RE: Higher Command Organisation (could more be done)
In addition to the technique Ricky B has mentioned I zoom out to a high level, #1 or #2 on the keyboard depending on screen size and resolution, set the letter "K" for Command range then click on a unit to highlight it. Right click that same unit to see where it sits in the TOE. Then use the letter "O" hotkey followed by multiple Alt "O" keystrokes to climb the ladder to the level of organization I want to see. Since I right clicked the unit I was interested in I already know how many ALT "O" clicks I need. Works fast. If I think I am not seeing the division for example, I just right click the unit I originally selected and check which level in the organization is highlighted.
In some games you will notice an extra level that you need to pass through to get to the next level that shows a change in units highlighted. An example is if there is a regiment, brigade or kampfgruppe on the back of the unit counter. These levels do not change highlighting on the map. They are are just for historical reference. Just keep climbing the ladder with an extra ALT "O" click and you will get to division, corps, army etc.
Dog Soldier
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp