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Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
11-29-2015, 02:12 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-30-2015, 10:41 AM by Strela.)
Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
Hi All,

As mentioned in the teaser thread we are going to give you a first look at the amazing Visual Order of Battle created by Mike Avanzini.

We're putting this up as we would like you to review it and post any errors you find in this thread. Mike will keep an eye on any comments here and update the master so it is as correct as can be before release.

I also want to call out David Michas who really pushed us to review all the unit images and get period correct uniforms etc. It meant a lot of extra work, but we're really happy with the end result. Thanks David.

Also please note this Order of Battle shows representative units, not the whole Order of Battle for Normandy.

[Image: PB%20Graphics%20345.jpg]

Link for download (please note the PDF file is approximately 66 MB.

PzB 2 Visual OB Version 2 - Download Link

Remember, please post any issues or observations into this thread, so we keep all the comments in one place.


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11-29-2015, 04:38 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-29-2015, 09:08 AM by ComradeP.)
RE: Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
Looks good, my compliments. It's very nice to have such a document to look at, both as a practical tool and...well, to look at.

Edit: OK, I'll type it twice then, thank you forum software for logging me out. I may have missed one or two observations that I did make the first time, I'll take another look at the document again tomorrow.

All in all, the errors are limited to a typo here and there.



The name for the Belgian infantry brigade might be a matter of preference. It's either the 1st Infantry Brigade (it's official Belgian name) or the Brigade Piron (it's more common name as known to the general public). If it remains the independent brigade, there's a typo in "independent" in the contents overview.

-The word independent is spelled as "independant" for the MG company of the Desert Rats as well.


-The recon unit below the HQ of the 1er RMSM has no classification.


-There's a typo in "Lieutenant Colonel" for the commanders of 6th Airborne's recon regiment, the 3rd Parachute Brigade's parachute battalions, the 5th Parachute Brigade's parachute battalions, the 6th Airlanding Brigade's battalions, Commando battalions,.

-There should be no "-" between Lieutenant and Colonel, just like it isn't there for American units.

-The word "Commander" for the 3rd AT and 3rd, 5th and 6th Brigade's R.E. units is missing an "m"

-Second-in-command is missing the "-" between in and command. As far as I can determine, the indication is usually written in lower case for all three words with no capital letters.

-The continued pages of the Red Devils are missing the " after Devils.

-Field Engineering companies for the Highland division should be Field Engineer companies I think, as Field Engineer in this case refers to the unit names and not directly to their purpose. This approach was chosen for the Desert Rats, and it looks more correct.

-The Rifle Brigade that provided the infantry support for the armoured brigade of the armoured divisions is called "The Rifle Brigade" and not 1st Rifle Brigade in the Normandy OOB's I've seen.

The titles for the battalions of the 131st Infantry Brigade seem odd. For example, the 7th Battalion's name in full was: 7th (Southwark) Battalion The Queen's Regiment (West Surrey). More commonly for companies: 1/7th Battalion, Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey).


-The 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade has a typo in the word Captain for two company commanders.


-The 2nd Polish Motorized Artillery Regiment and the 1st and 2nd Armoured Regiments commander ranks have the "-" in Lieutenant Colonel which shouldn't be there.


-Typo in "battery" for the AT units.



-Aufklärung Kompanie is sometimes written as Aufklärungs Kompanie. It's one word and most commonly written as Aufklaerungskompanie.

-Generalmajor is one word.

-Panzerjäger or Panzerjaeger is one word, without a capital J.


-The commander in the 9th Fallschirmjaeger Regiment has his rank abbreviated.


-Hitlerjugend is written as "Hitlerjugend" on the continued pages but not on the first page.

-The SS Panzerjaeger Abteilung Stab has "Panzer" added to its name by mistake it seems.
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11-29-2015, 05:02 AM,
RE: Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
A most impressive guide.

From the background pictures, to the unit art, to the division insignia patches; a super nice presentation that I hope you guys are proud of.
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11-29-2015, 08:18 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-29-2015, 08:18 AM by Al.)
RE: Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
Nicely done!   Read2
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11-29-2015, 09:35 AM,
RE: Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
Thanks for the preview, great job and very detailed, i know 2 guys that are asking "when when when" at least you have secured 3 sells first day hehehe.

