04-05-2020, 06:29 AM,
RE: home or work
I got early retirement so I've been bunkering in place for several years now.
Interestingly enough, I got a call from my old company, GE Nuclear, asking if I could help them out with an outage at the Fermi Nuke Plant. Fermi is basically south Detroit, and I almost laughed in their face, but decided to politely decline.
Not that I have anything against Detroit, after all Windsor is right there to keep them in line and all, but hey, I'm not flying, I'm not driving, I'm going to die right here in my own home or not die in my own home.
That is confusing...but it's for sure not whining...besides I have several scenarios to work on...;)
04-05-2020, 08:55 AM,

Posts: 3,107
Joined: Mar 2001
RE: home or work
(04-05-2020, 06:29 AM)Dan Caviness Wrote: I got early retirement so I've been bunkering in place for several years now.
Interestingly enough, I got a call from my old company, GE Nuclear, asking if I could help them out with an outage at the Fermi Nuke Plant. Fermi is basically south Detroit, and I almost laughed in their face, but decided to politely decline.
Not that I have anything against Detroit, after all Windsor is right there to keep them in line and all, but hey, I'm not flying, I'm not driving, I'm going to die right here in my own home or not die in my own home.
That is confusing...but it's for sure not whining...besides I have several scenarios to work on...;)
Dan, do not die in your own home.. I owe you a game... Can't deliver, if you're not home.. Be safe my friend!
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.
04-05-2020, 12:08 PM,
Big Ivan
Super Moderator
Posts: 1,484
Joined: Sep 2003
RE: home or work
(04-05-2020, 01:46 AM)RedDevil Wrote: (03-30-2020, 11:40 AM)Big Ivan Wrote: All scary stuff indeed!
Hospital care, being infected, survivability, cost to my pocket book? I don't give a flying fart! I busted my fanny for 37 years in the steel business. If there is anyone out there that thinks its easy working to make steel in a mill then call me. I will definitely set you strait! It is freaking dangerous!! In the time I have been in the mills, 5 people have died and countless injured. I came close once during an Electric Arc Furnace explosion. I remember that day like it was yesterday 28 years ago!
I figure I have lived a good life, tried to treat people like I want to be treated and always tried to find a happy median. At 65 I figure I am closer to my death than my birth because I doubt with the cigs, beer and bourbon intake I'll make 130 years, simple math. So there ya have it! It is what it is, right?
I have no children only a beautiful wife who I tried to make sure that she has enough money to survive without me.
Unfortunately that's more than my father could do with my mom, my brother and me before he passed when I was 10 months old in 1955.
So if anyone on this forum wants to whine, go talk to the power pole out at the road!
Time to suck it up and stop your complaining!!
Stand up Americans!
Deal with it boys and girls!
Respect! John. Some of us are there .. right beside you, different profession, just as dangerous.. IOHO... A little more worry on my end, with a couple kids, working in grocery, wife working there too.. Life is, as we live it, and this daily BS "China buggery" keeping us on our toes, is worse than any Storm 555 we played.. keep your ammo dry, my friend.
Hey Dev, mucho thanks for coming back bro!
To me this is scary stuff! Scary because of the numbers! Everyone here knows or at least I think they know I am a degreed engineer. Numbers and statistics are my life when I worked. Even though I retired they still are! Can't put them down...sorry!
I couldn't help but think that my father and mother were born in 1920 and 1924 respectively. They are gone now, but even they did not experience the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918! Look at the history books, that pandemic was bad one!
Welcome to the new world I guess!
I read so much crap on the net and FB and then see it more than I care to on the networks.
This virus is a message from the almighty, if most people reading this believes in a supreme entity! The time is now to put our petty differences aside as Americans. Put Democrat and Republican aside. Put rich and poor aside and on and on. I truly believe this time is our generation's World War and us boomers need to lead the way! Its a war not against an enemy we can see but one we can't see. Makes it tough, I know. But through conviction, example, perseverance and love our "boomer" generation can make it happen and get all Americans through it!
A lot of people are making a lot of sacrifices and I see that like you and your family Dev are doing, to make sure the rest of us have food on the table and I thank you for that!! When this mess is over the un-sung people going the little things behind the scenes for all of us Americans, that no one will know about, will be the real hero's in all this!
Please stay safe all!!