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Old Bolt stuff
03-14-2010, 03:25 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-14-2010, 09:42 AM by anton dolf.)
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6.1

PzGrenbrig 17:

The Number of the PzArtBtl was 177. ( normaly 175, in German was the § 175 the GAY-Paragraph, and the male gays was nammed 175ér in the public)


Heeresstructure 3 (endet 1980)

3 companys with 10 Leo1 ans 10 Luchs each

Heeresstructure 4 (from 1980 to 1991)

Staff/StaffCo (1.) : 1 Leo1 , 2Luchs, 4 M113 Fu/Fü, 4 M113SAN, 2 BergePz

2.&3. Co : 4 Troops with 3 Leo 1 each, plus 1Leo 1/1 M113 Fu/Fü (CoHQ)

4. (Mixed) Co: 2 Troops with 3 Leo 1each, 2 Troops with 4 Luchs each, plus 1 Leo 1/ 1M113Fu/Fü (CoHQ)

5.Co 3 Troops with 3 Fuchs/1Milan each, 1 Fuchs in CoHQ

Radarplatoon with 9 Fuchs with Radar RASIT

1. (9.) Fallschirmjägerdivision

divisional Units only 1 SignalBn

The Staff off the 1.FschJgDiv was planed as Special Staff under Centag or II.German Corps.
Planed was evetually the Leading of the GebJgBr 23 (from 1.Gebirgsdivision) and the FschJgBrig 25 and other uits to support Centag ( eventually defencs operations in Austria, Austria was not in the NATO and plans in this direction was top secret)

1.(8.) Gebirgsdivision

The GebJgBrig was only in Peace-Time planed in the Division. The place from Brig 23 was given to Brig 56 vom Territorial-Heer in the Moment of War beginning.. Brig 56 was full mechanised and ready to fight with the (then) full mech 8.Div.
The Brig 23 changed to the direct support II.Corps or higher.
The Number of the GebirgsArtilleryRegiment was 8. ( the Bn´s 81 and 82)
East Germany:

1989: Disband of 6 active Panzerregimeter (complete finished of the disbandment 8/89 (all technic and personal gone))
PzRgt 1 (1.MSD) Beelitz
PzRgt 4 (4.MSD) Gotha
PzRgt 8 (8.MSD) Goldberg
PzRgt 11 (11.MSD) Sondershausen
PzRgt 16 (7.PD) Großenhain
PzRgt 23 (9.PzDiv) Kleinstallberg

each german PzRgt has
-AD-Battery with 4 SA-12 and 4 ZSU-23
-AufKlKp/RecceCo with 3 BMP-1 and 7 BRDM-2
-Pionier /Eng Co with 3 BLG-60 Bridgelayer
-1 ArtilleryBtr with 6 2S1 (dont 12)

Mot.Schützenregimenter with BMP (3,7,9,16,23,27)
-ArtilleryBn with 18 2S1
-AufKlKp/RecceCo with 3 BMP-1 and 7 BRDM-2
-Pionier /Eng Co with 3 BLG-60 Bridgelayer
-AD-Battery with 4 SA-12 and 4 ZSU-23

Mot.Schützenregimenter with BTR-70 (1,2,22,24,28,29,17,18)
-ArtilleryBn with 18 D-30
-AufKlKp/RecceCo with 3 BTR-60PB and 7 BRDM-2
-Pionier /Eng Co with 3 BLG-60 Bridgelayer
-AD-Battery with 6 ZSU-23


the NVA has 24 BMP-2 , dont more, all in 1Bn/MSRgt 9)


only 9 PD (PzRgt 21 and 22 and MSRgt 9) ans 7.PD (only PzRgt 14 and 15, MSR-18 with T-55)

NVA-Equipment :
198 T-54, 1521 T-55, 549 T-72, 142 Pt-76, 1266 BTR-70, 1402 BTR-60, 24 BMP-2, 374 2S1, 95 2S3, 96 ZSU-23-4, 27 SA-4, 120 SA-6, 96 SA-13

US Army

The MLRS-Batterys from 2nd Armored Div and 1st Infantry Div was forward deployed in Garlstedt and Göppingen
GebJgBtl 571, Schneeberg, Germans leading Mountain Infantry Unit
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03-15-2010, 10:10 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-17-2010, 07:06 AM by anton dolf.)
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6.1
Leopard 1 in German Service:

1 to 4 Lot: 400,600,500,345 Leopard 1
all mod to Leopard 1 A1 A1 , and later Leopard 1 A1 A2,A3,A4 (dont all)
Leo 1 A1 A1(stabilized Gun, add Armour on Turret,Biv Night vision)
Leo 1 A1 A2 (A1 A1 with PZB 200)
Leo 1 A1 A3 ( A1 A1 with new Radio SEM 80/90)
Leo 1 A1 A4 ( A1 A2 with new Radio SEM 80/90)
All Leopard 1 in the Feldheer1989 minimum Leopard 1 A1 A1 and Leo 1 A2 A1 ( Leo 1 A3 and A4 phased out latest Tank in 1989)

