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Old Bolt stuff
02-25-2010, 08:08 AM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6 (Soon)
Hey i made a soviet secret weapon that only i knew about it's existance, i hope that you'll include it!

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.bmp   Soviet Secret Weapon lol.bmp (Size: 39.6 KB / Downloads: 38)
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02-25-2010, 09:16 AM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6 (Soon)
Basi, sisi ni kusubiri kwa mwezi version.
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02-25-2010, 09:31 AM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6 (Soon)
(02-25-2010, 08:08 AM)P.Ako Wrote: Hey i made a soviet secret weapon that only i knew about it's existance, i hope that you'll include it!

As counter of youre secret weapon here the NATO secret special allieds from west and east.Big Grin

.bmp   Secret Special allieds from west and east.bmp (Size: 39.6 KB / Downloads: 32)
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02-25-2010, 10:16 AM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6 (Soon)
(02-25-2010, 09:16 AM)Monter Wrote: Basi, sisi ni kusubiri kwa mwezi version.

Yes you wait, maybe friday. I dont feel like thinking today.

Rangers Lead the Way
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02-26-2010, 01:54 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-12-2010, 01:00 PM by Aaron.)
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6
4.6.1 is ready to go,enjoy


1. Some of those Nato Engineers that were for rear area operations only and were equip a little lighter i reduced HA,SA and Assault 3 points.This includes units from most Nato nations and all are equip with trucks
2. Cleaned up the Austrian OOB/TO&E and shifted a few units and changed a few values plus added HQ graphics and made some oob adjustments
3. The Belgian Commando reg had a recon element of a squadron not a battalion reduced it
4. Manpower adjustments to West German Pioneers, Sicherungs, Luftlande, Gebirgsjäger troops
5. There were more Dragons in the US Berlin Bde then what i had, up on HA 3
6. Made some oob adjustments for either command or attachment purposes
7. Soviet Security up 6 HA,3 SA,4 AA,1 AA Range and 6 DEF. This helps show the scatteering of some tanks and APCs in the units and SA-7s
8. Czech Border Guards up 4 DEF. Had some OT-64s in it
9. GebirgsJägerBrig 23 had 1/3rd of its men made up of reservists so while manpower went up morale went down to a B
10.Some adjustments to all US Corps Field Arty Bdes, lost some guns and deleted 3 MLRS Bns(-81 MLRS,-84 M110A2)
11.Found the EGerman Security units finally, they were called the Wach- und Sicherungsbataillon, there was 3 of them the 3rd,5th,and 40th, added the 40th to the game and changed the name on the 3rd and 5th.
12.Small adjustments to Dutch OOB
13.Small adjustments to WGerman OOB
14.Small adjustments to French OOB
15.Small adjustments to US Corp level Engineers
16.Elimination of the 2 Czech Security units at Army level, could not prove they existed only the 6th Strazni Prapor at front level
17.Split the EGerman and Czech Border units down to company level
18.A new SGF strategy with 3 options.
Option 1: Germany--- SGF starts arriving on the east edge of the map directly behind 3rd DDR in the northern part of the US VII corp at 2200 on the 12th and the last units arrive at 1600 on the 13th. The 2 Hungarian corps start showing up on the east edge of the map in Austria at 2200 on the 17th and the last unit arrives at 1000 on the 19th. SGF shows up the 0 casualties and 0 fatigue, ALL the Hungarians show up with 30% casualties and 100 fatigue. The Italians arrive at 0600 on the 15th on the south edge of the map coming out of western Austria, the 2 Spanish divisions arrive on the morning of the 17th and 18th respectively on the western edge of the map in the south.
Option 2:Austria---SGF starts arriving on the east edge of the map in Austria at 2000 on the 14th and the last Hungarian unit shows up at 1000 on the 17th. ALL these units have 15-20% casualties and 70-75 fatigue.The Italians start arriving at 0600 on the 16th on the south edge of the map coming out of western Austria, the 2 Spanish divisions arrive on the morning of the 17th and 18th respectively on the western edge of the map in the south.
Option 3:Italy---- The Hungarian 1st army starts arriving on the east edge of the map in Austria on the 15th at 2200 and finish on the 16th at 1000, they show up with 20% casualties and 75 fatigue. SGF(4 div),Hungarian 2nd army(5 Bde),Italians(6 Bde+assets) and Spanish(2 Div+Airportable Bde) and Portugals Airborne Bde do not show up at all
19.Had an issue with Nato Sam Belt Hawks having nobody to spot for them, have broken them down into 16 Luftverteidigung with 1 Hawk Bn in each Luftverteidigung and attached at Corp level, this way these units are detachable/attachable to any NATO Corp in the game.Also fixed them for the first few turns till 0800 and made them stockpiled and pushed the US 3rd Corp and Dutch Corp HQ forward. I tried 12 different solutions to this and this was the best way with the least amount of C&C issues while having the most units to spot for them.
