12-31-2011, 10:24 AM,
Al Amos
Master Sergeant

Posts: 164
Joined: Oct 2009
Al's wargames
I've wargamed Napoleonics for years, mostly in miniatures. I played the Empire series rules by Scott Bowden for a couple of decades and then a few years before migrating from miniature to computer gaming, I switched to From Valmy to Waterloo (VFTW) by William Keyser. This system is excellent and I thought I was in gaming heaven, until a friend showed my Talsoft Waterloo, and so I gave up the figures and here we are.
One very nice feature of computer gaming, especially with Tiller's Talonsoft/HPS Campaign series titles is the modding: making your own scenairos. No longer was I tied back by not being able to get all those figures painted, buying them was never the problem over the years I've own about 7 different collections with a total of upwards 75,000 figs total. Maybe about 25% ever got painted, however. hehehe....
Lately, I've missed some of those table-top games, so I'm making a few scenarios with generic forces that I once had in miniature. Empire and VFTW both use a 60:1 troop scale, so I've taken these basic units from the rules and put them into an OOB file I can use in the various Tiller Nap titles. In miniature I had a column of Austrians for 1805, and Essen's III Russian Division of 1807, and Augereau's 7e Corps d'Armee from 1807, also a generic British division and a generis Prussian 1806 division, and of course Davuot's 3e Corps d'Armee, plus Beker's 5e Dragon Division, to name a few.
In these games you will find some of the above formations on various small maps, remember I played on 5'x2.5' tables. ;-) I'll have Austrians fighting Prussians or Russians, or Prussians and Brits square off, or Russians fighting French in England (I love the Eagle maps found in HPS Campaign Austerlitz!) Of course there will be some more typical Essen vs Augereau, or a combined Austro-Russian force fighting the two French corps listed above.
The pdt file will be the 1805 pdt file Bill created for the Austerlitz title, and units will be in multiple of 60. In Empire/FVTW most allied cavalry squadrons were given two figures apiece, so in the OOB file I gave them 120 men. Since most of these encounters will be "Glory Years" time period battles, I'll be using 960 men for the French. Most allied bns will be 480 or 720 men. Artillery will be in sections.
Unit quality will not be typical, for Empire/FVTW or the HPS system, but most units will be rated a C (4). I'm using the (-) more as well. Instead of giving artillery an A or B rating for morale which gives them a bonus in firing with the Optional Rules, I've decided to rate all line artillery a C- which gives them a morale bonus, but not a firing bonus. I've done this with some infantry units as well to enhance the staying power of said units without increasing the combat value (above what I think they should be.) All leaders are genericly rated as well, on the low side.
In the OOB file I based the lowest formation level to the regiment or battery level. This gives more leaders on the chain of command to pass on a bonus to the units they command. So if you keep your leaders, and keep the units in command the army will function quite well. As you lose leaders or try to spread units of your rgts, bdes, or divs too far apart your army will lose its ability to fight well. I'm hoping this will put more stress on command control for positive results than just using A+++ units all the time.
So I hope some of you will be interested and will try them out. I'll make them available as soon as I create them, and won't guarantee play-balance, but some of them may prove to be fun. Most will be 24 turns (4 hours) or less, so they may lend themselves to on-line play. Which is a blast!
... and although the maps won't port from one title to another the pdt/oob file can, so I can place my army collection on any map HPS has in its titles.
At some point I'll make a document file outlining my OOB file.
Al Amos Start with God - the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning. - Proverbs 1:7 The Message
12-31-2011, 10:40 AM,
RE: Al's wargames
Sounds like alot of good fun. Looking forward to trying it out!
12-31-2011, 01:50 PM,
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2012, 04:27 AM by Al Amos.)
Al Amos
Master Sergeant

Posts: 164
Joined: Oct 2009
RE: Al's wargames
I'm redoing this one. To the six who downloaded it, thanks, and the new one will be similar.
Al Amos Start with God - the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning. - Proverbs 1:7 The Message
01-02-2012, 06:49 AM,
Al Amos
Master Sergeant

