OK Guys, we are getting there.
Here are the teams:
Team 1 - USA
Team 2 - GERMANY
2ndLt_Fjun (TL)
We've decided on some basic setup parameters and are currently working on the final set of rules (which will be very simple). For the setup:
USA V. GE July 1944
Small-ish map (100 x 100 or 80 x 80)
4000 purchase points (roughly 1000 per company at TL's discretion)
20 to 25 turns long
Visibilty 50
Airstrikes XXX
Offboard arty limited to 10% (400 pts.)
This is as about as simple as it gets for SPWW2. The only purchase rules on the TL is that units have to be a roughly uniform battalion - not a creative mishmosh. If its an armored battalion then it should be uniform in that regard. There are no restrictions on deployment, again total discretion of the TL.
Fred and I are finalizing the rules, and I'll get back to all of you when they are set.
Cross: Do we have an ETA on the latest update?