20.Dropped the 6 Nato helo engineers values:-3 HA(6),-3 SA(9),DEF -2(1), ASSAULT -3(9) and -10(16) movement, hopefully this helps keep these units digging holes and building minefields instead of flying around the enemys rear blowing bridges
21.I eliminated the 82nd AB DEF OPS strategy, it relieves some of the strain on the US air bridge and helps keep units off the map to help keep the game from heading into trench warfare.Plus if someone didnt pick NO DEFS OPS and then also picked a OFF option then boxes would have started popping up on you every turn and the AI knew no difference either. In its place ive changed the last option in the OFF strategy to NO JUMP and the 82nd drives out on the west edge behind VII corp on the 19th. There are now 2 82nd AB Divisions in the OOB, one is for the options where they jump and are on foot the other is under VII corp and is for when you choose the NO JUMP option they show up with trucks, which ever way you choose it will cancel the other one out.
22.A slight adjustment in VP victory points, slid it 8000 more points in favor of the WP player
23.More adjustments to get the NATO player off the Weser defense. Some units are now unfixed and or release earlier and/or moved forward
24.Changed the Congestion value in the .pdt to a 4 from a 2, go ahead and use your helos to clear them now, it will take twice as long
25.Lowered the Digging-In value in the .pdt from a 25 to a 17. Vanilla was 25 but that was with 3 hour turns, i have 2 hour turns so it made sense to have a 1/3rd decrease to begin with. 17% means that a Bn has 51% chance to dig in and this doubles with an Engineer unit present.
26.Raised the elevation modifier from -10 to -20, since man started walking over and clubbing the man in the next cave having the high ground on the battlefield has been with us in every conflict through out history and still remains to this day.
27.Reworked the WP Jutland strategys.
28.Every company in the oob is listed as KG,what this does is eliminate the 6x fatigue modifier for companys except for MP/Security type units are still listed as companys. If you split a Bn in the game you cannot recombine it for the duration of the game.
29.Dropped most tanks 4 points in SA,tanks didnt carry a whole lot of HE and felt to many casualties were happening, this just leans it a little more towards combined arms assaults to remove INF which is what ive been shooting for all along.
30.Changed the SAM units into more of a air defense network, for example instead of having British Rapiers with a range of 5 ive made it a 10 to show how they would have had 4 launchers here and 4 there, it increases your divisional defense against helos without breaking down these units into 4-6 launcher batteries and adding 400 small units to the game. On top of this 4 launchers dont cause a whole lot of damage and are not very survivable. 12 Range-Hawk,SA4,SA6,SA11 10 Range-Rapier,Adats,Roland,SA8 8 Range-Chaparrel,SA9,SA13
31.Raised the AA value on the 2s6 3 points to 30
32.No changes to the Brits whatsoever
33.Reworked the Belgian unit names into Flemish and French depending on what the unit spoke or i should say attempted to
34.Reworked the Italian unit names
35.Ive gone threw ALOT of graphics in the last couple months and either resized them,cleaned them up or remade them plus theres some all new ones.
36.A bunch of tiny changes that i didnt keep track of
37.Changes to WP Engineer Brigades and Regiments and Pontoon Rgts.Ive got a much more accurate picture of these units now.
38.WP depended on alot of Mine plows and mine rollers in their Eng companys at Rgt level for mine clearing, to be exact 12 plows/rollers per TK/MRR, now i cant have everyone with plows and i thought 1 Tank Bn per Rgt was to much so i think i made it simple, the TanK Bn in the last Rgt of every division has been flagged for mine clear and graphics added
39.Another rework of the Grenztruppen, beware of Berlin because Grenzkommando Mitte lost 4200 men, now the decision where you place the MotSchDiv 1 is a tad more interesting, Berlin is worth 10000 VPs and thats not counting all the destroyed NATO units
40.Alot of the Warsaw Pact Minors 122mm towed guns were of the M-30 model not the D-30, went threw and made the changes,lots of them i must have been blind ill plead temporary insanity 1584 pieces total, im the only one who noticed it.
41.Changes to the Soviet 6 Gds Mot Rifle Bde.
42.Added the Soviet Independent Tank rgts, this was a long running debate with me because the Independent tank rgts seem to have gotten lost in Soviet history but i found a website with some ex tankers from these rgts and the first Rgt didnt withdrawn intill summer 1989, these units were like US Cav Rgts, they were border units that would have slowed down the NATO attack intill reinforcements came up, as far as offensively there is a debate on wheather they would have been cannon fooder up in front of everyone or used as a reserve unit to take advantage of breaches, i have decided on the latter. These Rgts were so different that they had 3 companys of 16 tanks in each Bn, 1 tank for every 500m on the border with the West.

