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Trun delay
11-15-2009, 09:31 PM,
Trun delay
Turn delay


i have to work over the weekend on short notice.

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11-16-2009, 02:28 AM,
RE: Trun delay
Some 3rd world country will surely fall.
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11-16-2009, 03:32 AM,
RE: Trun delay
C-C-C-130 rolling down the strip...

Airborne Steffen gonna to take a little trip...

Mission unstated, destination unknown...

We don't know if Steffen's ever coming home...

Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door...

Jump right out on the count of four...

one-one thousand..

two-one thousand..

three-one thousand..


We interrupt this song with late breaking news coverage today on CNN.... A small third world country has a new government... Details are still sketchy, but it appears an unknown operative was able to single handedly install a new leader in the small Central Asian nation of.....
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11-16-2009, 04:13 AM,
RE: Trun delay
More breaking news ...
"Third world country has adopted German as their official language. Shipments of Becks are on the way. Wienerwurst and German bread are reported new staples of the land. More to follow ..."


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