Posts: 164
Joined: Oct 2009
RE: Al's wargames
(FICTIONAL) June 18, 1805 *Austrians v. Russians* An Austrian column of 16,000+ under FM Davidovich is using the English town of Marlow as its base in operations against the Russians. GL Sacken-1's 3-ya diviziya (3rd division), 17000+, is advancing upon Marlow to push the Austrians back toward London. NOTES: The Austrians are the 'French' player to make the engine work.
Generic armies based on wargame collections I've owned in the past. I've tried to label each army within it's native language. You'll be able to figure out what's what fairly easily, though. I've also tried to deploy the armies more to thier historical practice instead of just deploying a straight OOB army.
For example, the Austrians are formed in two lines of battles "Treffen", with a reserve and a left flank force and a right flank force, etc. The Russians have thier 6-pood (six punders) pieces split out to each battalion, and a flanking task force was formed for them, too.
Most units are C rated, some B's or A's are present as well. I used the fanatical morale (-) feature in the game to boost some units' morale, without raising their combat capabilities. So all the artillery is C rated with a fanatical rating, this will (should) cause them to stick to their guns but not become super sharpshooters if the Optional Firing Rules are used. I also structed the artillery in batteries with leaders to allow command bonuses to flow to them which should help in improve thier 'staying' power.
The Austrians deployed their cavalry in pairs of squadrons called 'divisions'. I have placed them in such formations with leaders, and deliberately did not include a leader at the Regimental level. This should create situations where individual sqns/divs of Austrian horse doing well, but players will have coordination problems trying to use them in mass. The Russians have a more simplified command chain, and can mass more combat power easier, similar to the French.
I hope these ideas translate into a solid 'Napoleonic' feel and flavor.
Al Amos Start with God - the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning. - Proverbs 1:7 The Message
01-02-2012, 02:17 PM,
Al Amos
Master Sergeant

Posts: 164
Joined: Oct 2009
RE: Al's wargames
The second scenarios:
(FICTICIOUS) October 15, 1805 * French v Russians * While moving through Bavaria, GL Sacken-1's 17,000+ troops of his 3-ya diviziya (3rd division) stumble into Maréchal Augereau's 17,000+ 7e Corps d'Armee between the villages of Usterbach and Reitenbuch. An encounter battle will ensue.
Al Amos Start with God - the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning. - Proverbs 1:7 The Message
01-03-2012, 02:59 AM,
Al Amos
Master Sergeant

Posts: 164
Joined: Oct 2009
RE: Al's wargames
The third scenario is up:
(FICTICIOUS) Oct 12, 1805 * French v Austrians * FM Davidovich has decided to make a stand at the town of Neresheim. He has constructed two strong points on the high ground at each end of the town. His position is a strong one. Maréchal Augereau's veteran 7e Corps d'Armee is moving into position.
Al Amos Start with God - the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning. - Proverbs 1:7 The Message
01-03-2012, 08:36 AM,
Al Amos
Master Sergeant

Posts: 164
Joined: Oct 2009
RE: Al's wargames
Fourth scenario is up:
(FICTICIOUS) June 19, 1805 * Austrians v Russians * Oberstleutnant Heldenfeld has been charged to bring supplies up from Staplehurst to Maidstone. His command is small and slow, a perfect target for marauding Cossacks. NOTES: The Austrians are the 'French' player. They will earn victory points by exiting the wagons through the exit hex.
Al Amos Start with God - the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning. - Proverbs 1:7 The Message
01-24-2012, 01:04 PM,
Al Amos
Master Sergeant

Posts: 164
Joined: Oct 2009
RE: Al's wargames
New scenario in the series... British vs French
FICTICIOUS *September 11th, 1805* General Balfour, who was wounded at Bunker Hill, prepares to defend his position against Maréchal Augereau, who will be wounded at Eylau. In both battles each attacking army won but with horrendous losses. Will history repeat itself with the attackers winning? Will they sustain such losses again? Will either leader be wounded, again? NOTE: Nesbit Balfour was a Lt in the 4th RoF in 1775. He lead the light company of the battalion at Concord Bridge and Bunker Hill. I gave him this division when I found out he was still around in 1804-05.[/u]
Al Amos Start with God - the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning. - Proverbs 1:7 The Message