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Opponent Needed to Re-fight WWII
03-20-2009, 01:12 PM,
Opponent Needed to Re-fight WWII
Back in my Campaign Series days an able adversary of mine, Mueller (now inactive), attempted to "re-fight WWII". We took on the daunting task of playing every scenario in the Campaign Series in chorological order. He played the Axis and I played the Allies. Months later, after dozens of battles was had only made it to July 1940. But we had managed to play the Polish campaign, the Winter War, and the conquest of Norway and the Lowlands, as well as most of the French battles. The purpose, other than just being great fun, was to experience the development of our armed forces over the years.

My fondest memory of CS ladder game play were the battles Mueller and I waged in this campaign. I'm looking for an opponent to do a similar campaign in CM. If I can't find any takers on a scenario campaign, perhaps a QB campaign played in chorological order. However, I prefer to play the scenarios because they give a historical "story line" to the campaign.

Schwartzer Todt
[email protected]
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03-20-2009, 09:40 PM,
RE: Opponent Needed to Re-fight WWII
You have your man... Ive got a great turnaround rate and have always wanted to attempt something like this. :)
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03-21-2009, 12:48 AM,
RE: Opponent Needed to Re-fight WWII
I'd be interested as well.
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03-21-2009, 03:25 AM,
RE: Opponent Needed to Re-fight WWII
Bootie's panzers have already crossed the Polish frontier. Thanks for the quick response.

Herroberst - It would be great to have two campaigns going. I would like to try as the Axis since I am playing the Allies against Bootie. My only concern is that I would have the advantage of having very recently played the scenario as the Allies. Any ideas on how to balance this out? Maybe you could get an "intelligence report" before each battle - take a look at the Axis OB before each battle.

Schwartzer Todt
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03-21-2009, 04:04 AM,
RE: Opponent Needed to Re-fight WWII
IMO that would spoil it as you would no longer be playing the scenarios blind.
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03-21-2009, 05:59 AM,
RE: Opponent Needed to Re-fight WWII
I agree with Bootie but if you want to crank up an op, qb or scenario send me a file.
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03-21-2009, 04:26 PM,
RE: Opponent Needed to Re-fight WWII
Yeah, Bootie is right. It would not be as fun. At some point I do want to try the scenarios as the Axis, but starting both campaigns at the same time wouldn't be fair to either of my opponents.

We could try a QB campaign, Herroberst. Selecting battle type based on historical situation, i.e. July 1941 Axis attack, December 1941 Allied attack for CMBB. We could play a QB for each month of the war from December 1940 on, playing a battle each month from each game that covers that particular period.

Or, another idea I've been kicking around...a QB campaign using only one of the games - BO, BB, or AK. We would use the Battle Type menu as a victory level indicator. First battlefirst month, would be a meeting engagement. If, for example, the axis wins the battle, the next battle, next game month, is an Axis probe. If the Axis wins again, then on to an Axis attack. If Axis wins again then on to an Axis Assault, but if the Allies win then you go back up a level to Axis attack. If the Allies win again, it’s back to an Axis probe. Allies win again and you are back to a meeting engagement. Allies win another one and the next battle is an Allied probe. You have to battle your way to the Assault selection and then win two assaults in a row. First person to win two consecutive Assault battles in a row wins the campaign.

Let me know what you think.
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