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Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
08-22-2009, 10:34 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
greeting comrades,

i am taking heavy losses. 2 t-34's and a fire team. enemy had hidden anti tank guns, and a half track as bait. We advance.

task force rommel
keep up the fire
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08-22-2009, 04:22 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Oh those sneaky buggers. Hopefully you can disengage without further loss...
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08-23-2009, 03:21 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Hello Herroberst;

First, just wanted to welcome you back to the frozen steppes. Hope you had a nice break! Unfortunately our plan in the south is going sideways a bit. Rommell has proceeded alnong the southernmost edge as instructed, but not out of range of at least 1, possibly more, AT guns. He has lost 4 T-34s in the past few minutes (see screen shot in the DAR thread). Do you have recommendation(s) as to how to proceed?

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08-23-2009, 05:10 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Hey Combat Wombat;

Not sure if this is cheating, but your opponent Joony posted these screenshots on the fewgoodmen.com website. The FGM forum is open to anyone, so you may as well try to glean as much intel from it as you can! We can attribute any benefits to superior Soviet intelligence!

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08-27-2009, 02:00 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-28-2009, 09:35 AM by Combat Wombat.)
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
heheee .. y'know, I'll stick to being shot to ribbons by the unknown! all
I know is that the're more guns starting opening up along their left flank (near town ) ... my armour had no chance ..
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08-28-2009, 08:08 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
greetings comrads,

Still we advance. We will crush the german faciest no matter what the cost. With over 350 divisions we can not fail.

task force rommel
keep up the fire
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08-29-2009, 05:49 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
I am still working slowly to the centre of town. There is no contact yet, but I'm sure the Germans have spotted some of my units. Once I start pressuring the flags in the centre, he should reveal himself...
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08-31-2009, 04:57 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
greetings comrades,

we have knocked out either a prime mover or halftrack and a Antitank gun. spotted four fox holes. we have another flag too. enemy quite. 9 turns left. infantry advancing. Faciest must be wetting their pants.

task force rommel
keep up the fire
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09-06-2009, 09:23 PM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Greetings Comrades,

Our battle has ended. WE hold all but 3 flags. The Faciest never really showed himself. I did lose 4 tanks, yet i only ran into 1 anti-tank gun. my losses were so high because I area fired and did not have arcs fire set. A bad mistake I will not make again. We hold the airfield flag and 6 or 7 others. I do not know why the enemy never showed himself. May be he is saving his forces or had nothing. I ran into one platoon of infantry towards the end. We will refuel and rearm while we wait the out come of your forced battles. seek and destroy.

Task force Rommel
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09-08-2009, 02:47 AM,
RE: Russians ONLY "Little Saturn" No Germas Pls
Good work, well done.
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