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Virtual Private Network
11-29-2010, 04:35 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-29-2010, 04:46 PM by Pointman.)
Virtual Private Network
Hello Generals.This last week some of the members participated in testing the online multi player command system JTCS has to offer.We learned a lot about the game.I had a lot of fun to say the least.Thanks Guys.

After the game though, I played another member 3 times online after
unsuccessfully trying to connect several times the previous day because of firewall and ant-virus problems.

This problem was resolved by creating a VPN account with the link below.

This free software is for non-commercial use and supports a private 16 player encrypted public or lan network.

We used a ICQ audio com link with this encrypted password IP link.
It worked flawlessly.The audio gives a huge advantage to your team.
The dl does not require hardware is free and about the easiest setup I've installed.


Anyone interested in online play dl ICQ,Hamachi VPN and contact me.

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12-02-2010, 05:46 AM,
RE: Virtual Private Network
Yeah, was a good time. Just like playing live!

A couple of things I noted:

Multi players per side opens some interesting Op fire possibilities. Two players on the same side don't actually move at the same time. If one player is moving there is a bit of 'lag' I guess you would call it. But you don't have to wait until his moves are done.

One thing it doesn't mention in the manual (I think) is that only the Capt of a side can release arrived reinforcements, even if those forces have been assigned to someone else.

Also, I would suggest trying the timer out next time. It's not that the game didn't move smoothly, but using it might add some challenge. Give you less time to check every hex for the best sight and range. Some times you just got to move them tanks forward! Course the amount of time would be dependent on the Complexity scale.

One last thing. Someone (maybe the Capt?) should be designated Air Controller that gets requests for air support. Likewise with artillery, tho maybe only with higher echelons. Any mortars, etc intrinsic with your assigned unit is yours of course.

I'm not a big fan of Himachi, tho I know others who find it useful if they have trouble configuring their router or firewall.

Looking forward to the day when we have all 16 players around the table!
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12-02-2010, 09:47 AM,
RE: Virtual Private Network

had a blast playing online. thanks for getting me to play again. dont think ill play a email game again. i was jumping out of my chair when those guns where goin off. great stuff. we will play soon again i'm sure.:smoke:
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12-02-2010, 11:14 AM,
RE: Virtual Private Network
It appears I have a couple weeks free if one of you want to play a head to head. I'm PST
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12-02-2010, 01:14 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-02-2010, 01:58 PM by Pointman.)
RE: Virtual Private Network
Thursday is fine Bob,not sure about the time though might be a little to early in the day.Anyway you can push it ahead to compensate for the 3 hour time difference?
Kevin and Zap can you guys play Thursday at 2:00 PST?
If you can't, connect or email me when you are available to play and we can play one on one.
I prefer team games so if we can get one going all the better.If not then 1on1 is fine.

I leave my ICQ on most of the time and regularly check my email.

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12-02-2010, 02:03 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-02-2010, 02:07 PM by zap.)
RE: Virtual Private Network
(12-02-2010, 01:14 PM)Pointman Wrote: Thursday is fine Bob,not sure about the time though might be a little to early in the day.Anyway you can push it ahead to compensate for the 3 hour time difference?
Kevin and Zap can you guys play Thursday at 2:00 PST?
If you can't, connect or email me when you are available to play and we can play one on one.
I prefer team games so if we can get one going all the better.If not then 1on1 is fine.

I leave my ICQ on most of the time and regularly check my email.


I can do the 2:00pm. You will have to refresh my memory on how to do it. I did it once a while back
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12-02-2010, 02:27 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-02-2010, 02:44 PM by Pointman.)
RE: Virtual Private Network
Hi Zap.Glad to have you on board.Do you have ICQ? If not, can you dl ICQ 7.2 so we can have an audio com during play?
I'm trying to get the game pushed forward into the early evening so Krec can play with us.Maybe 4:00 or 5:00 PST.
I'm waiting to hear from RKFM on the time slot.
Let me know when your available Thursday (hopefully all day) :).
Cheers Bruce
If we could get Dave and his brother to play that would be even better.
(hint hint):)
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12-02-2010, 04:17 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-02-2010, 04:19 PM by zap.)
RE: Virtual Private Network
(12-02-2010, 02:27 PM)Pointman Wrote: Hi Zap.Glad to have you on board.Do you have ICQ? If not, can you dl ICQ 7.2 so we can have an audio com during play?
I'm trying to get the game pushed forward into the early evening so Krec can play with us.Maybe 4:00 or 5:00 PST.
I'm waiting to hear from RKFM on the time slot.
Let me know when your available Thursday (hopefully all day) :).
Cheers Bruce
If we could get Dave and his brother to play that would be even better.
(hint hint):)

I can do it later , yes I am available. When you say thursday you mean tomorrow, right. Not next week.
I think I do have one (ICQ) but I don't remember how to find it. I could use the 7.2 Where do I download it.

you can e-mail me
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12-02-2010, 05:13 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-02-2010, 06:27 PM by Pointman.)
RE: Virtual Private Network
Zap,KRFM tomorrow at 2:00 pm PST.Krec can't make it he's going out of town until Monday.
We can run through the setup steps on the audio link.

See ya tomorrow.
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