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CS: Middle East Tournament - TOURNAMENT ENDED
02-07-2016, 08:33 PM,
RE: CS Middle East Tournament Now Recruiting!
Both sides having played their turn #8 the score regarding the tanks lost at the moment is five M60s and eleven Merkavas burning with six T-72s knocked out for the other side.
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02-08-2016, 02:04 AM,
RE: CS Middle East Tournament Now Recruiting!
(02-07-2016, 08:33 PM)Battle Kat Wrote: Both sides having played their turn #8 the score regarding the tanks lost at the moment is five M60s and eleven Merkavas burning with six T-72s knocked out for the other side.

All of the M60 and most of the Merkava kills are missile kills though, either from Mi-24s, Tank Destroyers, or BMPs. The T-72's have mostly caused disruptions and retreats, with a small number of Merkava kills.

OTOH, virtually all the T-72 kills have been from Merkava fire.
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02-08-2016, 06:57 AM,
RE: CS Middle East Tournament Now Recruiting!
T-72s play an important role opening the way to missile units though. They are all soft skinned, so need the MBTs in front of them. Team work required for sure!
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02-11-2016, 05:55 AM,
RE: CS Middle East Tournament Now Recruiting!
Greg (RADO) and I finished the first scenario. His side A forces annihilating my side B.

Final score 2705 (Side A major victory)

A losses: 67 (478 pts)
B losses: 285 (1733 pts)

Congrats Greg!

Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly
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02-11-2016, 05:35 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-11-2016, 05:38 PM by Crossroads.)
RE: CS Middle East Tournament Now Recruiting!
(02-11-2016, 05:55 AM)Scud Wrote: Greg (RADO) and I finished the first scenario. His side A forces annihilating my side B.

Final score 2705 (Side A major victory)

A losses: 67 (478 pts)
B losses: 285 (1733 pts)

Congrats Greg!


Thank you commanders! 

Time for a question for everyone again:

(01-07-2016, 03:13 AM)Battle Kat Wrote:
  • Have fun. Stay the course. If real life happens, send me a message I will find a replacement for you. 
  • Optional Rules per Scenario Description
  • Try to maintain a decent turnaround for your turns.

  • Two teams, rotating the sides per round, so everyone gets to play both the IDF and the Libyan / Syrian side of things. 

What I had in my mind first was that we'd switch sides per round, meaning that a player who played A01 as IDF would play A02 as Libyans. 

So: should we proceed like that, or would you like to take more time playing this Tournament through, in playing all scenarios from both sides?

Let me know what you think Helmet Smile
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02-12-2016, 03:18 AM,
RE: CS Middle East Tournament Now Recruiting!
^^ Or, we could set up a model, where the one assigned game per Round earns the player Tournament points, but additional games switching sides would still count towards earing the Participant Medal? Let me know what you think.

Meanwhile, RADO agreed to have Fritzfarlig sent to the front by trying the scenario next as Libya. I've sent the emails. Good hunting!
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02-14-2016, 06:43 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-14-2016, 07:47 PM by Crossroads.)
RE: CS Middle East Tournament Now Recruiting!
Panzerde and I just finished our game. I was not part of the playtesting team for the "Set A" so these were new to me too. Having said that, I have found out the 1980's battles are my particular sweet spot, and this is an area of the game I have spent the most time with.

As a plan I decided to not contest the two 250VP hexes at the crossroads, but decided to try a game of attrition rather, and to save assets to try something at the latter half of the game. With the loss of the said hexes (500VP), with the IDF objectives held in the beginning (800VP) and casualties even-steven, the result would be a Draw at 1300VPs then.

Panzerde, having already played this as Libyans, was curious to find out if a one concentrated IDF spearhead relying on their Op Fire in slowly advancing would be possible to stop at all, and played accordingly.

As it played out, at the end and attrition wise were at Draw at 1120 points. My raid to Karam with two reinforced Coy task forces, which I launched midway into the game paid out, was then what made the difference.

While the other Coy task force was stopped cold, the other Coy managed to fight its way to have visuals on the IDF assets (depots, factories) at the northern edge of the town. With artillery to keep defenders busy and Gunships attacking those valuable targets I was able to destroy the two depots in the northern edge, for the decisive 2*8*25VP = 400 VPs. I had a late chance to try attacking towards the southern edge of the town for the one depot worth 200VP there, but that was repulsed decisively. The fourth depot in the area I never spotted and actually assumed there'd be only three of them, like with Libyans at El Barqa.

IDF casualties were 68 Merkava's and M60s, most victims to my ATGM units. With infantry platoons keeping a constant LOS with advancing IDF units, I tried to spot an isolated IDF concentration and then used my T-72s at the visibility range to duel with Merkavas and to open a chance for the soft skinned missile units to their deeds. On the other hand I tried to have my force out of LOS as much as possible, so I was yielding ground all the time. What especially helped I had a shorter trip to rearm my Gunships, so they were around for most of the time. We both made a bit of a mess with handling the reload mechanism, so I made a request to have more details available in the final 1.02 manual to explain the various aspects that take place here.

