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Video Display Issues in Map Editor
10-02-2010, 10:21 PM,
Video Display Issues in Map Editor
Hello guys...and especially the tech minded Blitzers out there:

(Jason...Huib...et al...save me!)

My new rig (windows 7 64 bit) has always had some display issues in the game when I scroll across maps. Whether I have auto scroll selected or not when you move across a map while playing a scenario the new hexes being drawn in seem to be slightly "out of alignment" with those already shown. There is also a "choppiness" to the way the video is drawn where before it was very smooth.
While playing a game...you can live with it...you just have to be a little patient to let the video get it sorted out and your OK to play.

I recently went in to the Map Editor however to mod some of my maps, and this issue is much worse in Map Editor for me. The hexes being drawn in as you scroll across the map (whether you auto scroll or use the slider buttons) get seriously out of whack...and if you click on one....it redraws where you click...I assume drawing the hex where it should be...and you get some real hash on the screen with hexes here and there and nothing in alignment or displayed correctly. Are any other designers seeing this?

So far the only way I've been able to successfully make map edits is through selecting an area via the jump map...and not moving off that area by scrolling...you have to stay in that area and use the jump map to move somewhere else. That works...but it's a real pain in the...and is painfully slow.

I'm modifying Normandy44 at present and if I have to use the jump map to move around a 60 Km wide map...it's going to be a long time gettting these mods done...

I've seen this in two of my custom maps, and I verified it also happens with stock maps from older stock scenarios.
It happens no matter what video display you choose....from 2D Zoom Out to 3D Normal and all those in between...

Has anyone else noted this issue?
Could it be specific to Windows7 and or 64 bit OS?
Am I just screwed?
I mean more so than normal?


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10-02-2010, 11:50 PM,
RE: Video Display Issues in Map Editor
I have noted some problems like that and it seems the larger the map the more exacerbated the problem. I have had the map clear itself tho when I click on it. I haven't really done a lot of map editing since I updated to 7 tho.

I suspect the size of the Normandy map have something to do with your problem.

"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
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10-03-2010, 02:04 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-03-2010, 02:10 AM by Crossroads.)
RE: Video Display Issues in Map Editor
Dan, I have exactly the same issue with my standard HP desktop with Windows 7 (64 bits).

I only have the issue with the map editor. The way I work around is, as I have a 24" Full-HD screen

- I select the area of the map I like to view, and it is a rather large view with the big screen
- I select a hex in the middle of the view
- Having the hex selected, I press "1", if it is the zoom-in view I want to work with,
- And the map redraws itself.

As long as I don't scroll everything is OK

- Then, I scroll to a new position, select a hex, press "1" (or what ever the view you are working with, you do not need to change it), and again the map re-draws.

This behaviour has nothing to do with the size of the map (unless, of course, the whole map fits into your screen at once, then there will be no problems).

I had a thread about this some times ago either here or at Matrix, and it seems some of the guys with W7 64 bit do not have the issue, they have no problem at all.

Now, it seems your problems are worse than mine as I do not have any issues with normal game play using that map, nor, weird enough, when I use the Scenario editor at the exactly same map.

I am afraid I can not help as to what is behind this behaviour, but I can assure you are not going mad. You might've been screwed, though cheers

Go figure.
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10-04-2010, 05:08 PM,
RE: Video Display Issues in Map Editor
(10-03-2010, 02:04 AM)Sgt K. Kat Wrote: Dan, I have exactly the same issue with my standard HP desktop with Windows 7 (64 bits).

I only have the issue with the map editor. The way I work around is, as I have a 24" Full-HD screen

- I select the area of the map I like to view, and it is a rather large view with the big screen
- I select a hex in the middle of the view
- Having the hex selected, I press "1", if it is the zoom-in view I want to work with,
- And the map redraws itself.

As long as I don't scroll everything is OK

- Then, I scroll to a new position, select a hex, press "1" (or what ever the view you are working with, you do not need to change it), and again the map re-draws.

This behaviour has nothing to do with the size of the map (unless, of course, the whole map fits into your screen at once, then there will be no problems).

I had a thread about this some times ago either here or at Matrix, and it seems some of the guys with W7 64 bit do not have the issue, they have no problem at all.

Now, it seems your problems are worse than mine as I do not have any issues with normal game play using that map, nor, weird enough, when I use the Scenario editor at the exactly same map.

I am afraid I can not help as to what is behind this behaviour, but I can assure you are not going mad. You might've been screwed, though cheers

Go figure.

Hi Dan:

That sounds like the same problem I was having when playing one of Earl's Chronicle scenarios. I increased my monitor's "refresh rate" from 60 hertz to the max I can go which is 75 hertz. It has made a big difference and the problem now only happens occasionally and when it does happen it's not all that bad. I then just zoom in or out as Sgt K. Kat had mentioned and the map display is fine. Just a thought and maybe worth a try? Good luck...
Good Hunting,
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10-05-2010, 02:44 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-05-2010, 02:47 AM by Jason Petho.)
RE: Video Display Issues in Map Editor
Few things to try:

1. right click desktop
2. select personalize
3. choose themes
4. under the theme drop down box choose "windows classic"
5. click apply
6. wait till it switches then get in game.


'In Vista™ if you experience an issue with the scrolling refresh during the game please go to the Properties of each shortcut and put a check in the box next to “Disable desktop composition” to resolve this issue'.


Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Adjust Screen resolution -> Colours

Set to Medium (16-bit) instead of High (32-bit)

Hope that helps.

Jason Petho
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10-05-2010, 10:10 PM,
RE: Video Display Issues in Map Editor
Thanks for all the help guys.
Just knowing it's a common problem and not an issue specific to my rig is imporant. Unfortunate for all of us with 7...but good for me...

Sgt. K Kat...Petri...your idea works...and it's what I'm doing for now as it's an easy remedy. I just started clicking between 3d normal and 3d zoom to get the hexes redrawn correctly. A bit of a pain, but it's a functional and practical fix which should suffice to get my mods finished in Normandy...thanks!

I also endorse your idea of a 24 inch Hi Def widescreen...and suggested this to my wife immediately...who fails to discern the brilliance of your remedy...

Gary I'll try the refresh rate...that should be an easy thing to change and unchange if it doesn't work for me.

Jason...I'll run your first solution (windows classic emulator) and let you know.
Probably wait till I get some immediate work finished...you know how old dogs and new computers are...

Thanks guys, as always, you are awesome.


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10-06-2010, 12:23 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-06-2010, 12:25 AM by Crossroads.)
RE: Video Display Issues in Map Editor

Just let me know if I can help you convincing your better half a 24" display is a must cheers

I would in turn need good reasoning as how to present, to my wife, the fact that a minimum of 90 minutes per day of quality JTCS time is necessary to keep a working familyman insane...

On more (?) serious tone: let us know if you can find a fix!
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10-06-2010, 05:10 AM,
RE: Video Display Issues in Map Editor
(10-05-2010, 10:10 PM)Dan Caviness Wrote: Jason...I'll run your first solution (windows classic emulator) and let you know.

I believe the Desktop Composition would be your best bet. That's what did the trick on my Windows 7 (32-bit) laptop.

Or you could try both!

Jason Petho
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