5 Lot: 342 Tanks
-232 Leopard 1 A2, Equipment like as Leo 1 A1 A1, bigger Armour on turret
later mod to Leo 1 A2 A1 (PZB 200), Leo 1 A2 A2 (SEM 80/90), Lo 1 A2 A3 (PZB 200 and SEM 80/90)
-110 Leopard 1 A3
later mod to Leo 1 A3 A1 (PZB 200), Leo 1 A3 A2 (SEM 80/90), Lo 1 A3 A3 (PZB 200 and SEM 80/90) all Leo 1 A3 versions was only in Service with PzAklBn 10 (1989 transfer to Leo 1A5) and PzBrig 30 (1989 transfer to Leopard 2A4 and was PzGrenBrig 30) Leo 1 A3 phased out in Springtime 1989)
6.Lot :
250 Leopard 1 A4 (Turret from Leo 1 A3, equipment like as A3 plus EMES 12 A1) only in Service with PzBrig 28 (to Leo 2 1988) and PzBrig 29 (1987 to Leo 2) Leo 1 A4 phased out in this time, the version L1 A1 A1 and higher was more modern
Old Leopard 1 A4 was built back to Leo 1 A3 standart and going in export to Turkey (150), Grecce (75) and Denmark (10)

-Leopard 1 A5
Between 1986 and 1992 was 1339 Leopard 1 A1A1, A1A2 und A1A3 to Leopard 1 A5

Leo 1 A2 -PzBtl 23 (1981 to Leo 2A4)
-PzBtl 220 (later Pzbtl 284) (1975 to Leo 1A4)
-PzBtl 294 (1975 to Leo 1A4)
-many Leo 1 A2 was after the 1975 in the PzAklBtl in Service and later on the training ground in Shilo canada
GebJgBtl 571, Schneeberg, Germans leading Mountain Infantry Unit
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03-19-2010, 06:53 AM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6.1
Hi? I search a player for this mod 4.6.1, i want play WP if possible thanks.
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03-22-2010, 01:08 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-22-2010, 01:17 AM by Aaron.)
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6.1
(03-19-2010, 06:53 AM)GUIGUITZA Wrote: Hi? I search a player for this mod 4.6.1, i want play WP if possible thanks.

Most people play this as a team game so you might have trouble finding someone to play one on one.

Quote:PzGrenbrig 17:

The Number of the PzArtBtl was 177. ( normaly 175, in German was the § 175 the GAY-Paragraph, and the male gays was nammed 175ér in the public)

Quote:The Number of the GebirgsArtilleryRegiment was 8. ( the Bn´s 81 and 82)

Thank You.
Rangers Lead the Way
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03-23-2010, 12:33 AM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6.1
if there aren't players can i hope one day a version with AI orders for NATO because there isn't any AI orders for NATO now and it's not very good for WP palyer...i hope thanks
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03-23-2010, 09:17 AM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6.1
I tried to download the file and I got an error message about the file being removed from the rapidshare server. Is there a new link?
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03-23-2010, 02:32 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-23-2010, 02:36 PM by Aaron.)
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6.1
(03-23-2010, 09:17 AM)Nitram Draw Wrote: I tried to download the file and I got an error message about the file being removed from the rapidshare server. Is there a new link?

Still there same link, Aaron

(03-23-2010, 12:33 AM)GUIGUITZA Wrote: hi,
if there aren't players can i hope one day a version with AI orders for NATO because there isn't any AI orders for NATO now and it's not very good for WP palyer...i hope thanks

I thought about it but in the end the game engine isnt very good on handling AI orders, in the attack it breaks down within 2 days and on the defense theres really no imagination, all you can really do is fix units.

Rangers Lead the Way
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03-23-2010, 05:59 PM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6.1
So i must find a team of player for play....one idea? i wait a player and thanks for your help
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03-24-2010, 11:58 AM,
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6.1
(03-23-2010, 02:32 PM)tazaaron Wrote:
(03-23-2010, 09:17 AM)Nitram Draw Wrote: I tried to download the file and I got an error message about the file being removed from the rapidshare server. Is there a new link?

Still there same link, Aaron


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03-24-2010, 08:42 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-29-2010, 04:37 AM by P.Ako.)
RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.6.1
I would like to know the fate of the poor guy who tells you where are going to disembark the WAPAC forces in the Jutalnd peninsula!!!

Ok i edit the post to include another serious question... why there is not a trace of the Austrian air force?
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