Well, well...we shall have to agree to disagree there Vesku.
I guess my 'system' is primarily put together to run audio recording / editing apps, and the general rule of thumb I have always worked to / been told to use, was to keep all apps on C with the OS and keep all data away on another drive.
It has worked extremely well for me over the last ten years or so (not the same computer obviously...I am on my fourth build now...but that's three years old at least and needs an upgrade pretty bloody soon!) and I am not about to change now.
I guess the logic is that the Apps need to talk to the OS all the time and it's easier / faster if they are on the same drive.
For real time audio manipulation, any lag is a real problem...so keeping the speed of communication up is a priority.
As far as installs and uninstalls being a problem..I tend to keep an eye on the Registry and also am very fastidious with getting rid of things when they are not needed...like 'really' getting rid of them.
So...there seems to be more than one way to set up your C Drive eh.
Who would have thought
Perhaps I am 'wrong'...but I am very happy with the way my old computer deals with the jobs I throw at it.