RE: Anti-Cheat Features in TOAW III
You can certainly save the file, and resume at a later time, and it won't (shouldn't) generate a cheat report. You can likewise save multiple times, as many as you like, and it's not a problem if, after you quit, you go to the latest save, to recommence. The problem is, if you have multiple saves, and open one of the older ones (ie, not the latest).
There are some grey areas here; for example, if you open an older save merely to look at it (you're doing an AAR, want a screenshot, etc), but don't actually continue play from that save, you are just looking, then close back out, I think you could probably then go to your most recent save, and continue your game, without generating a cheat report; if two of you can test that, let me know. Also, if you are experiencing anything else unusual, let me know, I'll report it.
I'm playing a game now with a newbie, and haven't had any kind of cheat or multiple reload reports, and I assume (and hope!) he hasn't either, so it seems pretty clean, as long as you just save so you can resume from the same position at a later time.