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The Competition & Teaser Thread
02-23-2014, 11:28 PM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
(02-23-2014, 10:31 PM)ComradeP Wrote: It looks great!

A question first: GD's Grenadier armoured battalion doesn't have an MG company? Or is it abstracted into the halftracks for the MG platoons?

Comrade P,

I've passed on your suggested changes to Michael (including some umlauts!). A number of these I know are based on German spellings within primary records. For example, I believe squardron is correct - I was going to query Mike and did my own web search and found where he sourced it from. That said, we will go through and see what can be changed.

As far as your initial question regarding GD's armoured grenadiers. It's based various including the OB below (straight from Kstn's) and data we had on the individual Divisions. You'll find that all the gepanzert do not have MG's in the heavy company - this includes both the Wehrmacht & SS.

Of interest the only motorised Panzer Grenadier battalions to have a separate MG company were in GD & LSSAH. The rest of the Panzer Grenadier battalions were bereft of this unit.

[Image: 6b67b5b338PB%20Graphics%20109.png]

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02-23-2014, 11:55 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-24-2014, 12:06 AM by ComradeP.)
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Interesting, I guess it's one of those cases where there are a variety of sources, some of which indicate that the unit had a certain component whilst it may not have had it.

You learn something new every day.

"Squardron" looks like a typo to begin with, even if "Squadron" is meant. It could be that "Squadron" is used sometimes for NATO compatibility, but the German word is Schwadron. Similarly, maybe some sources mention "Battalion", but that might also be for NATO compatibility as the German word is Bataillon.

Here's an example of 1st Reiter Regiment of 1st Kavallerie Division. "Eskadron" was changed to "Schwadron" in the 1930's, and as you probably know the majority of the recon units in the older divisions of the Wehrmacht were formed by splitting up cavalry regiments at the start of the war, hence the use of "Schwadron" instead of "Kompanie" to stick to the cavalry tradition.


Units that were formed during the war or after redesignation, like the recon unit of the 7th Panzer, seem to have changed to "Kompanie".

The lack of a single standardized spelling for some unit or equipment types is challenging when describing the Wehrmacht. For example: you can write "Pak" or "PaK", "Flak" or "FlaK" and for units "Fla." or "Flak".

I see I made a typo myself:

Various: "Spah" should be "Spaeh" or have an Umlaut on the a. (originally I wrote: an Umlaut on the u).
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02-24-2014, 02:49 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
I got it downloaded today. I will probably have to schedule all my downloads in the middle of the day Mon-Thur since we pay for highspeed internet and are not getting it since Windstream separatd from at&t. I don't think they were ready. If I pay for it, I should get it 24-7 no matter how many people are signed on. My opinion of course.
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02-24-2014, 03:09 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
(02-24-2014, 02:49 AM)Outlaw Josey Wales Wrote: If I pay for it, I should get it 24-7 no matter how many people are signed on.

Boy, that sounds like a real lousy deal that you are stuck in. Thumbs Down

If you can't get it 24-7 and it was not advertised that way, you should be pushing for a refund. Soap Box
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02-24-2014, 03:36 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Teaser inside a Teaser thread hehehe, nice pic Strela, maybe apart the obvious info... what about the new art in map??? i refer the hex that looks like a serie of warehouses, is a new art for industrial terrain or is planned add a new terrain type???

A title covering Zhitomir sure made happy ComradeP but this looks more at PzC scale... sure you have a lot of dirty secrets in your "Fortress of Solitude" Big Grin2

Sorry Outlaw Josey Wales but whats if your problem??? i feel losing in translation Dizzy

Talking about translation... really ComradeP, you are the bugs master hunter great job hunting them.

Maybe somebody can help with this, i need say that sometimes is easy miss a script or change it.
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02-24-2014, 04:52 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-24-2014, 04:52 AM by ComradeP.)
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Quote:A title covering Zhitomir sure made happy ComradeP but this looks more at PzC scale...

If it's PzC scale, the city's bigger than Smolensk even though it had less than 2/3 of its population. However if it's at PB scale, the city would cover just 2x1 kilometers. The numerous smaller buildings might indicate industry hexes.

Quote:Sorry Outlaw Josey Wales but whats if your problem??? i feel losing in translation

His internet provider isn't worth much at the moment.
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02-24-2014, 05:14 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
(02-23-2014, 10:31 PM)ComradeP Wrote: It looks great!

A question first: GD's Grenadier armoured battalion doesn't have an MG company? Or is it abstracted into the halftracks for the MG platoons?

There's a typo here and there, not sure if those could still be corrected or if the file has already been sent to the publisher.

Page 1: it could be the font, but it looks like there are two spaces between "battle" and "charts"

Page 2: the abbreviation for the formation the Cossacks belong to is PzC instead of PzK.

Page 3: it says "18th Tank" instead of "18th Tank Corps".

