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The Competition & Teaser Thread
01-29-2014, 01:43 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-29-2014, 01:45 AM by ComradeP.)
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Xaver, the unit information in the sidebar already gives the organization, but in text. Also note that in PzC, or at least in Moscow '42, units don't show NATO counters with their depicted composition aside from HW units and engineers/sappers/pioneers.

Strela, the thread has gained 4 pages since the forum move, not bad I'd say. We're all still here and we're all excited to various extents.
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01-29-2014, 02:02 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
(01-29-2014, 01:43 AM)ComradeP Wrote: Xaver, the unit information in the sidebar already gives the organization, but in text. Also note that in PzC, or at least in Moscow '42, units don't show NATO counters with their depicted composition aside from HW units and engineers/sappers/pioneers.

Strela, the thread has gained 4 pages since the forum move, not bad I'd say. We're all still here and we're all excited to various extents.

I think what Xaver is asking for is that the Divisional markings appear in the NATO Icon in the Unit Side bar.

That way you could tell quickly if different formations were stacked together. It would definitely fall in the category of nice to have, but it is definitely keyed to units on the map as the graphic does highlight when various reports are selected.

See below - this was using highlight organisation;

[Image: 5e35aa619fPB%20Graphics%2033.png]

As far as people visiting, yes the traffic is starting to pick up as people realise we have a new home... Wink

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01-29-2014, 06:11 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Are there any plans for a demo? I own campaign series and few PzC titles and would like to see more than the art work before buying. I would be able to decide if the game offers anything the above two do not.
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01-29-2014, 06:20 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
(01-29-2014, 02:02 AM)Strela Wrote:
(01-29-2014, 01:43 AM)ComradeP Wrote: Strela, the thread has gained 4 pages since the forum move, not bad I'd say. We're all still here and we're all excited to various extents.

As far as people visiting, yes the traffic is starting to pick up as people realise we have a new home... Wink
Well this thread had moved up to 7th all time at the Blitz for replies, so yes i think we can say there is extensive interest in this new series! Big Grin
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01-29-2014, 06:53 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Yes Strela, i refer to this, well see the icon with the highlight is a good option to.

I see the reads in thread around 500 every new day... not bad, but if you think is not good enough you can gift PzB copies to increase the number Big Grin

To be a "home" is not empty hehehe.

PD: i very rare times feel "cheated" by a Tiller game but i never say no to a demo... specially when one of the best memories i have is from a wargame demo... "Steel Panthers" demo was for me Helmet Wink
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01-29-2014, 10:08 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
(01-29-2014, 06:11 AM)PawelM Wrote: Are there any plans for a demo? I own campaign series and few PzC titles and would like to see more than the art work before buying. I would be able to decide if the game offers anything the above two do not.


I have not heard anything to date on a demo. We are busy getting the initial game released and have a number of other projects at various stages of completion.

All the games documentation should be available for download at the time of release. These should include the Designer Notes/FAQ, Getting Started documentation as well as the Battle Map Pack. Hopefully the player manual will also be available.

John Tiller is a believer in demos and I wouldn't be surprised if one is released sometime in the future.

I'll continue to release details on the game (beyond graphics) in this thread and I do suggest you read the thread from beginning to end as there is a lot more coverage than just the graphics to date.

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01-29-2014, 10:40 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
The other comment that I'm remiss not to mention is that a couple of the play testers are preparing After Action Reports of scenarios they have played.

These hopefully will be available at or just after release of the title.

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01-29-2014, 01:19 PM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
(01-29-2014, 10:08 AM)Strela Wrote: Hopefully the player manual will also be available.

hopefully indeed; if there's no demo, I doubt I'll buy it if I can't read the manual and see if I like the various features--I've been burned too many times...

Or I should say I won't buy it until it has been out several months and I've had a chance to read a bunch of AARs and ask a bunch of questions.
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01-30-2014, 03:41 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-30-2014, 11:04 AM by Outlaw Josey Wales.)
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
20 PzCs
5 MCs
11 ACW
6 Naps
11 SBs
4 SBs Mods
1 Ancients

If I was burned on Tiller titles, I would say it was the one Ancients because I didn't like the way the units reacted to orders. I think that series would be better if one could do their moves and fires and then all casualties administered simultaneously unless it was some sort of ambush. Casualties suffered can be seen, but only administered at the end of the turn.

62 titles and mods and "burned" on one because I didn't like the way it played is a pretty good percentage. That is not even counting the Battleground titles and CS series that JT had his hands in.

A demo would be great, a couple of scenarios. But not necessary for me on this one. If it is a bit like CS with men rather than strength points, it's already a step above. Also, need to maintain user friendly and eye candy. I love those side views because they remind me a lot of the drawings I used to do as mentioned in a previous post.

Demo or no demo, I will take my chances.
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01-30-2014, 04:18 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-30-2014, 04:19 AM by Compass Rose.)
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
I would just like to point out for those of you who are not aware of it, John Tiller has released no Ancient Wars titles. Those are all released through HPS and Paul Bruffell is behind that whole series, not John Tiller. That, I would guess, is a big reason why the hexs don't look the same or represent the same distance.

I've never heard of anyone ever getting burned by John Tiller HPS or JTS games. They have the best customer service and all of their games are still supported, even the ones released over 10 years ago.

I can't say I know of another company with that kind of track record and that is why I am a strong supporter of their games.
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