klanx171 Wrote:but it will allow me the chance of recover from some of my mistakes.
You should have to pay for your mistakes.
I agree with Imp and Chris on this...being stuck is being stuck. That's the way it should remain.
Otherwise you reduce the effectiveness of difficult terrain, and therefore reduce the effectiveness of the units that are not hindered by that terrain as good buy options for that battle.
I also like the idea that having to move slowly take into account all the small 'getting stuck' moments where you managed to Weasel wriggle free of the bank / mud etc.
When the game calls you immobilised...that means you are out of the fight as a going concern.
To me what you are asking for is the same as asking for a 'chance' to get casualties back into action...as we know that not all men that are 'killed' in this game are seriously dead, some just become 'combat ineffective'. A 'roll' to see if anyone managed to bandage themselves up well enough to continue the fight would be just silly eh.
That's why it is not in the game.
What you need to do is turn immob off...or just stop driving around ion the mud bro!
klanx171 Wrote:As for Terrain if I could make em I would, cant we just get them from the old SPwaw?
I don't think it is such a great idea to mix waw and spcamo file bro...bad form, and IMO creates many issues with PBEM.
Personally, I don't mind the SP MBT and WW2 tiles...there are many more than in the old days, more colours as well. 15 hill heights now instead of the initial boring three.
BTW...you do know that the first three SSI releases of Steel Panthers are not 'WAW' at all don't you?
After SP III was released, the designers handed the code to two different design teams. Matrix created SP WAW and SPCAMO created SPww2 and SPMBT.
From that point, the games have diverged completely, even though they are based on the same basic game code originally.