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Panzer Command Ostfront
10-15-2010, 11:53 PM,
RE: Panzer Command Ostfront
Will Ostfront be added to the ladder?
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10-16-2010, 02:36 AM,
RE: Panzer Command Ostfront
I would think that if there is enough interest, that it could be added. I, for one will be giving it a try, to see if the gameplay has improved enough to keep me playing.
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10-16-2010, 02:37 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-16-2010, 03:16 AM by Bear.)
RE: Panzer Command Ostfront
Nothing against Matrix (I worked for them); or this new game. MR is on a campaign for this game as if he is an agent for Matrix or another group. He has been relentless promoting this game repeatedly...what's the deal? It's called Marketing and we are the target.
But Drag Drop and pasting pages from Matrix Games for a game other than Combat Mission is OFF TOPIC to say the least, eh.

This is exactly the point I made about control over our club site.
If we, the blitz don't exert control. MR and the world will do it for us.

Not for me to judge, but a club officer/moderator should be catching up to this in a moment.

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10-16-2010, 04:16 AM,
RE: Panzer Command Ostfront
I would agree, except for the fact that we do not have a place for PC players to post at the moment. The game is probably related to the CM game more-so then the others that are represented here at theBlitz, so I do not see, that for the time being PC postes be allowed to post here.
Also, by allowing the posts for another game, where-ever this might happen at the Blitz, is a good thing. How else would the greater powers here be able to judge if a new section/ladder is needed. The Blitz supports many wargames at the moment, competition and cooperation are always a good thing, as well as expanding one's knowledge of other games that a person might be interested in. Now if someone was to start filling the threads here in the CM section with "adds" for another game, this might be an issue. At the moment there has only been a handfull of posts here about PC and I don't think that they intend to hi-jack this section or any other section at the Blitz. I do believe that other games have been mentioned on the CM portion here at the Blitz over the years and most are of an informative nature or an invitation to try out or participate as a group, a game other then CM. I do remember a certain group of Tribal Wars players and posts here, that might have lead to a couple of divorces did not kill off CM.;)
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10-16-2010, 10:04 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-16-2010, 10:07 AM by Mad Russian.)
RE: Panzer Command Ostfront
(10-16-2010, 02:37 AM)Bear Wrote: :spam:
Nothing against Matrix (I worked for them); or this new game. MR is on a campaign for this game as if he is an agent for Matrix or another group. He has been relentless promoting this game repeatedly...what's the deal? It's called Marketing and we are the target.
But Drag Drop and pasting pages from Matrix Games for a game other than Combat Mission is OFF TOPIC to say the least, eh.

Okay then Bear. At least you finally came out with what's bothering you.

First, I have 688 posts here on the Blitz. That's more than you have I believe. Of those 11 are in a thread I started that was clearly marked as a PCO thread. Then there are 4 in this thread on PCO, which if you will look back on, I didn't start. Let's go slowly and count those up for you. That's a grand total of 15 posts in two threads. 15 out of my 688. That is a relentless promotional campaign, I must agree. That's an entire 2% of my posts here at the Blitz.

Then, of course, there is the tremendous effort of the two threads. Only one of which I started. What's the deal? You're right! If I were promoting a marketing campaign for Panzer Command I should be doing a much better job than that.

Off topic you say. There are two PCO threads, you've now posted once in each of them. The first to say that BFC is releasing a CMx2 series game sometime this year. According to rumor. This thread you posted in about PCO being off topic and to get it off the site. Both of those posts were in clearly marked PCO threads. How do you think new games get added to Blitz list of ladders and forums?

Instead, it seems you don't care about whether, or not, PCO goes off site, or off topic. Rather, you seem to be taking offense to just about anything, and everything, my posts are concerned with.

Here is an on topic statement for you Bear, I have just as much right to be here as you do. I don't make scenarios for CMx1 game series any longer, I have never used the Blitz H2H department to do my playtesting - though I have playtested here before - including some of yours, I have updated all my scenarios to the best of my ability. So you're still King of the CM Scenario Hill here at the Blitz. I'm not trying to dethrone you. One last thing, I can, and will, post here until it bothers a MODERATOR.

This post of yours makes it abundantly clear that you think I should move my time, and efforts, to other parts of the internet. While this may come as a shock to you, I don't care what you think about where I post.

You've been a member here a long time. I support some of your efforts. Especially the one to clean up the archives to the best of the Blitz' ability.

Quote:This is exactly the point I made about control over our club site.
If we, the blitz don't exert control. MR and the world will do it for us.

I loved this one. A single thread with 11 of my posts in it and I'm set to control the Blitz. Are you seeing a psychiatrist? Whip

Quote:Not for me to judge, but a club officer/moderator should be catching up to this in a moment.


Nice touch. Not for you to judge huh? Except that you have set yourself up as judge, jury and executioner. Shark2

In fact, I've been in touch with the Blitz, over the past few weeks, to get a forum for PC here. Once PCO is being played there should be a need for it.

It now seems I overlooked asking your permission for that to happen. So, with your permission, as PCO becomes available for play, I'd like to see about adding it to the Blitz. Think about it and let me know will you?

