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Exit Hexes
07-22-2010, 06:10 PM,
Exit Hexes
I just finished "Through the eye of the needle", and by games end had control of all 3 Exit Hexes. The problem is that I exited inf on foot, inf loaded in APCs, tanks, etc, from the enemy Exit Hexes, but the Objective point score never changed. Any1 have any ideas?

From the manual below.....

"To create an Exit Objective Hex, select a hex on the map edge and assign it to the side you wish to have exit from that point. Then define the point value for the Objective as -1. Each unit of the side corresponding to the color of the Objective that exits from that hex during the scenario will add its Victory Point value to that side’s Objective Points for the scenario. Note that the value of a unit of the "Second Side" exited from an Exit Objective Hex for its side has its VP value subtracted from the First Side’s Objective Point total."

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07-22-2010, 07:11 PM,
RE: Exit Hexes
Hi Joe,
The quotation from the manual you posted has the answer therein !

The Exit hex/s are assigned to a side, only that side will score points for exiting there. - You cannot score VPs by exiting an enemy exit hex.

Hope that is clear and answers your question!
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07-23-2010, 12:54 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-23-2010, 12:55 PM by Scud.)
RE: Exit Hexes
Hi Joe,

I'm playing that scenario against my brother as we speak. It's an interesting scenario since I think the Germans have to hang in and do as much damage as they can, then exit off as much as they can before the game ends. Exit too early and the allies roll over them and the objectives. The Blitz stats on it indicates the Germans best hope is a draw. Too bad. A little more work at balance and it could be a great one.

Anyway, Peter's right. Those are the exit hexes the Germans have to reach. They'll score points for what they can remove. Your being able to prevent that as the allies was pretty good.

Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly
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07-23-2010, 07:08 PM,
RE: Exit Hexes
Thanks guys, so much for my reading skills :)
It wasn't as easy as I made it sound lol, I occupied the lower EH early in the game but did not get the other 2 until the last turn. Kernal t managed to exit 1200 points. I did get a MV, but it was slow going. I managed to get a MV as Axis also. Massed my armor in 2 large groups. I tried to fight all the battles at long range and when I couldn't ran like a sissy :). Most of the inf did the stand and die thingy to hold up the allied armor while i tried to get as much of soft skinned units and APCs off at the EH. The one thing that I think should have been in this scenario was allied air power, was surprised that there was none at all.
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08-11-2010, 11:05 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-11-2010, 11:13 AM by John Given.)
RE: Exit Hexes
Ah, I loved this scenario. I played it against boisforas (Eric Bonner) earlier this year. I was the axis.

In his usual style, Eric scared the hell out of me with his "in your face" armored assaults. He got away with it for a long time too - but i made him pay for it with my armored attacks at range. I couldn't believe all the tanks he had. His style was to send multiple armored "fingers" trundling toward the center of the map, into my backfield, to spot and wreak havoc. He often could do so too, due to sheer numbers.

Often, I kept my forces hidden till he came 'round a bend in the woods, and then I would open up during my turn, usually at his back or side armor. My armored vehicle op-fire was always off. Just brutal, and I was terribly outnumbered, but losses began to add up, and the points are what mattered.

there was essentially no exiting, and it didn't bother me due to the points I got from kills. Actually, some of my most elite units (about 40%) were not brought in as reinforcements, since Eric "locked down" the entry area for units completely. So, I saved a lot of points simply because he never got the points for killing those units. Also, some of my favorite units in the NW of the map not only survived, but even went offensive late in the game.

His large infantry force in the north was essentially destroyed, and the tanks that initially were with them would head east,, where most of them were whittled down by my infantry. His southern forces (American and free french) were battered, but survived. His southern British were decimated. Nearly all of his northern artillery was destroyed (infantry overruns and my artillery counter-battery fire). U.S. and Free French lost all their SPA's.

Game changer: the terrain + visibility. LOS was excellent, and I realized early that being high up would tell me everything I needed to know about his force. So, I spotted and used artillery like mad, used infantry as roadblocks and tank killers, and my armor and trucks mostly stayed hidden. Eric mostly stayed down in the valleys, so he often had no idea where all my stuff was. Good thing too; I had a lot of empty trucks i was shuttling around, and my artillery units were almost in a panic as his armored spearheads began slicing toward the center of the board.

In the end, the only axis artillery kills he got was a 150mm infantry gun and a few 81mm mortar teams. All german SPA's survived. Much of my long-range artillery eventually ended up in the north-center town (the one next to all the cornfields).

My few germans that came on as reinforcements were entirely destroyed, save a few battered infantry platoons ( he basically "dog piled" his entire northern armored force onto the exit hexes). So, it turned out I'm glad I went with my gut feeling and decided not to bring many of my reinforcements in. Most german armor survived, but the eastern stugs, PzIV's, stummel's and Puma's were severely reduced or destroyed entirely.

Overall, a very fun scenario. I loved the new units. I think Eric relished in scaring the hell out of me with his endless offensives, but the point of the scenario is to get points, not to scare people. :)
Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy.

Sun Tzu
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