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Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
04-25-2010, 04:43 AM,
RE: Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
Hi to all! :)I like Glider's approach! The town center is the main objective along with the airport as I remember! So, his plan covers those bases and develops an option to confront the tanks moving to our rear! Have a good one! cheers
Ivan/Shep!The "HOG Ranger and Balkan Warrior" Still Riding the "Winds of Change" on the Dubrovnik Front!
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04-25-2010, 11:15 AM,
RE: Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
I need someone to take the bull by the horns and make a final dsecision as well as give me the move(s) for the next turn.
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04-25-2010, 09:15 PM,
RE: Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
(04-25-2010, 11:15 AM)Ratzki Wrote: I need someone to take the bull by the horns and make a final dsecision as well as give me the move(s) for the next turn.

Have you heard from Cargol?
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04-25-2010, 10:43 PM,
RE: Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
Hi to Team Cargol! Big Grin In looking at the situation map/Unit Status that Ratski gave us in a previous post, it appears that KG Cargol will have a Lt ATG Plt, 81mm FO, and 105 Arty Plt, all of which are located along the southern supply road, which puts them in good postion to move north to defend the southern supply route from the tanks coming from the north. Also, using Glider's plan for the 8 points of reif (I '41 Inf Co, and a 105 Arty Plt), we could use the 41 Inf Co forward as a screen and put the arty in "Direct fire Mode" in Key Hole postions behind the Inf Screen to engage the Russian Tanks as they approach. With the 114 blast value, then may be able to take out some of the tanks like an ATG, but at shorter range! Anyway, just food for thought. Have a good one!cheers
Ivan/Shep!The "HOG Ranger and Balkan Warrior" Still Riding the "Winds of Change" on the Dubrovnik Front!
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04-26-2010, 03:41 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-26-2010, 03:44 AM by cargol.)
RE: Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
Greetings fellow Cders and my apologies for the delay.
It seems that we are facing a difficult situation but we must not lose heart!
The armour group that is racing Westwards can not be stopped at least now as we are lacking mobile /tank assets to confront it.It will be hopeless to try to stop them or delay them with infantry forces.
If im not mistaken (Ratzki will clarify this)even if the armour group cut our supply line it will be also it self out of supply as there isnt any road network connecting it with the Russian supply route.
So their must possible course of action is to swing Eastwards in order to hit us from our rear excactly where our KG A and KG C are located.
I suggest that we should hit the armour group with our Stukas and bleed them
trying to reduce its strength and by this increasing our chances for a succesfull defence.
I suugest also that we should try to hit the Russian formation at the center of the city with KG C which is our strongest formation.
To summarise i suggest for
A)Buy 4 points for airpower-Attack the armour group.
B)Buy 2 points for T34-Even if we get 1 will have a valuable asset capable for both offensive defensive mission
C)Buy 1 Howitzer Plt-This will be allocated to KG C to help the attack either by pounding Positions or creating smoke screens or be used as improvised AT assets(area fire close to armour is very effective)

2)Reorganise units
A) KG Cargol will allocate Infantry Coy to KG C for the planned attack.
B) KG Cargol will allocate Luftwaffe Coy to KG B as KG B is undermanned.
C) Mortar Spotter+Lt AT Gun plt+Howitzer Plt will be part of KG Cargol
D) The recently purchased Howitzer Plt will be given to KG C.
E)If we purchase any tank they will move using the extreme West route to head towards KG Cargol and will be stationed there for future use.As airfield sector isnt
threatened yet its an ideal place as staging area as we minimse the risk any new unit to be engaged in Combat prematurely.
Movement Phase:
A)KG F will move Southwards towards KG C in order to shorten the line and to avoid the creation of a gap between itself and KG C.
B)All other KGs will mantain defensive posture and wait for the Reds.
C) KG C will attack as stated.
Fellow Cders what do u Say?
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04-26-2010, 04:29 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-26-2010, 04:30 AM by Glider.)
RE: Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
(04-26-2010, 03:41 AM)cargol Wrote: ...Fellow Cders what do u Say?

I agree completely that we should not be withdrawing. I would still prefer an inf company reinforcement to Stukas/T-34. We could deploy it to defend the SW road and even push N to try to clear the W road and to put some strain on that Red unit's limited supplies. Mostly because I think that Stukas can do only limited damage to tanks.
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04-26-2010, 05:04 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-26-2010, 05:06 AM by cargol.)
RE: Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
We have to think that the armour unit is at least 10 tanks strong,if we purchase
an Infantry unit it will be cut to pieces as except short range A/T grenades they dont have any other A/T capabilities.
I agree that air attack is based mainly at luck but weather is good and by spending 4 points we could have up to 6 planes attacking the tank column.
Also the tanks are at open ground so our chances are better.
I dont believe that we ll stop them but we have good chances cause casualties both at tanks and at riding infantry.
I ve runned two tests,4 JU88D attacking a 12 T34s on which a coy of infantry was riding.The results were impressive,first test 3 Tanks destroyed or abandoned,60% of the riding infantry casualties plus that half of the remaining T34s had their commander killed.
Second test 4 T34s killed,70% of the infantry casualties the remaining infantry panicked and without any fighting spirit left.
Both tests were made with exactly the weather conditions given and not packing the T34s but moving them as Plts.If the Russians dont have A/A protection i think that we have them.
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04-26-2010, 05:25 AM,
RE: Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
(04-26-2010, 05:04 AM)cargol Wrote: ...
Both tests were made with exactly the weather conditions given and not packing the T34s but moving them as Plts.If the Russians dont have A/A protection i think that we have them.

Well that really sounds impressive. I only regret we have no unit to observe the strikes and ensure they are tactical and not abstracted. I think that in-game ones would be more devastating, if for no other reasno then because we see them :-)
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04-26-2010, 05:44 AM,
RE: Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
If we are lucky this air attack will also cause side effects.
We will force them to think about A/A cover and by this make them spend
points to purchase A/A Guns and also make them think twice advancing boldly.
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04-26-2010, 06:51 AM,
RE: Germans ONLY "Little Saturn" No Russians Pls
I ll be out of net till Tuesday afternoon.
We ll have our final discussion and Tuesday evening we ll announce our
moves for this round.
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