02-05-2011, 10:47 AM,
RE: Noob looking for a game & advice
(02-05-2011, 10:29 AM)Big Dawg Wrote: (02-05-2011, 06:19 AM)K K Rossokolski Wrote: ROTFLMAO!! :grin2:
Cutie: "Are you really from Australia? Oh I just love your accent. Say something!!"
"Charmer" Rossokolski "Grab your coat, that bottle of Scotch & another gal & come home with me!"
Damn if it didn't work!
Never "gals", Jack......"sheilas" down our way :smoke:
02-06-2011, 07:29 AM,

Posts: 356
Joined: Mar 2005
RE: Noob looking for a game & advice
Aussie Fore-Play......
"Brace yerself Sheila"
Aussie chat-up line...
Bruce: "D'ya wanna f**k?"
Shiela: "NO!"
Bruce: "Well, would you mind lying there while I have one?"
(The oldies are always the best.. enjoy :P )
02-06-2011, 07:59 PM,
Posts: 6
Joined: Jan 2010
RE: Noob looking for a game & advice
Hey guys - I've just finished my first game with a win. The dude I was playing against quit like a cry baby about half way through and has then sent me emails bleating about assualt rules and etc. [he chose scenario and side]. He's now sending me abuse about being 'dishonourable' for claiming the win - is that usual, because if it is then I'm not going to play here any more. What's wrong with taking the medicine if you lose?
On another subject - I'm learning in another game that Polish machine guns are somewhat average.
02-06-2011, 11:49 PM,
RE: Noob looking for a game & advice
(02-06-2011, 07:59 PM)arclight Wrote: Hey guys - I've just finished my first game with a win. The dude I was playing against quit like a cry baby about half way through and has then sent me emails bleating about assualt rules and etc. [he chose scenario and side]. He's now sending me abuse about being 'dishonourable' for claiming the win - is that usual, because if it is then I'm not going to play here any more. What's wrong with taking the medicine if you lose?
On another subject - I'm learning in another game that Polish machine guns are somewhat average.
Since you made them public, I will try to answer your questions. :smoke:
1) If a player quits a game the "winner" gets to claim whatever level of victory they wish. There are club rules that cover that?
2) If "personal rules of engagement" were discussed beforehand the person you played against has no reason to complain.
3) If he is sending you abusive e-mails then you can report him/her to the Club's Ladder Commander's, Toni or Dave, so that they can take action. There are also club rules that govern that?
4) Polish machine guns can be discussed in a separate thread? They have no reason to be discussed here (as also your last post).
Lastly, I find it distasteful that you have gone public with your complaint. It is obvious when looking at the Victory box, who your opponent was. Our Ladder Commanders are very active when it comes to abuse. You should have gone there first. :(
Instead of one person having a bad reputation, I see two that now do?
Remember, if you leave and take your ball with you it is only you who will lose out after all is said and done? :chin:
02-07-2011, 03:03 AM,
Mister Moderator
Posts: 4,151
Joined: Feb 2008
RE: Noob looking for a game & advice
You guys are both new, so I would recommend you chalk this up as a learning experience and move on.
It's critical when you don't know your opponent that you get all rules out in the open before you begin play. There are many "grey" rules concerning assaults (like surrounding the position with noncombattant vehicles) that are considered unfair play. You can't be expected to know them all, so ask as they come up.
You both need to find opponents where you can play the game without worrying too much about win/loss outcomes. It's just a game. If my opponent had complained to me about something I'd done, I'd first discuss it, and if he was still adament, I'd either seek arbitration, ask if I could replay the turn, scrap the game and play another with rules established ahead of time or just let it go and find another opponent. Personally, I wouldn't report it.
That said, you have the right to declare a win if your opponent quits, but a lot of the fun of PBEM is establishing friendships with people all over the world, winning/losing and ladder points, well...do I really need to say it?
Next time ask Toni or me to step in privately before it goes too far, or, if not us, then ask your opponent to agree to post on the forums and listen to the recommendations of the community.
Lastly, don't worry about it too much. Rookies make mistakes. Good rookies learn from them.
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly
02-07-2011, 06:38 AM,
Posts: 6
Joined: Jan 2010
RE: Noob looking for a game & advice
Well this is rather a shabby start. Bullets for brevity:
* I genuinely apologise for subjecting the entire forum to that post and for violating club rules.
* the post was not intended to identify the other player, which on reflection is ridiculous owing to the fact that his identity can be derived from the ladder. It was posted in anger without due consideration of the fact that the background and context would be unknown to the audience, as it should not be, and was silly.
* my focus in future will be on trying to remain the bigger man, regardless of situation. Indeed, I have prepared some ground rules that I will expect any future opponent to honour, based on this experience.
* To my former opponent - it appears I have conceded the moral high ground without assault. I should not have made our dispute public, and I apologise for any humiliation you have felt as a result. I will not instigate, nor do I expect, further email correspondence about this.
So there we are - the paternal yet constructive feedback from other members was greatly appreciated thanks.
Back to having my ass-handed to me by the Wermacht.
02-07-2011, 08:02 AM,
RE: Noob looking for a game & advice
To both gentlemen involved in this matter........you might find the attached link useful in future games. The Principles of War. Zillions of trees have been sacrificed to provide the paper for the libraries o0f books written on this topic. IMO, the Wiki article linked (I hope!!) is a reasonable summary of the Principles.
Alternatively, type in Principles of War on your search engine.