01-24-2011, 09:29 AM,
Master Sergeant

Posts: 188
Joined: Mar 2010
Need game suggestions
I'm a total newbie to the WW2 era for sims. Can anyone suggest a few games that would be a good start for me? Thanks :).
01-24-2011, 06:24 PM,
RE: Need game suggestions
What, exactly, are you looking for?
01-24-2011, 08:28 PM,
RE: Need game suggestions
Welcome to CS. :)
The best way to answer your question is to ask one. What scale, in game battles, do you prefer?
CS is platoon tactical with 250 meter hexes and six minute turns. Other games have different scales.
CS gives you all theaters of WWII, in one package.
Plus, the CS Ladder will include the future Modern Wars series which is based on the CS system. (Or, so we have been told. ;)) :smoke:
01-24-2011, 11:03 PM,
Master Sergeant

Posts: 188
Joined: Mar 2010
RE: Need game suggestions
Thanks for your response. I am interested in all scales, really. Problem is there are so many games out there I have no clue what would be a good place to start.
I don't care about AI as I only play PBEM. So if you have a few suggestions for CS, and perhaps some other scales, that would be much appreciated.
01-25-2011, 08:11 PM,
RE: Need game suggestions
(01-24-2011, 11:03 PM)Vincent Wrote: Thanks for your response. I am interested in all scales, really. Problem is there are so many games out there I have no clue what would be a good place to start.
I don't care about AI as I only play PBEM. So if you have a few suggestions for CS, and perhaps some other scales, that would be much appreciated.
From the Matrix website:
"The John Tiller's Campaign Series exemplifies tactical war-gaming at its finest by bringing you the entire collection of TalonSoft's award-winning campaign series. Containing TalonSoft's West Front, East Front, and Rising Sun platoon-level combat series, as well as all of the official add-ons and expansion packs, the Matrix Edition allows players to dictate the events of World War II from the tumultuous beginning to its climatic conclusion."
For 23.99 the download version and 33.99 boxed version (USD) this is the best "bang for the buck". It's an old game but a great system.
BTW, are you named after van Gogh?
What part of the country are you from? How long have you been playing by e-mail?
01-25-2011, 09:43 PM,
RE: Need game suggestions
I would definitively agree with HSL that you just cannot go wrong with JTCS, as PBEM is what you are after. :)
As for the other games, I am sorry I can't much help you apart from suggesting the other Blitz forums.
I am sure they can point out the goods and the bads of their games, Combat Mission and TOAW would appear as choices below and above the scale of JTCS engine.
Good luck in your search, let us know what you ended up with!
01-26-2011, 10:21 AM,
Master Sergeant

Posts: 188
Joined: Mar 2010
RE: Need game suggestions
Thanks for the suggestions. The Tiller Campaign Series looks like a good start, I'm going to pick that one up. What's the difference between this and the Tiller Operational Campaign Series?
No I am not related to Van Gogh  .
I live in Colorado and have been wargaming by email for about 2 years, starting off with the Tiller Napoleonic series. I'm pretty much a military history nut for almost all periods but I've yet to delve into WW2, it's been almost all ACW and Napoleonics.
01-26-2011, 11:46 AM,
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2011, 11:46 AM by Jason Petho.)
RE: Need game suggestions
The Operational Art of War is Operational/Strategic level fighting. Units are companies/battalions/regiments or higher, hexes are kilometres across.
The Campaign Series is Tactical. Units are platoons, hexes are 250 metres.
Jason Petho
01-26-2011, 04:07 PM,
Master Sergeant

Posts: 188
Joined: Mar 2010
RE: Need game suggestions
Well thanks, that clears a lot up. I think I'll just start off with Tillers Campaign Series and try to work my way from there.
01-26-2011, 08:12 PM,
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2011, 08:16 PM by Herr Straße Laufer.)
RE: Need game suggestions
Hi Vincent,
You don't go to sleep? Or, are you a very early riser? :eek1:
I know what time it is on the East Coast and Colorado is a bit behind my time.
Welcome to CS. Make sure you update your profile and join the CS ladder.
You may not have time for any other game once you have been bitten by the "bug". :smoke: