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The Competition & Teaser Thread
02-25-2014, 03:29 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-25-2014, 03:37 AM by ComradeP.)
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Quote:Well i need say it, for a Kursk title a Panther D is more correct i am surprised ComradeP doesnt see it

In all honesty, I didn't look at the image for more than a couple of seconds. I'm also often not able to immediately spot a turret problem with most tanks. For some reason, I find it much easier to see if there's anything incorrect with the hull than with the turret, unless it's obvious.

Speaking of turret issues: the early Panther D's had a Nebelwurfgeraet, three smoke dischargers on each side of the turret. The same goes for the Tigers and Panzer III M's (including the Flamm variant) and N's in use around Kursk. Depending on the production run, the StuGs might have had them too, but they wouldn't be visible due to the skirts. From April 1943 on, Tigers also had spare track holders on the turret.
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02-25-2014, 03:42 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
I am guessing you already know this, but I will throw it out there.

Another thing that isn't that big of a deal is that the side armor skirts
weren't on all the first Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf D1 (Ausf A)'s.

If I remember correctly the 2nd generation/ production of the Ausf D
were updated to the cast commander’s cupola and side armor skirts.

Interesting fact for the Ausf. G was that it had a new hull design with steeper side and was used on the Jagdpanther Smile
"Ideals are peaceful. History is violent."
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02-25-2014, 10:51 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Hi All,

The final Version 3 of the Visual Order of Battle Guide is available on the link below. This version is corrected for the terminology and other issues identified to date. Thanks Michael for the quick turn around and kudos to ComradeP for his thorough review.

The link is here;

Link to; Visual Order of Battle Guide

Please note the original post in this thread regarding the Guide is still valid. The link is consistent and doesn't change as new versions are uploaded. Please let us know of any further anomalies that you see so we can correct them before final publication.

We are planning to release more documentation in the next 24 hours for your perusal.

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02-25-2014, 09:22 PM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Hi All,

As it's Tuesday and we seem to have run the Visual Order of Battle over multiple days, we thought it time to release some further documentation.

Michael Avanzini has been very busy and built a 23 page map pack. For reference, the map pack has been built using maps sourced from the Library of Congress. The details of where the source data came from is below. Please note that unfortunately the Southern Flank Kursk battle covered two map sections that were coloured differently. We decided to leave the base maps in their original colours.

[Image: aa23fadd15PB%20Graphics%20111.png]

Here is the cover sheet for the map pack.

[Image: f0f3f61038PB%20Graphics%20110.png]

Please note the map pack download is just over 16mb. If you have broadband issues a copy will be included with the game.

The download link is here;

Link to; Situation Maps and Scenario Location Maps

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02-25-2014, 10:51 PM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Nice, i like this info, add extra ambientation to the scen, and are easy to understand.

Step by step we know more about game.
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02-26-2014, 12:18 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 12:21 PM by Strela.)
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Hi All,

To go hand in hand with the map pack release we are also releasing the actual game map as captured using the 'Snapshot' function in game. Snapshot is available under the 'File' menu when playing the game and will capture a screenshot and save it into a BMP file. This file can subsequently be edited, or compressed into other graphical formats such as JPG etc.

The map has been taken at zoom level 2 with all labels on and units shown. The counter set chosen for the shot is NATO. The game will ship with both this screenshot and one without units so a planning map is available if required.

Here is a shot of the overall game map;

[Image: c4018d68d4PB%20Graphics%20112.png]

Here is the level of detail when zooming in to a 'one to one' level. This is the level the map is actually captured at.

[Image: 0f8cd5ed8cPB%20Graphics%20113.png]

This is the biggest document (in size) included with the game and weighs in at over 42mb. If you have broadband limits/issues do not download the map - it will be available in the game download.

Here is the link to the file - it will be available for the next week or so.

Link to; Summer Map with Units

We're planning to release the 84 page Designer Notes & FAQ on Wednesday. They contain a lot of information on the game as well as all the details of the 60 scenarios included in the package.

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02-26-2014, 04:48 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 05:37 PM by ComradeP.)
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Thanks for the additional documents.

I didn't have the time to check the new visual OOB document yesterday, so this response is a bit late.

Page 17: Still has a typo in "division" in the header of the page.
Page 27: Still has a typo in "Sturmgeschuetz" (the formation and HQ unit names shouldn't have an e at the end). Currently, the word is plural, but it should be singular (sturmgeschuetz instead of sturmgeschuetze).


I'm a bit surprised that the game's scenarios end on the 12th, but I guess you could say most of the fighting was over then. I was looking forward to play Operation Roland, but I'll read just read some more about it in a book.


In the planning maps document, II SS PzK is displayed with a mechanized infantry NATO icon. Technically, the NATO icon should I believe fit with the type of the HQ if you want to identify it with a unit type counter instead of "HQ with HQ size counter", regardless of the units under its command. II SS PzK should as such have a Tank counter. Even if a Panzer Korps was composed mostly or solely of infantry, the corps HQ would still be indicated by a Tank counter due to its name.

There's also an inconsistency with the SU regiments. In the planning maps, they're identified with a lower case u (Semokhodnaya Ustanovka are two words, so both capital letters) and with "Su artillery regiment" yet in the visual OOB they're identified as SU regiments.
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02-26-2014, 09:25 PM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Great, i am very interested in the Designer notes and FAQ, i really expect find a list of diferences between PzC and PzB this sure help us a lot to move from operational to tactical... well, semi-tactical.

The new snapshot feature looks interesting to create AARs, you know, apart the typical pic you can add a situational map, like the one used in books or the one used in the map doc BUT with more details maybe the problem is pic size.

Well, one day more... or less as you prefer hehehe.
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02-27-2014, 01:10 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
Well the first preview for the game is up over at 'Real & Simulated Wars'

Link to; Real & Simulated Wars Preview Article

Thanks to JC who pulled this together in such a comprehensive manner.

We are actually starting to countdown!

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02-27-2014, 04:10 AM,
RE: The Competition & Teaser Thread
David and crew are putting together a great package of information and this title is looking REALLY interesting! Witch Pot

Awesome job team! Salute2
"Ideals are peaceful. History is violent."
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