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SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)
01-21-2014, 10:54 AM,
RE: SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)
I think DD had 2 teams of 6. I ended up getting drafted to replace a drop. After a year or so I ended up moving and didn't have a computer for a while. So I don't know how it ended. DD has a web site up but it was no where near as established as the Blitz. This was a few years after "Leadeaters" went tits up. At least the new(?) map routines allow one to cut and paste the edges of the map so that you could 'keep up the scairt' if you so desired. Hot pursuit is exciting.
Not sure how DD kept up with who was on what map going which way. Pencil and paper probably.
It would make it easier to use already buil maps and just assume nothing happens to formations moving between maps. There are enough map of Germany already created to make a pretty good campaign.
The US Military is digitizing the entire planet. It would be nice to know what their formatting is. With that a quick and dirty utility to generate a SP map out of Long/Latt numbers should be possible.
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01-21-2014, 12:16 PM,
RE: SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)
As I mentioned before, I would stick to custom maps, there are loads of these. Some may seem to be a bit too small, but It will be possible to deploy just a part of a unit. And even if you deploy entire unit... you dont have to use it, right?
I think we have at least ~50 maps for free use. I will make a analysis of these and will assign them to provinces of map we gonna use. I havent chosen those yet, but my bet would go on Hearts of Iron 2 Europe map.
A link for you who dont know that game:



Compare the number of provinces and say what seems to be more playable. I will deliver detailed screenshots when you make your pick.

So, in short:
1. Command looks at the map
2. Command chooses the path of attack and units, eg: "Our 274th Guards Motorized Regiment shall advance from position of current allocation, that is Leipzig, towards Frankfurt, where contact with enemy West German Brigade is estimated."
3. GM (that is most likely me) looks at that and says: "Hmm, NATO has there 10. Panzerbrigade deployed. It also seems they have used some Special Points to Entrench that one. it looks like we will pick a map XXX as it is the closest and we will have an assault here."
4. Command contacts me again NOT knowing my analysis from point 3 and says "Ah, BTW, can you get us some aerial recon in there from unit XXX?"
5. I say: "OK, let me dice roll the efficiency... Air Recon was really good! You have 10. Panzerbrigade there, our analysis estimates it is untouched so far, disposes at least 3 battalions, one of which is armoured."
6. Command says: "Roger. Can we use more Special Points to possibly launch some Tochkas at their position. Tochkas belong to unit XXX."
7. I say: "That is confirmed. You have the Tochka strike, however you cannot estimate the efficiency without additional aerial recon."
8. Command says: "OK, we will not risk that. Let the chosen unit commence the assault. We are preparing 217th Reserve Armoured Brigade to follow their path. If original unit fails, retreat it to rest and push reserves into action."
9. I take all of that into consideration and say to NATO players: "OK, [no info about air recon, it was not discovered] it seems like you received a Tochka strike at 10. Panzerbrigade. It had very much mere success, consider one company of your armoured battalion out of action for about 14 hours. Besides that... you see noticable Soviet formation advancing at you. [dice roll] They seem to have BTRs and some T-62s for support and they are deployed in assault formations. They know what they are up against."
10. NATO command says: "OK, any info about the size?"
11. I say: "Sorry, recon too slow"
12. NATO player volunteers: "I could take up this battle. I believe Milans and advanced artillery will hold them back. We have firm fortifications here, gonna be goon. However, I will not rist all the Leopard. I ask to deploy entire Brigade for that battle MINUS 2 Leopard Companies from armoured battalion. One of these removed seems to be affected by Tochkas. So, I want one company from my Armoured battalion only, rest deployed in full strength."
13. OK, roger that. I have the actions taken from Soviet players already, so now I will inform you about the public outcome.
14. Outcome here is: 274th Guards MRR assault vs. 10. Panzerbigade (minus 2 Companies from 7. Panzerbattalion [that info can be confidential]) on map XXX. Look at your OOBs to reconstruct the unit, I will now dice roll weather report... yes, weather conditions in this sector are ok, what gives you the visibility of XXX and XXX number of available air sorties. Air sorties can be deployed from formations XXX. Any more details you need?
[here players specify what else do they need]
And on such conditions a game is set between two opponents. Remaining guys do the same on other sectors and we have like 3-4 battles going at once.

Soviet side is the attacking one, they will receive first initiative. When players plan their actions, later on I analyse what is happening early and whose actions gonna happen first. There will be a possibility to invest these Special Points into a couple of actions to have them happening first or last.

What needs mentioning, this battle, in fact, can setup additional one. Because as soon as game of 274th MRR vs. 10 Panzerbrigade ends, Soviet tank reserve comes in and NATO player will have an option whether to retreat or remain and stand against the Soviets again.

This is the roleplay part of it. I dont mind if AARs will happen or players will roleplay certain characters, but I will take that into consideration if someone tries. However, as you can see, it matters to keep up good tempo with the game, as mentioned - 1-2 saves per day. Battles will be at max. 40 turns long (and for assault only), normally it should be 20-27 turns, depending on the map size.
Both sides can argument against the other side for Game Master, that is well allowed in table-based RPGs and adds more... complications, lets say :P

My posts look shitty, I'm putting myself an avatar and signature.
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01-21-2014, 04:07 PM,
RE: SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)
We've had a seperate thread or subforum for a tournament so I guess you could ask one for this too.

For 3-4 battles/players the hard map looks too fractioned.

[Image: Medals50_thumb8.gif]
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01-23-2014, 05:24 AM,
RE: SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)
If there is a spot open, count me in as well.
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01-23-2014, 07:54 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-24-2014, 05:57 AM by SaSTrooP.)
RE: SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)
OK people, I am talking to Weasel now about subforums. I will keep informing about progress both there and in a thread here. I will ask however that EVERYONE interested should REPEAT their readiness here or there, and preferred side.


Preferred NATO:
1. Vescu
2. Ratel
3. ...

Preferred WP:
1. Viriato
2. ...

Don't mind the side:
1. SaS TrooP
2. Low_Bidder

Side is only preferred, if we have unequality there, I will ask someone to switch.
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01-23-2014, 11:21 AM,
RE: SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)
Low_Bidder doesn't mind which side. It will be the winning side, of course.
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01-23-2014, 03:38 PM,
RE: SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)
I'll pick NATO ... and expect to be overwhelmed :)

[Image: Medals50_thumb8.gif]
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01-24-2014, 04:57 AM,
RE: SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)
I can be from the Warsaw Pact...
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01-24-2014, 05:55 AM,
RE: SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)

Preferred NATO:
1. Vescu
2. Ratel...

Preferred WP:
1. Viriato
2. ...

Don't mind the side:
1. SaS TrooP
2. Low_Bidder
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01-24-2014, 09:31 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-24-2014, 09:58 AM by SaSTrooP.)
RE: SPMBT campaign proposition! (long post but worthy)

Subforums are open now. Keep listing though, I will have to raise a couple of polls.
I ask for very quick answer to the polls and same for participation confirmation. The quicker I have these, the faster I will put my hands with OOBs... and thats gonna steal me some time.
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