When/if that happens you may get your wish. I may not post in this forum again. But as a full member I get to post here. As long as I'm not abusive of my position as a member. You know, like calling people names, insulting them, telling Blitz officers that they are stupid for not doing things my way....you know....think about it. :whis:

Nice touch you labeling your own post as spam. I appreciated that.

Good Hunting.

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10-16-2010, 10:41 AM,
RE: Panzer Command Ostfront
I think you over stepped the mark Bear.
In fact, you act as if you are a mod here on the CM message board (and clearly your not).
I also think you owe Mad Russian an apology :angry:
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10-16-2010, 11:31 PM,
RE: Panzer Command Ostfront
As just an ordinary dogface member of the Blitz, I will add my two cents: With Combat Mission now a dead game (no support from BF, questionable compatability with future versions of Windows, etc) I view PC as a possible replacement for my favorite type of game at my favorite level of detail and in my favorite WEGO format. From a company known for supporting its products long after they are released. So I think it's ok to discuss and yes even promote it here in a CM thread.
"A bad plan is still better than no plan at all." -- Mikhail Tal[Image: pzV.jpg]
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10-18-2010, 08:14 PM,
RE: Panzer Command Ostfront
I ask because I bought the PC games when first released. The update seems to added a lot to the PC game.

I have not played the PC games in a long time but will be reinstalling in anticipation of the patch. I think must players who have played PC will admit the patch looks like the PC game will be improved.

Bit like CMSF when it was first released, compared to the latest patched version of CMSF.
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10-18-2010, 11:40 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-19-2010, 12:03 AM by Mad Russian.)
RE: Panzer Command Ostfront
I've not played CMSF in a LONG time. I think there is a bit of a comparison between them though.

While the circumstances are different, the PC series of games never did grab my attention, until Matrix said where they wanted to take the series. That, and a recommendation from a friend, did get my attention. You can thank Falco for all this....lol

I had looked at PC:Operation Winter Storm all of about 10 minutes, before passing on it. PC:Kharkov almost got the same treatment when it was recommended to me. I looked at it and passed. I commented back to my friend, who actually owned them both, why he thought a CM player would like them. It was his answer, and Matrix saying where they want to go with PC, that took me down the PC path.

Like many wargamers, who have been burned in the past, I don't buy sight unseen any longer. I either play the demo, if there is one, or I get recommendations from gamers I've known for a long time. Gaming company comments hold zero sway with me when determining what to buy/play. Far too much hype and not enough substance from some of them in the past. Not saying Matrix has been guilty of that, I just don't trust what the sales force puts out. Any sales force.

That's really what brought me to the project and now I can, in good faith, tell others about the game. What used to be PC is going to go away when Matrix releases PC:Ostfront. The list of features I put at the first of this thread has already been substantially added to. Once the Beta testers were added to the project they asked for other features that have been added as well. That features list was all done before Matrix added the Beta Testing unit.

Where PCO will be when it's released is pretty set. The changes made were extensive. I don't know how many copies were sold of the first two games in the PC series but what I've seen is some gamers tried them and the games are no longer on their HD's.

PCO is a much different game for gamers now trying it. What started off as a simple patch, and then move to a new game in the series, ended up being an update of such tremendous proportions that Matrix will pull both PC:OWS and PC:K when it's released. It has more features for the free update than both the first games in the series. That's almost unheard of. For those that bought PC:OWS and PC:K originally they are going to get a big boost in their value for those games. Now the series may well be played extensively.

The reason I've started telling people about it is because I want opponents and some places to register games. I'm pretty sure that all my "old" opponents will be playing. I've emailed them all and sent them to go look. A DEMO will be key but in this case the demo will be PCO itself. There are a good amount of gamers going to get this for FREE. Any previous owners of PCK. So, it won't take long for the reviews to start being written. The Beta Testers will be the first to weigh in what they think of it.

In the mean time, I try to post screen shots/AAR's to show all aspects of what the game looks like and how it plays. So those in the CM community, as one group looking at what PC has to offer, can see if it even looks like something they might be interested in. I laughed when Owl looked at the first AAR and said he didn't like it. How could anyone like a game they've never played before? I'm not asking people to like anything. I'm telling you as a long time CMx1 gamer and one that's been fairly active in our community that PCO deserves your time to look at it. PCO won't be for everyone. No game is. But it's got a lot of good solid features in it that we should at least take the time to check out. While the make over is extensive it's not complete yet. The next game in the series should take it the rest of the way.

Others think so as well. It's why I'm looking at getting support from the Blitz. To start it's own forum here once it's released. Now is the time to start talking about setting those wheels in motion.

Once it's released then we'll see whether PCO is good enough to go on it's own. I'm from the old school, like many of you, PCO will have to show you, like it has me.

Good Hunting.

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04-01-2011, 05:46 AM,
RE: Panzer Command Ostfront
PCO is scheduled to be released in April 2011. That's in the next 30 days.

Today there was a change in my status regarding PCO. I became employed by Matrix. To some that won't matter. To others it will.

I'm just making sure there are no misunderstandings about my status from this point forward. For those it will matter to the most.

I look forward to seeing many of you on the PCO battlefields as we've done with CM in the past.

Good Hunting.

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