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Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
05-15-2012, 11:37 AM,
Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
Hey all this was my first battle using the blitz interface to schedule games for Combat Mission!

I want to try my hands at creating a battle report.

Feed back is welcome.

Thank rampantone for the match

In this first image about five minutes have passed and you can see I have pushed my armor to the corner of the objective zone leaving my infantry in reserve along a fire line.

I witnessed him moving his infantry en mass toward the objective center and left.

My idea was to feign with the armor to probe his forces. keep my soft guys concealed and not moving too much. The headquarters in the second floor are ranging in a batter of 81mm.

The parameters were tiny on a small map. ME. Unlimited Rarity.

[Image: 346te35.jpg]
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05-15-2012, 12:28 PM,
RE: Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
another five minutes later and rampant continues to push to occupy the buildings at the center of the objective.

My shermans remain clearing out the buildings with their guns.

I split a squad of rifles to provide some forward foot presence to screen off my tanks.

I also parlay a BAR back and to the far right to establish a flank cover position. My original line stays in wait.

[Image: vs2fie.jpg]

Here is a detail of the same shot. I demonstrate how the assault squad screens the tanks by popping smoke and holding the outside of the building able to feign or responed to attacks on either side. the tanks can continue to barrage the soft buildings to weaken or destroy them as possible points of cover.

[Image: 2z8rbcj.jpg]
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05-15-2012, 12:55 PM,
RE: Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
Here you can see the result of the feign.

My 105 Sherman gets its gun shot off by a stug. so he executes the feign by retreating and regrouping to swing around the left side.

I have broken up my line and scattered them across the back side of the feigned retreat. I look for cover and try and move unites while others are fixed down range.

The other sherman retreats behind a ridge waiting for the stug in some shade.

[Image: 5ezam8.jpg]
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05-15-2012, 01:47 PM,
RE: Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
About 30 minutes in the first barrage of 81mm shows up I adjust to put the fire over the last building in that row.

My units have swept right and began to work through the woods toward the group of buildings, supported by the gunless sherman. My idea is to use the tank as a hard point at the front of the woods to help screen any infantry assault.

I have left a small contingent to help mop up any germans in the row of buildings in front of them.

[Image: 28lglc3.jpg]
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05-15-2012, 04:37 PM,
RE: Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
[Image: 20kx6ie.jpg]
[Image: 2aeqc8x.jpg]
[Image: 28mpjif.jpg]
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05-16-2012, 01:25 AM,
RE: Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
Looking good.
Thanks for the pics :)
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05-16-2012, 01:45 AM,
RE: Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
Great pics Chief!

Thanks for sharing!

Looks like a fun battle.
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05-16-2012, 04:23 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-16-2012, 04:37 AM by Chief Looking Glass.)
RE: Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
I call this shot dead stug.

I will focus on three things.

After killing the stug my sherman with a good gun lays smoke, retreats and swings right to bolster my mounting forces to take the far side of the objective.

The adjusted artillary is laying low the unfortunate Germans taking a lead show in it.

On that right flank I will crawl my sherman to the right to try and establish some hard cover for an infantry push toward the machine guns in the trees. This maneuver fails and we'll take a look at why.

[Image: iye7mp.jpg]

The plan was to place the sherman half way between the tree line and the patch of cover with the tree this side of the hay. I have an assault squad fixing to rush those machine guns and put them out of commission

[Image: e006m0.jpg]

I place cover fire on the buildings and stone wall hoping to suppress the Krouts. I am waiting for the headquarters to make an appearance for their support in the attack. This gave me time to pepper the germans with some more heat.

[Image: 2i0gqpd.jpg]

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05-16-2012, 05:23 AM,
RE: Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
[Image: 302bf4n.jpg]

Here I begin the assault which starts with my split squad pushing into the shade of the tree this side of the hay, using the hard point of the tank to screen the advance

[Image: kdwimw.jpg]

My advancing squad took two KIA and a casualty on the way to the shade. But they are holding and returning fire so I throw the bulk of my soft guys at the tree while maneuvering my tanks to try and avoid AT weapons. The gunless sherman has done well serving as a bullet catcher and I wanted to establish a hard point my side of the stone wall so I could pivot some attacks toward the buildings once I got the right completely secure.

[Image: 10ncpx3.jpg]

at this stage everything looks great. I am taking fire but it is scattered and inaccurate. Both takes are identifying and laying down potential targets.

My infantry are making good use of cover and closing the distance.

[Image: 23hoz7q.jpg]

This is the moment the assault starts to break down. I thought there were one or two machine guns in the TREES behind the hay field. Turns out there are more like three or four guns IN THE FIELD. They ambush my guys right about when they could see the whites of their eyes. This picture is the moment of the first of many KIA's.

[Image: 2m4u5pw.jpg]

I was a blood soaked advance foe both sides.
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05-16-2012, 05:55 AM,
RE: Chief vs rampantone (screen shots)
This next sequence demonstrates how a much of a disaster this becomes.

[Image: 2r41rtz.jpg]

First of all I believe the germans had been sent to take the same shade tree I was and were mounting a simultaneous advance for the same location. At the time I believed they would be deployed and using their machine guns... So I fixed my light target option on the field. This was dumb for two reasons, one it didn't allow my tank crews and their AI to sort out the important targets, two I run my two additional advancing units in support right accross the line of fire... Meanwhile the machine gun crews manage to inch their way up onto my position and lob few grenades...

[Image: 6i9zdk.jpg]
[Image: 33ym829.jpg]
[Image: 9rjgg3.jpg]
[Image: 5mbzfr.jpg]
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