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Is this possible?
07-21-2010, 01:30 AM,
Is this possible?
I am currently reading a book on the combat history of the 82 AB for the second time. What I am wondering is if this can be done. A scenario in Normandy for the AB drop, scattered to the winds, troops mixed up. Player has the option to control whatever size force they want, but for example, let's go with a bn. The ai controls the rest of the AB forces. For total fog of war, you cannot see the area with a jump map as no unit knows where they are, so you don't even see where the other unit's of your bn are either. Would have to use the next unit button to get to your next unit. Bear with me here, you have your first squad all alone and move to an intersection and now they know where they are, with this unit alone, you can see the jump map, but only the one unit is shown on the map. Same goes for all units under your control if they have made it to a landmark to know where they are. Now you move your one squad in the direction you think they should be going toward their objective and you come across a platoon from another unit. Now you should know what they know as well so you can see more on the jump map for that one squad. Now you also have the option to take control of that platoon away from ai. Now you have a platoon plus going your way and at some point you come across another platoon that you already control. At this point, you can return the one platoon back to ai control because you have found another of your platoons or you can opt to keep control of the lost platoon so you have a larger force. It could depend on what the objectives are. Maybe you are supposed to go se to St. Mere Eglise while the lost platoon's objective is a bridge to the ne. If it is so far in another direction, you would have to let it go. If it's obj is not too far from yours, you could use it to gain yours and then let it go or even decide to help it gain it's obj. Now, to avoid keeping control of every unit you come across, their objectives have to be obtained in order for other things to happen like armor support coming up from the beaches.

I know it's a lot of reading, but hopefully you get the idea. If it is possible, there go a bunch of scenarios for all the combat drops from Tunisia, Sicily, Salerno, Normandy, South France, Market Garden and across the Rhine. Sicily and Normandy have the Brits as well and MG has three areas of para drops, four if you count the Poles as separate. That's just the Allies. There would be the Germans in France 40, Crete and Sicily.

And like I said, the player has a choice as to the size of the force they want to command, anywhere from a platoon to the entire force, which would be pretty large overall if somebody wants to do that. Or say MG they want a bn from the 101, bn of 82 and bn of Brit 1st so they can experience all three areas at the same time. You choose the forces you want to command from a drop down list. Or acting as Div cdr, you still only want to control one bn, but at any time you can click on the list to take control of other units.

Sorry for such a long post, just ramblings from a lost and drifting mind.:smoke:
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07-21-2010, 03:46 AM,
RE: Is this possible?
I think it's a novel, albeit ambitous concept you posted for a scenario. Being new to Squad Battles I may not be the best person to answer but I'll chime in with my opinion :)

I think with the current build of the Squad Battles engine I don't see this happening anytime soon. I think the scale of the game is best suited for clearly defined objectives on a clearly defined map with the scenario being a snapshot of a larger battle or area of operation.

I have to ask myself the question, what makes a good scenario? For me I would list these conditions to be part of a fun scenario/game

-Give both sides the option of more then 1 choice of action when planning an attack or defense at the start of the scenario. Choices are good and this game is about tactics
-Involve different types of units to enhance tactical choices by the players.
-Use different types of terrain to again have the players make tactical decisions.
-Introduce some element of chance/luck to the scenario, "immobiles" are a good example of this in the game engine already.

That's off the top of my head, and I am starting to rambe too! I wouldn't mind seeing linked scenarios with units that get carried over to the next scenario.
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07-21-2010, 04:15 AM,
RE: Is this possible?
The short answer to your question is no, but I like people who throw the occasional 'out of the box' question.

The SB game engine is not equipped to handle this very complex set of variables. Not sure if any wargame has the capabilities to do this.

A new game with a brand new game engine, perhaps, but not the one that's within SB right now.
Site Commander: Task Force Echo 4
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07-21-2010, 04:40 AM,
RE: Is this possible?
I didn't know for sure if something like that could have been introduced into a patch or not.

As for the large scenario, could that be done? Maybe using something along the lines of area movement as long as there is no enemy in the same area, but then tactical where there may be a fight looming, I guess similar to Close Combat. The new one boasts a map of over 84,000 hexes, how much of an area does that cover compared to Normandy or MG or any one of the titles if there is one closer. No doubt it would be a challenge and a monster but wondering if there is interest in something like that.

Worst that can happen is told no, but never hurts to ask, may be something nobody else has asked yet.
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07-21-2010, 04:52 AM,
RE: Is this possible?
I know people have asked about a better campaign game, maybe your idea or part of your idea could be used in some update to the campaign game.
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