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BFC news
02-27-2009, 01:06 AM,
b_Exclamation Mark  BFC news
CMC canceled!!!!:angry:
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02-27-2009, 01:17 AM,
RE: BFC news
What! It must be nearly ready! Is that official and wahts the excuse/reason?

Got a link?
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02-27-2009, 01:34 AM,
RE: BFC news
Here is the link
Do not believe what you think
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02-27-2009, 02:09 AM,
RE: BFC news
Its a pitty cause all of us we were waiting this
So finally instead of CMC, Battlefront wiil produce Theatre of war 2
and other similar <<great games>>.
What a shame....
Do not believe what you think
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02-27-2009, 02:28 AM,
RE: BFC news
Someone who knows more about such things should comment but has CMBB just slipped into the public domain?
i understand there is a CMBB exe in the dump?

Maybe we can go the Steel panthers route?

might not be all bad?
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02-27-2009, 02:47 AM,
RE: BFC news
No I cant see BB slipping into public domain but more likely an 'exe file which enables integration between BB and a *Campaign Manager* programme. Has anyone downloaded the CMBB stuff??
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02-27-2009, 03:03 AM,
RE: BFC news
Wow - another blow for the shrinking CM community...:(
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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02-27-2009, 03:18 AM,
RE: BFC news
CMC canceled????

Well, no offense, but what the heck does that really matter?

I mean, will all the shit that is going down in the world, who has much time for video games anymore?

We're in the midst of an unprecedented worldwide financial meltdown and the bankers are doing EXACTLY the wrong thing... They just keep printing money, 24/7... They are making exactly the same moves as what preceded the great depression, exept now the Dollar is a WORLDWIDE currency, not just limited to America now. It's freefall has global effects.

Every single country is in debt. Entire nations are going bankrupt right now. Paper money is in and of it self worthless, and hasn't been backed by real, hard gold for decades. The Federal Reserve just prints however much money it wants, without oversight or regulation. All Monetary systems of the world are just glorified PONZI SCHEMES.

The American Empire is imploding, collapsing from over-extension. They will either bring all the troops home to cut spending (not likely...), or become a third world country as their dollar tanks.

Time to get your house in order gentlemen, and get your priorities strait, because the REAL GAME, this thing called life on planet earth, is about to get ROUGH.

It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Have fun.
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02-27-2009, 03:53 AM,
RE: BFC news

"Fiddling" whilst "Rome burns" has a long and honourable tradition misery guts. I lost my job directly due to the finincial melt down just after christmas and I find CM a welcome distraction from my more serious issues.

So there :P
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02-27-2009, 05:05 AM,
RE: BFC news
fluidwill Wrote:Hoy!

"Fiddling" whilst "Rome burns" has a long and honourable tradition misery guts. I lost my job directly due to the finincial melt down just after christmas and I find CM a welcome distraction from my more serious issues.

So there :P

Hear, hear!

There's naff all I can really do to affect all that 'real world' stuff whilst Gordon Brown and his chums seem to be doing their best to screw up the Britsih economy even further; and my house is already in order. CM and other games are my way of relaxing.

As such I was looking forward to what CMC could have been. I mean come on, If I can't decide to splash out and spend £35 of my hard earned and saved money once in a while what's the point of it all!

I work to live, not the the other way round.
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