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Wars Over By Christmas
06-07-2013, 06:43 AM,
Wars Over By Christmas
Or not...........Ashcloud and von Earlmann have been placed in command of a thinly held sector of the Ardennes.........all reports indicate this is a quiet sector and no German attack is possible..........scuttlebutt has it the Germans are finished and we will be heading home by Christmas.

Tiger88 and Peiper seem to have been given a major attack force and the newly arrived 106th Inf Div is already fighting for their lives. The 14th Cav group has also been hit hard and is trying to figure out how a recon attack could be this strong. We have been assured by HQ that this could not possibly be a major German offensive so we shall see as the 1st Chronicles of V Panzer Armee begin. Reports of heavy artillery are filtering back from the front along with major probes by German infantry. How can this not be an offensive operation?

"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
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06-07-2013, 08:34 AM,
Germans have identified several weak areas in the thinly held American lines and have begun with small focused recon activities to probe & answer what we believe to be true!

The actions are quick and intense with reported Allied withdrawals (all ready) from their lines.

The German command is highly confident that they will push to end the war with this minor (lol) offensive and blow a devastating strike to the bullish American Forces!

Let the game and banter begin!

Tiger 88
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06-09-2013, 06:45 AM,
RE: Wars Over By Christmas
14th Cavalry group reports Germans seem to be coming from all directions...........everything is confused and units seem to be scattering in all directions..........regimental HQ is trying to restore order and regroup forces but Germans seem to be jamming radio frequencies..........this has to be a recon in force but where are all these units coming from?
Trying to keep men from panicking!

"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
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06-09-2013, 11:00 AM,
RE: Wars Over By Christmas
Forces of the 295th Volksgrenadier Regiment have taken the small village of Schlaushenbach and NE of there the small village of Manderfeld is in sights of the German Army.

Meanwhile - heavy fighting and hand to hand combat is occurring South of Schlaushenbach around Buchet - where forces of the 193 Volksgrenadier Reg are attempting to cut off disrupted and retreating allied ground troops.

German command reports heavy fighting and resistance along the highway West - heading into Winterspelt.

The German tempo is high and there is much optimism in fighting the broken and retreating American Army.
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06-09-2013, 11:54 AM,
RE: Wars Over By Christmas
Great commentary... I enjoy reading this as the game unfolds...
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06-22-2013, 09:27 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-23-2013, 01:13 AM by Von Earlmann.)
RE: Wars Over By Christmas
Ardennes Dec 17th ,1944. There is confusion everywhere with reports of Tiger tanks all along the front. Col Rogers has lost control of 14th Cav group as they seem to have been scattered in all directions. He had a fear they were spred to thinly but all indications were this was a quiet sector. Reports of heavy fighting all along the front seem to indicate a major German push rather than a small spoiling attack. The good news is that the fog has lifted a little and most of the reports of tigers seem to be assault guns.
The bad news is the 106th Inf Div is getting reports of breakthrus in more than a few places along the front and has lost all contact with it's forward regiment.Gen Jones has finally released the divison reserves but no one seems to know exactly where to send them.

"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
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06-23-2013, 11:24 AM,
RE: Wars Over By Christmas
As the morning skies crack open for the V Panzer Army - many of Hitler's Generals on site are now thinking there is a chance to Win the war!

Germans see fleeing American Soldiers from their posts and scattering distributively from their held grounds as german man and machine pour out of the woods from each and every direction!

German tankers are highly confident in their steel beasts as the German ground troops have decisively sprung their surprised attack upon their over confident foes at this moment in time!

In the far North / Central command Peiper's troops have smashed all allied lines are taking no prisoners as Manderfeld has now fallen into the German Army's control. Forces pour NW along the Our River as Schoenburg is cleary in their sites.

King Tiger's have been impressive on this early battlefield as they welcome American Grayhounds and M4's to their hunting grounds!

Meanwhile - in the South up to the Central Battlefield - Tiger 88's Stug's have broken free and are racing to the town Radscheid to begin coverage of the advancing Germans to secure the southern bridges outside of Schoenburg. The americans around Buchet have fought with Grit and are holding up ground support troops of the Stugs.

Tiger 88's Panthers have sprung upon the Fleeing Americans at Eigelscheid as they quickly march towards their objective at Winterspelt along with massive german foot soldiers.

In the far south elements of Kmfg Tebba Recon Battalion have been unabated with their march on Burg Reuland and are holding that town and one of the major bridges. Pz IV's of the same Kmfg and ground troops embark along the river. American resistance is scattered at best and soon will feel the strong arm of these forces!

The battle is early but the German Tempo is fast and furious and much ground has been covered in almost three days of marching.

German scouts have reported large american force buildup of tanks and men are now gathered and rushing towards the front.... but what front will they appear in?
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07-01-2013, 09:41 PM,
RE: Wars Over By Christmas
The fog has finally convinced the American commanders there will be no air support on this day. High command has finally realised the desperate situation of the 106th Div and has ordered reinforcements to the area. Word is there is a large amount of Corps arty and anti tank units heading for this sector. Also reports of a big friend in the form of 7th Arm Div heading this way post haste. Meanwhile area commanders are trying to organize a ragtag group of adhoc units, stragglers, and cooks to hold the line until help arrives. 14th Cav group has reportedly left the field and the CO is currently trying to catch up with his own retreating units. The roads are reportedly jammed with fleeing vehicles which is further hampering relief efforts..........scuttlebutt is the CO of 7th Arm has threatened to shoot anyone blocking his advance.........he has ordered the road cleared!

"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
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07-05-2013, 09:34 PM,
RE: Wars Over By Christmas
German High Command now reports that the forces are now vastly approaching Schoenburg with men and machine as the tempo and pace of the V Pzr Army is unbelievable! American engineers frantically fire smoke rounds to deter the inevitable that sweeps upon the men of the 106th. Stugs anchor the South march as they watch over the vital bridges in this sector. The american army is feeling the steel rain that supports the cause.

In the South - German Recon units from Kmfg Tebba report advancing american forces from St Vivth are now rushing to the front.

The battle for Steinebruck is entering the infant stages of the attack as American armor feels the sharp claws of the Advancing Panthers. The american army at Winterspelt has literally been wiped out as german machine and men pour along the highway and railroad tracks leading from this sector.

All in all the advance on all fronts is going as planned. German High Command still is optimistic with their efforts and fast tempo its troops are sustaining - the spirit of the American Army at this point seems to be broken - we must capitalize on this and continue the cause!
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07-05-2013, 10:30 PM,
RE: Wars Over By Christmas
We want pictures! Helmet Wink
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