02-02-2014, 08:26 AM,
RE: New Umpired Campaign Thread
Great then. Me and Ed are finally done today - minor victory for Oberst Ed this time. I asked him to get You all the files You may need unless I am to supply some. Thanks a lot.
02-24-2014, 05:15 AM,
RE: New Umpired Campaign Thread
All of the Round 2 games have been completed and I am working on compiling the losses. It doesn't sound like anyone is interested in taking the initiative for a dusk round. Once the losses from Round 2 are published, it will be too late. So if you want to try and wrest a 20 point objective from your opponents before dark falls, don't delay.
02-25-2014, 03:45 AM,
RE: New Umpired Campaign Thread
What are we supposed to do in order to apply for that option in order to get even a bit - ore seal the fate again?
02-26-2014, 11:49 PM,
RE: New Umpired Campaign Thread
You would need to tell me you want to continue to the action from the last round. It would basically be a hasty attack from the positions established during the last scenario. It would include those units from the last scenario that are still fit and possibly a small number of reinforcements.
02-27-2014, 12:36 AM,
RE: New Umpired Campaign Thread
Then it's out of question, I won't pull that trick by any means. Count me out please. Thanks in advance.
03-11-2014, 01:00 AM,
RE: New Umpired Campaign Thread
The losses have been tallied and all the players should have received an email with the force compositions of their Kampfgruppe/Task Forces. Since no one was interested in a dusk round, I am going to assume that no one is interested in a night round either. If I am wrong, please let me know.
You now have the opportunity to reorganize your force compositions if you are so inclined. Please try to have any changes as well as any plans for the morning's attack/defense to me by the middle of next week (3/20/2014). That way, I can start making the scenarios the following weekend. As I mentioned in my email, I will put all of your forces on the map and you can duke it out.
The quadrant map stayed the same as it was after the first round. The Germans currently hold five quadrants, the US holds three and there is one contested quadrant. If one side holds five at the end of the game they win a minor victory in the campaign. If they hold seven or more, they win a major victory. Any other result is a draw. And remember, ownership of a quadrant is determined by control of the three 20 point objectives in each quadrant. If you control them all, it is yours. If at least one of them is held by the opposing forces, it is contested. So, there is still a reason to launch an attack, even when your forces may be tired and worn down.
03-11-2014, 03:08 AM,
RE: New Umpired Campaign Thread
Will do. Thanks a lot.
03-20-2014, 02:11 PM,
RE: New Umpired Campaign Thread
I am going to start making scenarios on Friday, so if you want to submit a change in your organization or a plan for the morning's operation, you will need to do it by then. Once I get started, it will be too late.
04-08-2014, 03:28 PM,
RE: New Umpired Campaign Thread
All of the scenarios have been sent out. If you didn't get yours, let me know as soon as possible. These are all 30 turns long, so they may take a while to play out. Let me know when you are done and I can tally up the overall winners.
07-22-2014, 09:33 AM,
(This post was last modified: 07-22-2014, 09:33 AM by Richie61.)
Brigadier General

Posts: 1,109
Joined: Aug 2010
RE: New Umpired Campaign Thread
Marcin has been very busy as of late and he threw in the towel. We are made it to turn 8 and I have a Major Axis Victory. Do you want our last turn to factor the points?
"Ideals are peaceful. History is violent."