).

I was under the impression patrolling was effective against SF as well.In a recent D85 game I actively patrolled roads where I knew there was a deception unit in order to negate their effects.I thought it was working.
Was it just wishful thinking ?
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02-09-2009, 06:51 AM,
RE: NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?
JDR Dragoon Wrote:
FLG Wrote:I think it would be harsh to have patrolling units automatically detect special forces units in deception mode. There is a difference between stopping the activities of a group of partisans, who are effecively low grade miltia, and uncovering a counter insurgency operation of the SAS.

Maybe a small percentage chance based on the quality of the deception unit.

I am not suggesting automatic detection. I am suggesting automatic suppression of the Deception units disruptive effects within the radius of the patrolling unit in question. So with .pdt values for Deception range set for 4, a patrolling unit would render any unit in Travel mode within a radius of 4 hexes of the patrolling unit immune to the disruptive effects of an enemy unit in Deception mode and within range (3xDeception Range)

Even so, counter insurgency units are trained to operate in areas which are patrolled. Having there effects automatically negated would seriously inhibit the abilites of deception units in the game.
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02-09-2009, 07:04 AM,
RE: NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?
FLG Wrote:Even so, counter insurgency units are trained to operate in areas which are patrolled. Having there effects automatically negated would seriously inhibit the abilites of deception units in the game.

That would sort of be the point. Besides, in order to cover all your rear areas against Deception capable units you would have to dedicate a serious amount of units in order to ensure complete coverage (or even just to cover your main road and railnet). Remember that a patrolling unit would only negate deception effects within Deception range, while the Deception unit can affect units within Deception range X3. In order to completely negate the Deception radius of even a single Deception unit you would thus have to commit multiple units to patrolling.
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02-09-2009, 11:17 AM,
RE: NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?

It is wishful thinking. They must have just moved the deception units away. Here is an answer from Glenn to a similiar question I asked before.

Patrolling in D85

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02-09-2009, 05:20 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-09-2009, 05:39 PM by Volcano Man.)
RE: NGP'85 Patrolling feature....huh?
I know the suppressing of partisan units is mainly being discussed but in regards to the two hex indirect spotting ability for patrolling units:

It is incorrect to say that this two hex, indirect spotting ability of patrolling units only spots partisan units. Maybe I should keep this secret to myself, ;) but this two hex indirect spotting works on all types of units (as it should) and is useful in providing extra intel. One of the primary objectives of a patrol (in real life) is to provide intel on enemy activity in the surrounding area and you can utilize patrols in PzC/MC at night or in bad weather to provide some vital intel, or patrol areas that might be heavily wooded, heavily urbanized, or in hilly and mountainous areas to find the enemy that is not adjacent to you. Try it out. You can probably think of some other uses for it as well. I have patrolled and watched enemy activity who thought they were not being observed.

That said, you cannot use patrol spotting to direct artillery fire, which is a good thing I think. Be careful when using patrols on the front line since units are very weak while patrolling. In my experience this activity is best confined to small recon units (duh!) which might be stacked with other combat units.

Anyway, I just wanted to point out that Patrolling does indeed have other advantages; it is not simply an anti-partisan police feature only like most people think. In other words, just because there are no partisan in DF85, it is still a very useful feature if you know how to use it.
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