Rangers Lead the Way
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02-26-2010, 08:08 PM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6
I truly appreciate your dedication and mammoth effort to give us in the gaming community a wonderful balanced campaign game.
I hope you had as much satisfaction constructing this as we most certainly will have playing it.

Again many thanks for sharing your work.
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02-26-2010, 09:08 PM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6

Many thanks for your great work.

One issue:
(WP) 28th Army Troops-> 120th Artillery brigade, 3 units, each one with only 1 vehicle. Thus 3 vehicle strong brigade.
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02-26-2010, 09:42 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-26-2010, 09:43 PM by JDR Dragoon.)
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6
Very impressive and thorough work. I like the attention to detail (invasion counters signalling the appearance of amphibious troops etc.). Its systematic and academic approach to the question of OOBs, strategy options and play balance is definetely its long suit.
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02-26-2010, 09:49 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-27-2010, 04:51 AM by Aaron.)
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6
(02-26-2010, 09:08 PM)Indragnir Wrote: Aaron,

Many thanks for your great work.

One issue:
(WP) 28th Army Troops-> 120th Artillery brigade, 3 units, each one with only 1 vehicle. Thus 3 vehicle strong brigade.

Ill have to make sure later but i always reduce a unit to a 1 before i delete off the game to remind me to erase off the oob after, well it looks like i forgot but im assuming they are not in the scenario.

EDIT: Just looked and their still in but they are suppose to be deleted so no big deal, you got 3 bonus guns that wont show up till noon on the 9th day.

Ive already erased the old oob so i cant check but i bet its been that way for over a year

(02-26-2010, 08:08 PM)Lowlander Wrote: I truly appreciate your dedication and mammoth effort to give us in the gaming community a wonderful balanced campaign game.
I hope you had as much satisfaction constructing this as we most certainly will have playing it.

Again many thanks for sharing your work.

Ive had a great time researching and building it thanks.
(02-26-2010, 09:42 PM)JDR Dragoon Wrote: Very impressive and thorough work. I like the attention to detail (invasion counters signalling the appearance of amphibious troops etc.). Its systematic and academic approach to the question of OOBs, strategy options and play balance is definetely its long suit.

Thank you, i was just the collector of info who put it into a bunch of numbers and letters, the 100+ people who have helped are the ones that did most of the work with their research that some had spent years working on and posting on the net for all of us to use and leaving their emails behind for me to find them.

As for the invasion counter i was going to make a graphic of a nude sunbather but never got around to it.

Rangers Lead the Way
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02-27-2010, 01:28 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-27-2010, 01:40 AM by Monter.)
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6
What (in-game) is your suggested use of Engineer (equip) units? They can't do much of engineering tasks...

BTW. I found new error with new version. In Polish 1st Army Troops, in 5th Eng Bde there is 5th Pontoon Bn, consisting of... 5th Pontoon Rgt (5.ppont). I think you should switch those two names.
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