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The Official World in Flames Tournament Thread
11-01-2010, 08:34 AM,
RE: Now Recruiting! The World in Flames Tournament - The Prelude: 1935 - 1939
As a preference for rules, I normally play everything on apart from EA and VV but am not really fussed and will play any rules that are chosen.

I do think we should be guided by the designer if they have made a stipulation in the scn notes as K.Kat suggested.

This may well mean we don't all get to play with the rule sets we are happiest with but what the heck it's all for fun.:smoke:
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11-01-2010, 12:15 PM,
RE: Now Recruiting! The World in Flames Tournament - The Prelude: 1935 - 1939
Add me to the list. Simple soldier please.

I play with EA on and Off so I will agree with whatever is decided.
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11-01-2010, 08:03 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-03-2010, 05:50 PM by Crossroads.)
RE: Now Recruiting! The World in Flames Tournament - The Prelude: 1935 - 1939
Excellent, welcome Zap! I suggest as a next step we sort out the team structures:

Here's how the teams look like, given the mechanism presented in the Tournament thread (not updated):

Team Callsign Draft Rank
1 KKR 8 15
1 Ed 10 44
1 Larry Reese 4 57
1 Otto von Blotto 9 63
1 von Manstein 2 99
1 Zap 16 114
1 Outlaw Josey Wales 1 150
1 Arnold75 5 182

2 Bioman 12 28
2 Cole 6 53
2 Panzerjäger 15 62
2 Boisforas 7 67
2 Ernst 11 106
2 Sgt K. Kat 3 124
2 Ashcloud 14 166
2 pawn117 13 250

Given Rod preferred not to act as the CinC, but Larry volunteered to work at high Command, we have team 1 sorted out. Ed, Larry, pls communicate among yourselves how you want the chain of command pan out. Larry preferred Allied (Russians), so let us name team 1 as Allied.

I can support team 2 in organising themselves, and as I decided I would like to play the Winter War scenarios as a Finn, that would work out as team 2 will be the Axis.

von Manstein preferred to play Axis, I moved him to team two. Now I would need a volunteer from the Axis team to move to the Allied side... First come first served!

Any other changes, anyone?

Let us take our time, so that everyone is comfortable about the side he's on. Once everyone's selected their side, it will be a long war, and it is not possible to change sides (unless, of course you only play the Italians and we get into 1943 ;) )

Here's the setup as it currently stands:

Updated Nov 2:

Team Callsign Draft Rank
1 KKR 8 15
1 Ed 10 44
1 Cole 6 53
1 Larry Reese 4 57
1 Otto von Blotto 9 63
1 Zap 16 114
1 Outlaw J Wales 1 150
1 Arnold75 5 182
1 Mark W 19 (inact., would be '121,5')

Team Callsign Draft Rank
2 Bioman 12 28
2 JRTXX 17 58
2 Panzerjäger 15 62
2 Boisforas 7 67
2 v. Manstein 2 99
2 Ernst 11 106
2 Sgt K. Kat 3 124
2 Ashcloud 14 166
2 Kampfpanzer 18 184
2 pawn117 13 (bootcamp, almost out, hence '199')

As for the scenarios, I came into conclusion that with the given amount of players, those assigned to 1x1 games would actually play two scenarios, while those at the team games would just play that particular scenario. Thus, the overall time spent at the front lines would be more even. Come next round, those that played 1x1s would need to be assigned to team games, et vice versa.

And yes: you can still join in, we have plenty of 1935 - 1939 scenarios available for more participants!
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11-02-2010, 03:23 AM,
RE: Hostilities Imminent! (Still Recruiting) The World in Flames Tournament - The Prelude
Everything can be flexible as we go. Maybe teams don't have to be even. Say one CinC decides a scenario is to be a two man team, the other may decide it to be a three man team or a scenario could end up as 2vs1. I don't think it will matter either way as for the most part people are playing more for the team rather than the individual and more than anything else........for fun. Others can come along and join later as their are plenty of scenarios to play.

I'm also thinking maybe the rules can be flexible as well. Von Earlman stated the way he will play, surely he is not the only one that will play that way. So, by being flexible, we may have a chance to have more involved.

Another idea could be that this is fought by campaigns. Example is we start with the Polish Campaign. Let's just say there are 5 scenarios for that and the allies have 7 commanders and the axis have 9 commanders. CinC would assign cdrs to scenarios and the larger scenarios could be the teams or he may want one guy for a larger scenario while assigning two as a team for a smaller scenario. However they think would be the best assignments to do the campaign. After that, it could then be decided to do the campaign for France and the Low Countries. Maybe there are 7 scenarios. That would leave the allies with no choice but to assign one cdr per scenario and the axis might have one three man team and 6 solo assignments or two 2 man teams and 5 solo assignments. And just decide how the campaigns would be split. EF itself might have to be split by year. 1941 to start, if there are way more scenarios than cdrs, say 12 scenarios for 1941 EF. Split by 6 into a phase one and phase two. Do the first phase, then the second phase. No phase would be started until the one is completed as CinCs may want to try set different pairings on teammates. I might be part of a team in phase one with Joe, but second phase CinC might want Joe to go solo and pairs me with Jim in the second phase. Whatever they decide. Something to think about.
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11-02-2010, 03:39 AM,
RE: Hostilities Imminent! (Still Recruiting) The World in Flames Tournament - The Prelude
Yes, I am definitively thinking phases for the upcoming years as well. So many scenarios to choose from... Let alone fronts. We might end up with years where we are battling two phases for WF, two phases for EF and one phase for RS... Or possibly even more. 1943 and 1944 have loads and loads of scenarios. But again, we will only play the fun and the balanced ones :)

I like to be flexible with rules as well. As there is no armour to speak of in these early scenarios, let us choose all rules ON except VV, AF that are OFF.

