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New Scenario Up at H2H
12-28-2009, 08:26 PM,
RE: New Scenario Up at H2H
Ivan The Big Wrote:Fixed transports: I can fix that in version 2.0. What a tried to simulate there was German paralysis in the face of General Winter. You both commented that there were to many easy victory points to be had with these units. I can either unfix or eliminate 50% of them. If I eliminate it would somewhat simulate the fact that not many German vehicles were running well in -40F temperature during the real conflict.

ItB, I understood what you were trying to do. The scenario simulated the frustration of the Germans as they had to be punished by both winter and Russian counterattacks. This scenario does it very well.
The trouble with the fixed trucks is in the fact that version 1.04 has made them too valuable to leave fixed.
I would say it is your call to reduce them or un-fix them. On this scale, in this scenario, I would only see them as "free" victory points for the Russians.

Ivan The Big Wrote:Victory Hexes: My take on victory hexes is cheap ones up forward and cream of the crop ones towards the rear. With that I feel it forces the attacker to press hard within the time limit of the scenario to gain the plate of ham at the end! However, like was said in your analysis it can force the defender to hold in depth. What do each of you think about eliminating some of the bigger VP hexes in favor of an extra exit hex?

As the Russians I did not take a single unit off the map. Nor, did I capture the large victory hexes in the rear. It was still a major victory for the Russians. What the rear victory hexes actually did was to divide the German defenders and dilute the German reinforcements needed to cover them.
The initial Russian armored forces could get to them and most likely exit the map. But, none of the reinforcements, infantry, or support units could exit.
Some of the reinforcements did not engage in combat due to the distances traveled just to get to the forwards German line.
It felt more that the Russians needed to crush the German forces and not do fancy driving into the rear areas.

Ivan The Big Wrote:Russian Armor: Was it to much? Would it be better to remove say six platoons of tanks and increase the percentage chance of the reinforcements coming in?

I think the amount of Russian armor was about right. They need it all to gain a victory. Maybe the addition of German 37 mm "doorknockers" in key pill box and trench hexes? They would be effective in slowing down the light armor and could be effective in ambush while remaining hidden.

I did like the theme of the scenario. I think it has much potential. Balance will be an issue but, with minor tweaking can be adjusted.


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12-28-2009, 09:47 PM,
RE: New Scenario Up at H2H
I echo pretty much what RR says. A word of caution tho.........only fix a few things as trying to do too much will cause you fits. I would suggest starting by removing the fixed German vehicles. Doing that will keep the Germans paralyzed and as Ed said they are worth way too many vps to leave as is.....only other solution is to try and adjust victory conditions to reflect the vp losses........that makes the adjustments more complex than they need to be.

Scenario is not that far away from being completed.

"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
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12-29-2009, 12:04 AM,
RE: New Scenario Up at H2H
Thank you Ed & Earl,

I appreciate your input!

There are a few others playing it now so I'll change some things after those other games are completed. It will be interesting to see what they say.

I backed away from this post last evening and slept on the fix transport issue. This morning before I read this post I changed over to your camp and agree 100% in what you are saying now. I will fix that issue in the 2.0 version.

I like the idea of the door knockers and in honesty I didn't see the Russian reinforcement problem. I'll have to look at those changes closer but I hear what your saying.

Best always and have a great New Year!
Ivan the Big:smoke:
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12-29-2009, 02:48 AM,
RE: New Scenario Up at H2H
I agree with Earl. :smoke:
Make incremental changes one at a time. Starting with the German transports.

Don't make any changes until you get feedback from all players. Some may not have shared our experience? :chin:Whip

And, as Earl said. This is very close to playing balanced. Small, simple tweaks may be enough? :thumbs_up:


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