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What happens without "armor facing"
03-05-2009, 10:43 AM,
c_Question Mark  What happens without "armor facing"
I've never played a scenario without "armor facing" on.

What happens when it is off?

Are all shots taken from the front no matter which way the tank is facing?

Thank you,


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03-05-2009, 12:08 PM,
RE: What happens without "armor facing"
From the manual.

Armor Facing – This only applies to Direct Fire vs. armored (i.e., “Hard”) targets. When this Optional Rule is in effect, the Defense Strength used when resolving Direct Fire is based on the facing of the defender relative to the firing unit (the basic Defense Strength is still used when resolving assaults). These values can be found by pressing the F4 Hot Key during the game (displays the Miscellaneous (Platoon) Data File).

Design Note: The standard (i.e. non-optional) defense value of an armored unit represents an overall rating based on the vehicles’ size (height in particular), armor thickness, close-defense weaponry, and the assumption that not all of the vehicles may be facing in the same direction, especially in a defensive stance.

The Campaign Series Optional Rule for Armor Facing introduces individual front, side, and rear defense values for each armored unit. These values are based on the standard defense values and hard status, weighted by the actual armor thickness of the vehicles themselves. Hence, they do not represent armor thickness per se, but rather the influence of individual armor thickness in conjunction with the game’s existing values.

Hope this helps.

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03-06-2009, 03:23 AM,
RE: What happens without "armor facing"
I've never played with Armour Facing off either, think i'll have to give it a go and see how different the game feels.

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03-06-2009, 07:22 AM,
RE: What happens without "armor facing"
Early war, I don't think armor facing on or off isn't that dramatic of a difference, since the armor values don't vary as much.

Late war, it makes quite a bit of difference when you have to deal with the German kitties frontally. Panthers drop from something like 23 to 13 from the front? Can't remember the Tiger numbers at all. Other than maybe Jumbos, it doesn't make as much difference to the US/UK (at least with Shermans). IS-2s probably take a reduction from the front, but T-34s are probably less impacted. Basically the Allies don't have to get quite so close to take on Panthers and Tigers with Armor Facing off as they do with it on, although you shouldn't get too cocky about it as the Germans still hit better at range than you do.

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