Verdun, is a steam based game... 2 game modes, one based in squad system (now are 4 squads in game, Alpen Jagers, Alpine troops, germand infantry squad and french infantry squad) every squad have 4 players with diferent roles (commanders have binos and can call mortar attacks, scout can call a recon plane...) a battle based in squad is a 4 VS 4 squads divided in french and germans, apart this game mode is a rifle mode, clasic deathmach mode all vs all.
The game is not bad but needs more works, is a beta... in future they plan ass canadian squad, stoss troop squad... and maybe more.
Every soldier class has a "level" system, more play the class more weapons sets you have (rifles troops for example in infantry squads open in level 1 bayonet, in level 2 first sniper sight... and later germans for example can use as sniper rifles french rifles).
Apart this squads have levels, more play in same squad more improve it and you can see how you can change the uniforms in top squads, from 1914 uniforms to 1916.