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Interest in CS???????
10-30-2010, 03:52 AM,
RE: Interest in CS???????
ill play, any front is good
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10-30-2010, 04:01 AM,
RE: Interest in CS???????
In you are, Ed!

As for next steps, I suggest you guys propose scenarios especially to first three periods of War: The prelude, 1939, and 1940.

We can then add up as we go along.
Visit us at CSLegion.com
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10-30-2010, 07:09 AM,
RE: Interest in CS???????
I don't think it will be a problem if more than the stated number wants in. It's all about getting in and having fun. My suggestion for the lineups would be first scenario chosen to be played for example would be a 1vs1. Each CinC decides who will play not knowing who the opponant will be. Generals didn't exactly get to choose who to face. It really depends on how many people want to play. I figure it should be ok if people can come in at a later date because of present commitments or just being away while it got started. They would just be assigned when they come in or wait until another shows up and add two to keep an even split. If somebody has to leave, they should be placed on a reserve list so if they are able to come back they can then be reactivated to the same team they started with.

If there are any other ideas, bring them to light, as it's been mentioned before, we're making it up as we go along. I just thought it might be something a little different that people would like to try.
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10-30-2010, 08:38 AM,
RE: Interest in CS???????
History tells us the big problem with this sort of multi-player activity is dropouts, which may well be due to significant personal reasons. A reserve list is necessary ,but people need to be aware they may not be able to just slot in where they left off. The organiser should IMO be able to deploy people as necessary to keep the event going.
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10-30-2010, 05:02 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-30-2010, 05:36 PM by Crossroads.)
RE: Interest in CS???????
Fine thoughts, gentlemen. I will try to accomodate them to Tournament rules, that are starting to gel, I am happy to notice.

Let us keep this fun. I agree that we should have a flexible reserves pool, as people do have other things in life as well. Maybe a flexible mechanism for getting a Replacement in as the General takes some well earned R&R at Paris...

EDIT: The scenario listing is complete enough to get us started, IMHO. I am still missing the Indecision at Brunete scenario, but expect it to be located shortly.

Next, what we need is a few more Generals to join in. Get in! cheers
Visit us at CSLegion.com
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10-30-2010, 06:32 PM,
RE: Interest in CS???????
Hi Sgt K. Kat

This sounds sgreat. It looks like you put a lot of efford into this project.
Thank you for taking your time and I am sure this will be fun. cheers

Please put me in aswell.

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10-30-2010, 06:46 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-30-2010, 07:04 PM by Crossroads.)
RE: Interest in CS???????
Cheers Ernst, Mark's idea really, with many others giving a helping hand. I am just facilitating this.

You're in. :)

I will open another thread for recruiting purposes, to raise the visibility. Let us keep this one for discussing rules and scenarios.
Visit us at CSLegion.com
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10-30-2010, 11:18 PM,
RE: Interest in CS???????
(10-30-2010, 03:34 AM)Sgt K. Kat Wrote: PS I have not played a single RS scenario in my life...

Petri - I would offer up my Rising Sun scenario for consideration:

Terror on Tarakan

And my East Front 2 scenario: Plug a Hole!

Both are H2H approved. cheers
Regards, Mike / "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton /
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10-31-2010, 01:03 AM,
RE: Interest in CS???????
Since a new thread came up on the World in Flames tournament I'll use this thread to post my idea on growing interest in CS.

I think we should all go on a recruitment drive and each of us try and find one family member, friend, workplace acquaintance, etc that might be interested. Thank God Matrix took over the franchise and there is still support for this old and good game system but in order to keep it going for a few more years we will need to grow the fan base a little.

I don't think it would be too hard of a sell with all the currently popular bullshit out there. Compare CS with the wildly popular so called free games such as Farmville and Travian. Waste of time and if one wants to be competitive in any way there is always "gold" and credits that can be purchased at $20 a pop. In about three months a hard core player can burn through $60 whereas with CS you pay for the CD and you get Rising Sun, WF, and EF, with a continually growing base of scenarios. This is not to mention Modern Wars coming out soon.

Find one person and mentor them through the initial learning curve and hopefully 50% of those we recruit go on to be fans and maybe recruit their own opponents.
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10-31-2010, 03:41 AM,
RE: Interest in CS???????
Mike: Thanks, it might be a while before we get into -44 and -45, though ;)

Cole: Agreed. I am trying to get my 14 yr old kid interested in this, instead of the web based gaming systems that seem to be for free, but soon require a monthly fee or something like that.
Visit us at CSLegion.com
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