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tournament proposal
05-20-2015, 08:33 AM,
RE: tournament proposal
Good to hear Ratel. Welcome aboard.

I'm writing the ROEs now. Once the concept is explained it will be easy to grasp and understand; it's just taking me some time to properly get this concept into the right words that will leave no questions of understanding.

Once the ROEs are posted, ( probably tomorrow ) I will welcome comments/suggestions but be advised that I have been exploring this game system for close to 7 years now and have come to some firm convictions as to what will work and what will not.

It took considerable time for me to work through a segment transition problem created when the SP CAMO group altered the Artillery Routine by disallowing first turn units from having contact with Artillery. I have it solved but it does create an extra burden of between segment editing.
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05-21-2015, 05:20 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-24-2015, 02:56 AM by oldrocky.)
RE: tournament proposal
Here are the ROEs as they are so far. I'm sure more will be added to this as well as adjustments/alterations made.
Attached ZIP

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.zip   TEAM PLAY 44.zip (Size: 7.52 KB / Downloads: 6)
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05-21-2015, 11:38 AM,
RE: tournament proposal
Cheers. Will have a look when I get some free time.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
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05-21-2015, 03:19 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-22-2015, 06:28 AM by oldrocky.)
RE: tournament proposal
I just added to the ROE a rule overlooked. The Sector Commanding Colonels can move to a different sector at each segment break thus it is possible to face different terrain as well as a different opponent each segment. Also the CG will command a sector as well as being in overall command.

This system can work with only 2 players per team or even 1 player per team commanding multiple sectors.

I don't see much response so far.
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05-22-2015, 06:22 AM,
RE: tournament proposal
I still have to read the ROE.
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05-22-2015, 12:08 PM,
RE: tournament proposal
Very interesting. Complicated but interesting. Difficult for me because my poor English limits me to understand everything well. I have to take classes.
I offer myself to play, if the unit is to move a battalion. And if I just get clear orders that I do. Rifle3 Rifle2 Big Grin
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05-22-2015, 12:21 PM,
RE: tournament proposal
Hi Roman

Good to hear from you after so long. We've had some fun battles in the past. I've not been playing much for the last few years but I'm considering a game or two. Why don't you email me at: [email protected]

So far it's just you and RATEL who have committed to play but I'm still hoping for a couple more players. It'll be a blast watching a complex battle unfold. With this system a commander has the time to use some complex and confounding tactics on an opponent. The regular 20 to 30 turn game is only long enough to rush in and bludgeon your foe while losing most of your force doing it.
Drop me a line.

And anyone else who wants a battle I'll give 1.5 to 1 odds.
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05-22-2015, 01:15 PM,
RE: tournament proposal
Hello oldrocky.
If I remember our battles. Last year I had to leave a few games, Ratel and just against another player, because I had a lot of work.
Now I'm playing. I have 5 battles pending, but are short. So I say that I can play short battles with few units. A battalion level is fine for me.
I send the same message by email.
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05-23-2015, 07:23 AM,
RE: tournament proposal
I would paly as well, I have no idea what is it about, but I will chase the others to get a catch on it :)
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05-23-2015, 08:03 AM,
RE: tournament proposal
SASTroop is on board which is very good. That's 3 so far. As Weasel was saying, 5 or 6 years ago it would have been no problem filling the slots.

You say you don't know what its about so in a nutshell it's a campaign like tourney where one long continuous battle is broken up into 20 turn segments. Every 20 turns the V hex's are adjusted and placed in different spots on the map to reflect the changing tactical situation. Same map, same forces and all the units start the next game right where they ended the last game. If a tank company loses 6 tanks in game 2 then that company will have 6 less tanks in game 3. Just one long battle fought to the bitter end in stages of 20 turns each.

Welcome aboard.

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