Various: the German word for battalion is "bataillon". For consistency, you could consider changing "battalion" to "bataillon" for German designations or "kompanie" into "company" for English designations for non-specialized units.

Various: the German word for "armored" (for the mechanized infantry) is "gepanzert" (I believe "spw" is a late war designation, I'd have to check).

Various: "Aufklarung" should either be "Aufklaerung" or with an Umlaut on the second a.

Various: "Fusilier" should be "Fuesilier" or an Umlaut on the u.

Various: "Spah" should be "Spaeh" or have an Umlaut on the a.

The variant with an e after the letter that should have the Umlaut looks ugly, though it is grammatically correct.

Variant: technically, there should be a dot after the numerical indication of the company or battery for the Germans.

Various: "Squadron" is always spelled "squardron" for some reason. The German word is "Schwadron". I'm not entirely sure which units used "Schwadron" and which units used "Kompanie". Theoretically, if a unit came from a former cavalry regiment, it would be "Schwadron" but re-designations might have changed that. The aufklaerungs abteilung for the 7th Panzer was a renamed kradschuetzen battalion and had companies as far as I know.

LSSAH had companies for their aufklaerung abteilung in 1943 as far as I know.

Various: "Sturmgeschutz" should be "Sturmgeschuetz" or an Umlaut on the second u. Or simply "StuG". It is also misspelled on page 27.

Page 8: the divisional HQ of the 167th isn't indicated as such.

Page 9: the 14th company is a Panzerjaeger (Umlaut on the second a) company, not a Pak company. Similarly, GD and LSSAH also have a Panzerjaeger company as its 17th/18th company. The 5th company of LSSAH's aufklaerungsabteilung is also a Panzerjaeger company. Pak or Pak Sfl indicates the equipment type, not the unit type in this case.

Page 18: Maybe Stab Panzer Zug instead of Panzer Zug?

Page 19-21: the way the companies are numbered doesn't match how it's done elsewhere.

Page 21: the Cossacks have no description, but that isn't necessary as their size is indicated in their name.

Page 27: Armored Pionier Platoon> Panzerpionier Zug.

Page 28: typo in "batterie" for the 4th. Also: Sfl quad, if you want to give it a special indication, would be Sfl vierling. However, Sfl is good by itself, as it just means self propelled and I'm not entirely sure if the battalion TOE/OOB indicates a special designation.

Page 43: the example SU regiment is called the 1440th, but the HQ is for the 1461st.


Thanks for the thorough review! I tend to not be able to review my own work that well.

I also tend to mix my German and English terms so I use Kompanie and Batterie and then use Battalion and Armored. Thanks for pointing this out. I have now changed everything to the German terms to be consistent and I really do prefer to use them. Although everyone should be glad I do not use the Russian characters for their units!!

As far as the umlauts, I was having trouble getting the paint program we are using to save the files and make the JPGs when I placed the special character into the text. So I decided to use that spelling as I really hate to see the "e" added, like you said it looks ugly. That being said, I went back and figured out how to get this to work and have now added the umlauts to all the designations including the "ß" in Grossdeutschland.

As David said, only GD and LSSAH had the MG companies and not in the armored (gp) btls.

You are correct with calling the Aufk-Abt 1 LSSAH kompanies. I was rushing through this and just copied the text from GD sheet. I should have caught this. And I did have Squadron spelled wrong, although David said the extra r is correct. That must be one of those English vs American English things like Armour and Armor. I went back and checked all the Aufk-Abts as to which used Schwadron and which used Kompanies.

Well that was a bit of work to fix (about 5 hours worth). But it was well worth the effort. I'm sure that some other errors have crept into the changes, but I did review it. Thanks again for viewing it from the German point of view. I have also added the German terms Gepanzert, Vierling etc. into the Glossary for our English gamers who are unfamiliar with those terms.

Thanks for the compliments from everyone. 90% of the pictures are from the Battle of Kursk and I used a pictures relating to the units represented on the page. We do hope that you find this guide useful.

Next up, David will be posting a link to our Planning Maps document. These are daily situation maps and scenario location maps for July 4 to 12.

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02-24-2014, 05:20 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Will new games such as First World War Campaigns, Panzer Campaigns and Modern Campaigns start to use the new enlarged map graphics instead of the 2x view?
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02-24-2014, 05:23 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread

Had there been any plans to also include a very simple English version of all of that info that does not include all of the German and Russian terms?

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02-24-2014, 06:18 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Thanks ComradeP, i understand the same but this "Mon-Thur" made me Propeller Hat until i see they represent days Farmer

Well, is harder fight in industrial than in urban, Zhitomir is harder to beat
... yes, i think they represent industrial BUT i dont know if is a new graphic or they add a new terrain type as new feature in title.

Waiting more documentation, the bug hunt squad is on fire Angry3 hehehe.
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