Libyan losses were at 35 T-72s and 53 BMP-1/BRDM2 w.Saggers. As noted above, I used my infantry to protect my mobile group and to keep LOS to advancing IDF forces. It was particularly brutal for them, at the end only a couple of shot out platoons survived the battle of the crossroads, withdrawing finally out of LOS. Friendly infantry losses were at 50sp vs 14sp of IDF rifle platoons.

As a meeting engagement with onus for attack on IDF forces, it seems this can be played out with many alternate tactics. IDF player seems to have the characteristics of Mike Tyson here, moving swiftly towards a decisive punch for an early knock-out, while Libyan player seems to have the characteristics of Muhammad Ali to dance around the opponent looking for those chances as they comet to hit hard too.

edit: we played this with all optional rules ON except AF OFF
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02-26-2016, 06:54 AM,
RE: CS Middle East Tournament Now Recruiting!
(02-14-2016, 06:43 PM)Battle Kat Wrote: Panzerde and I just finished our game. I was not part of the playtesting team for the "Set A" so these were new to me too. Having said that, I have found out the 1980's battles are my particular sweet spot, and this is an area of the game I have spent the most time with.

As a plan I decided to not contest the two 250VP hexes at the crossroads, but decided to try a game of attrition rather, and to save assets to try something at the latter half of the game. With the loss of the said hexes (500VP), with the IDF objectives held in the beginning (800VP) and casualties even-steven, the result would be a Draw at 1300VPs then.

Panzerde, having already played this as Libyans, was curious to find out if a one concentrated IDF spearhead relying on their Op Fire in slowly advancing would be possible to stop at all, and played accordingly.

As it played out, at the end and attrition wise were at Draw at 1120 points. My raid to Karam with two reinforced Coy task forces, which I launched midway into the game paid out, was then what made the difference.

While the other Coy task force was stopped cold, the other Coy managed to fight its way  to have visuals on the IDF assets (depots, factories) at the northern edge of the town. With artillery to keep defenders busy and Gunships attacking those valuable targets I was able to destroy the two depots in the northern edge, for the decisive 2*8*25VP = 400 VPs. I had a late chance to try attacking towards the southern edge of the town for the one depot worth 200VP there, but that was repulsed decisively. The fourth depot in the area I never spotted and actually assumed there'd be only three of them, like with Libyans at El Barqa.

IDF casualties were 68 Merkava's and M60s, most victims to my ATGM units. With infantry platoons keeping a constant LOS with advancing IDF units, I tried to spot an isolated IDF concentration and then used my T-72s at the visibility range to duel with Merkavas and to open a chance for the soft skinned missile units to their deeds. On the other hand I tried to have my force out of LOS as much as possible, so I was yielding ground all the time. What especially helped I had a shorter trip to rearm my Gunships, so they were around for most of the time. We both made a bit of a mess with handling the reload mechanism, so I made a request to have more details available in the final 1.02 manual to explain the various aspects that take place here.  

Libyan losses were at 35 T-72s and 53 BMP-1/BRDM2 w.Saggers. As noted above, I used my infantry to protect my mobile group and to keep LOS to advancing IDF forces. It was particularly brutal for them, at the end only a couple of shot out platoons survived the battle of the crossroads, withdrawing finally out of LOS. Friendly infantry losses were at 50sp vs 14sp of IDF rifle platoons.

As a meeting engagement with onus for attack on IDF forces, it seems this can be played out with many alternate tactics. IDF player seems to have the characteristics of Mike Tyson here, moving swiftly towards a decisive punch for an early knock-out, while Libyan player seems to have the characteristics of Muhammad Ali to dance around the opponent looking for those chances as they comet to hit hard too.

edit: we played this with all optional rules ON except AF OFF

OK, I just finished my game with Ole Rasmusseno.

Side A (Israel) Fritzfarlig (Ole) Point Loss 1819
Side B (Libya) Rado ( Greg) Point Loss 1432

Total points 513 Libya Minor Victory.

Exciting to the last turn!  The Major Victory for Libya was obtainable; I just screwed it up. Close, but no cigar.
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02-26-2016, 06:01 PM,
RE: CS Middle East Tournament Now Recruiting!
Thank you RADO! Boisforas and Aces8 just reported to me their result as well (Libyan Minor victory), so there's soon now enough players to get the Round Two started with Scenario A02.

While at it, anyone out there who prefers AF=OFF in addition to me? Again, the default set-up will be the one defined by scenario description, ALL ON except Variable Visibility, unless otherwise agreed by *both* players.

I'll set the first games for next round this Sunday, I am traveling at the moment.
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02-28-2016, 01:28 AM,
RE: CS Middle East Tournament Now Recruiting!
I'm behind the power curve at the moment. Most of this past week. Took my wife to the ER Tue after having abdominal pain for going on five days. Turns out she had appendicitis, had surgery and we are back and trying to get things back on track again.
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