Again thanks and good job, waiting the R-Day.
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11-29-2015, 08:12 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-30-2015, 12:09 AM by wiggum.)
RE: Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
I just looked at the german stuff:

Generally it should be written like this for german units:
1./ Kompanie or 1. Kompanie
[a 1 (or any other number) without a dot is pronounced "eins" or "zwei". A 1 with a dot (1.) is pronounced "erste" or "zweite" like in "erste Kompanie or zweite Kompanie"]
[1./ means "first coy of ...." because the parent organization comes after like 1./PzGrenBtl 153 means "first coy of PzGrenBtl 153]

...and similar
1./ Schwadron or 1. Schwadron
1./ Batterie or 1. Batterie

For heavy Coy's it should be written like this:
4./ Kompanie (schwere) or 4. Kompanie (schwere) or 4./ schwere Kompanie or 4. schwere Kompanie

Generally, words in brackets should start with a small letter (as long as its not a vehicle name like "Tiger"):
(schwere)  or (mot)

While "Stab Panzergrenadier-Regiment xyz" is correct, its...
Stabs-Kompanie and not "Stab Kompanie"
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11-30-2015, 10:43 AM,
RE: Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
Hi All,

Mike has taken on ComradeP & Wiggum's suggestions and a new version of the Visual Order of Battle has been posted.

The updated link is in the first post of this thread.

Please keep all revisions/suggestions in this thread please.

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11-30-2015, 01:04 PM,
RE: Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
(11-30-2015, 10:43 AM)Strela Wrote: Hi All,

Mike has taken on ComradeP & Wiggum's suggestions and a new version of the Visual Order of Battle has been posted.

The updated link is in the first post of this thread.

Please keep all revisions/suggestions in this thread please.

ComradeP and Wiggum,

Thanks for the review and comments. If you find any more please also include the page number as that helps to track them down.

Too much coping and pasting for the British and all those typos compounded to most of the pages :-(
I hope I picked up all the German nuances, but I  doubt it.

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11-30-2015, 06:29 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-30-2015, 06:30 PM by Xaver.)
RE: Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
I have a little suggestion for OOB (and if there is time enough for art area).

Page 38, III Bataillon du Régiment de Marche du Tchad, the 9e compagnie, this was an unit made by ex spanish republican soldiers, i suggest you add in visual OOB in parenthesis his nickname "La nueve" and if is possible add in the M3 one of the names used over them

1.st Section

 2.nd Section
ESPAÑA CAÑI (renamed LIBERATION after liberate Paris)

3rd Section

[Image: 2008-09-10_IMG_2008-09-10_1221059240314_blaco.jpg]

I suggest in same way if is possible add nicknames for companies add them like the names for USA companies Able, Baker... all info is wellcome.

Great job and thanks.
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11-30-2015, 09:09 PM,
RE: Panzer Battles 2 - Visual Order of Battle
(11-30-2015, 06:29 PM)Xaver Wrote: I have a little suggestion for OOB (and if there is time enough for art area).

Page 38, III Bataillon du Régiment de Marche du Tchad, the 9e compagnie, this was an unit made by ex spanish republican soldiers, i suggest you add in visual OOB in parenthesis his nickname "La nueve" and if is possible add in the M3 one of the names used over them

1.st Section

 2.nd Section
ESPAÑA CAÑI (renamed LIBERATION after liberate Paris)

3rd Section

[Image: 2008-09-10_IMG_2008-09-10_1221059240314_blaco.jpg]

I suggest in same way if is possible add nicknames for companies add them like the names for USA companies Able, Baker... all info is wellcome.

Great job and thanks.


You know each vehicle of the 2e DB carries a Christian name
if we do it for "La Nueve" we should do also for the other company/squadron ?

In 1ère section attention to spelling ;) "LES PINGOUÏNS".

My favorite Christian name...the name of the jeep captain Dronne (boss of "La Nueve")..
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