We can agree to rotate these rules as well. For a year with several phases, one phase can be with AF on and one with AF off. Anyone unhappy by either one can only concentrate on one of the phases.

The Prelude will only be one phase. 1939 might be one or two phases, given the number of scenarios. 1940, well I have not gone that far yet, but certainly two phases. 1941, and especially 1942, the Pacific really kicks in as well.

For now, I would like to hear how everyone feels about the initial teams, and possibly with one Axis team member migrating to Allied team just to make it even. On the other hand, two completely new participants to Allied cause would make the teams equal again. Let us see.

Let me know if any of you is not happy about which side they are on, after that we can start to distribute the first scenarios around.
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11-02-2010, 05:54 AM,
RE: Hostilities Imminent! (Still Recruiting) The World in Flames Tournament - The Prelude
Outlaw Josey Wales's idea is quite interesting to CinC may decide where, when and how many gerenarals will fight without informing about that other side.
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11-02-2010, 11:05 AM,
RE: Hostilities Imminent! (Still Recruiting) The World in Flames Tournament - The Prelude
Gents: :smoke:

I think this "World in Flames" tournament is a great idea... and should be a lot of fun for all involved. :)

But... and I'm NOT trying to throw a wet blanket on the enthusiasm... team games are a long term time commitment... and all players need to make a best effort to "stick with it." The worst thing that can happen is to get a tournament rolling... and then have either players or organizers drop out. Having been in a tournament that lost its organizer... it's like a ship without a rudder... and it is both frustrating and no fun!

I can't make the time commitment for the "World in Flames" tournament... but I wish all team players a great experience... and fun time! Hats off to Petri for stepping up to organize this grand tournament! cheers
Regards, Mike / "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton /
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11-02-2010, 01:53 PM,
RE: Hostilities Imminent! (Still Recruiting) The World in Flames Tournament - The Prelude
In regards to Mr KK about team games.........he is 100% correct. As far as I am concerned, I say put it to a vote of players entered whether to have some team games or all be 1vs1. If it is all to be 1vs1, here would be my idea, take Poland again, say 5 scenarios, allies would have two cdrs left out and axis would have 4. It's either that or have to come up with enough scenarios and definitely have to have even teams. Or it could be viewed as the extra cdrs are considered on duty watching each other at the French border. Then France and the Low Countries have say 6 scenarios. The two allied cdrs left out of Poland get a scenario and the remaining 4 go to CinCs discretion leaving one out waiting on the next campaign. Same for the axis except 3 are left waiting.

As for Mr KK not being able to commit, one of my original intents is to have it be open so that say you have time in a couple months and would like to partake, that would be fine with me. In case you want to gamble you will have time, you could volunteer as a reserve officer for the team of your choice now and all you would do is to post or email CinC that you are now available for command. Even if it is only for one game and then you are tied up for a couple more months and then have time for more, you're still on the same side. Your absence could be viewed as a cdr home on leave recovering from your wounds. I know it sounds goofy, but I always like a lot of realism and it just sounds realistic to me, at least from the books I have read. And if you were never to get the time to commit to even one scenario, at least you were ready in case you did.
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11-02-2010, 02:13 PM,
RE: Hostilities Imminent! (Still Recruiting) The World in Flames Tournament - The Prelude
Im in if you still need someone,, sounds incredible
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11-02-2010, 04:17 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-02-2010, 05:05 PM by Crossroads.)
RE: Hostilities Imminent! (Still Recruiting) The World in Flames Tournament - The Prelude
Welcome JRTXX, you're in :)

Do you mind if I put you to the Allied side?

Good comments again regarding the rules and set-up! I will do a write-up over the coming weekend, and will then consider "freezing" the rules for The Prelude. After we have completed that Part I of Tournament, when moving to Part II that is the 1939, we can have a look at what worked and what didn't.

I loved the idea that the teams need not to be equal in size, and with people going on R&R or becoming casualties and disappearing (which in long turn is inevitable), a side loosing a general would just need to cope with the loss, put a new man in, and that new man would just need to cope with the situation and the cards given to him. I especially liked the idea, that no scenario should be lost, a missing person would be replaced by another on a fly (when a certain amount of time has perished while waiting for the turn to be mailed in).

In the spirit of Mark's post above, I agree we should be quite flexible in having people come and go. As this is just a game, and we do have our real life responsibilities. This should be about fun and enjoyment, not about stress and guilty consciences (sp?).

I believe we have put a good effort in, in designing a setup that is not dependent on one individual. The teams are self healing. The facilitator may change. But the War: it will just go on! :2guns:

Kool Kat: Roger that. Welcome into the battles come 1939?

So yes, keep the ideas coming, and let me know about the side you want to play in. Over the coming weekend I believe we are ready to get The Prelude started. Yes?
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