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Campaign Series II?
12-27-2014, 01:49 AM,
Campaign Series II?

Well the second of our 'go-to' games. But, just like PzC, there is what is in use now, and what could be. So, using the same concept as PzC II, what would CSII look like, or what would you want it to look like? What features would you add? What features would you change? The ball is in your court. Remember the old saying, 'if you don't ask for it, you probably won't get it'!

Dennis Jester
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12-28-2014, 12:36 AM,
RE: Campaign Series II?
Isn't the John Tiller "Panzer Battles" series what CSII is?
After viewing the screenshots, I'd have to say I prefer the current Matrix version and hope that the team will not reach for the "golden apple" and make too many drastic changes, to "compete" with Tiller.
I like the terrain. Especially the upgrades.
I like the way the game plays. I'm not a big proponent of making changes because individuals want a bunch of personal preferences. Catering to every whim will only dilute the solid basic game.

Not the two cents you wanted. But, I want the game to stay as is, with few refinements.
Stay away from how it looks for the most part, except to clean up what is already there. More sound improvements. Create a better AI, though not the way "Panzer General" was "upgraded". Give us more scenarios based on the games scale.
And, don't try to force players into 2-D play because the developers like it.

Other than that, I'm cool.

Drink Smoke

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12-28-2014, 07:27 AM,
RE: Campaign Series II?

As regards my version... yours doesn't have to coincide with mine, eh!? I think I get what you're saying... leave the current version intact with improvements, right? For me, I'd like some 'improvements' too. Like a full unit editor would be a good start. A couple of friends and I tried playing an early war scenario... Germans vs. French. From a range of, two or three hexes a French Infantry unit fired on a Pz IV platoon, and took out a tank! At first we thought it was a fluke of some kind, but it kept occurring!

Well, that got our attention! What did the French have that would enable an infantry platoon to fire at a tank from 500 to 750 meters away and take out a tank!? We found the French had an anti-tank rifle during that period. So, we did a little more research. We couldn't find if, or when, it was routinely issued and used by French infantry units. And even if it was, because of the attributes of small caliber rounds at high velocity they didn't seem to be too effective over a couple of hundred meters. Something to do with a round striking at any kind of 'angle' breaks up or deflects. Seems it has to do with size of the round, composition, striking velocity and so on.

Anyway... bottom line is... if we had a full unit editor, we could have corrected this anomaly and played on. As it is, because of this we have situations that occur that shouldn't and as such, none of us, even the Francophile among us, doesn't play the scenarios. So, having the ability to change the attributes of the units would save / restore that period of the war, which is of interest to us.

Dennis Jester
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12-28-2014, 09:05 AM,
RE: Campaign Series II?
There are three ways to revise this:

1. utilize the OP Fire targetting system. Infantry limited to short or non against hard targets will not fire.

2. revise the weapon files and use the no encrypt option.

3. revise the weapon files and send them to me for encryption.

Jason Petho
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12-29-2014, 01:44 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-29-2014, 01:44 AM by Herr Straße Laufer.)
RE: Campaign Series II?
So "we" might not need a CSII after all? Whistle

And, I understand that you had something else in mind. But, even contrary opinions can be posted?
I seem the only one that posted so far? Farmer

I would not ask for major revision for one issue. And, I believe that the product should not be diluted. That opinion will always be expressed. I'm kinda OCD about it. Crazy


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12-30-2014, 09:11 AM,
RE: Campaign Series II?

Sure thing 'HSL'... that's what forums are for... aren't they? I'm sure glad you took the time to reply... 'opposition' posting are a good thing as far as I'm concerned. After all there is no right or wrong answer here. It could get kind of boring if everybody agreed on everything, eh?

Dennis Jester
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12-31-2014, 12:06 AM,
RE: Campaign Series II?
Yes Dennis. Helmet Smile
But, to clarify, I am not against changes that actually fix things.
And, I will always oppose things that people try to add to the game that don't make sense to me (or mostly fudge the scale of the game). ie. dead bodies and broken equipment on the field, and ambulances and field hospitals that effect morale. Twilight Zone

Had you first discussed the problem you found with the French infantry, rather than call for the creation of a whole new "CSII" to fix it, I would have had an entirely different response.
Jason took care of that for me once you brought it to our attention? Idea2


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12-31-2014, 01:57 AM,
RE: Campaign Series II?
I wouldn't mind seeing a few more optional rules, as long as they can be turned on or off.
I'd like to see limits on how far artillery can re-position fire or optional spotting rules so your infantry can remain hidden better if they don't fire for example.
I like to play the big scenarios so another thing I would like to see is a better computer 'set up' in the DCG so that units are somewhat grouped together with their higher formations. It can take quite a while to set up a division in a campaign.
Also a quicker AI would help with the larger scenarios. It can take a long time for the AI to cycle through all the units 3-4 times as it seems to do.
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12-31-2014, 07:37 PM,
RE: Campaign Series II?
I always thought it would have been nice to somehow address couple things:

1. In replay of a PBEM game show only the moves which are spotted by the side watching it. As is the replay has all the moves recreated. I like playing large scenes as teamgames and often when watching replay I am sitting in front of the screen won invisible moves are replayed. I would like to be able to cut invisible moves out to reduce today times, which in large scenes can exceed 30 mins.

2. Air strikes do not materialize of plotted hex is no longer spotted by friendly unit. It would be nice to have something similar to indirect fire on inspired hex. In reality aircraft had got visibility regardless of the ground friendly unit
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12-31-2014, 10:52 PM,
RE: Campaign Series II?
The game does reveal it's limitations when you try to make really large scenarios. I do like to have to not wait through replay. It is why I do not watch them. Rolling Eyes
But, when playing against the AI you are forced to watch the replay? So, it would speed up the game.
Even the out of sight artillery fire could be cut short? Farmer


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