(11-22-2010, 08:34 AM)IronX Wrote: (11-22-2010, 07:21 AM)Gasbag Wrote: I have a question regarding the OOB editor. I'm synchronizing Iron X's graphics for some of the stock scenarios in Eagles Strike. The game is patched to v1.04a. There is one scenario called "Midnight Madness" that I'd like to fix. The briefing reads August 25 1944 yet the status bar at the bottom reads January 1 1944. Is there a way to fix this? If so could someone please explain (step by step) as I have figured out how to synchronize the graphics but I don't know anything else about the editor & don't want to screw up my installation.
Thank you in advance...:)
You can fix this error in the Scenario Editor (sqedit.exe). Once the scenario is open, go to the top left and select Scenario (it's next to File) then choose Description. That brings up a dialogue box that will allow you to make the change.
Fixed it. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.

The scenario is called "Midnight Express" not "Madness". For anyone else who doesn't know how to correct the error; open the Scenario Editor (sqedit.exe), choose Scenario & select
Header. Make the adjustment & save (overwriting the original).
.."A critical oversight that has led to yet another mouthful of poo." . Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe